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The First Test That Proves General Theory of Relativity Wrong ^ | March 24th, 2006, 12:39 GMT ยท | By Vlad Tarko

Posted on 02/20/2014 3:47:32 PM PST by Kevmo

According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, a moving mass should create another field, called gravitomagnetic field, besides its static gravitational field. This field has now been measured for the first time and to the scientists' astonishment, it proved to be no less than one hundred million trillion times larger than Einstein's General Relativity predicts.

According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, a moving mass should create another field, called gravitomagnetic field, besides its static gravitational field. This field has now been measured for the first time and to the scientists' astonishment, it proved to be no less than one hundred million trillion times larger than Einstein's General Relativity predicts.

This gravitomagnetic field is similar to the magnetic field produced by a moving electric charge (hence the name "gravitomagnetic" analogous to "electromagnetic"). For example, the electric charges moving in a coil produce a magnetic field - such a coil behaves like a magnet. Similarly, the gravitomagnetic field can be produced to be a mass moving in a circle. What the electric charge is for electromagnetism, mass is for gravitation theory (the general theory of relativity).

A spinning top weights more than the same top standing still. However, according to Einstein's theory, the difference is negligible. It should be so small that we shouldn't even be capable of measuring it. But now scientists from the European Space Agancy, Martin Tajmar, Clovis de Matos and their colleagues, have actually measured it. At first they couldn't believe the result.

"We ran more than 250 experiments, improved the facility over 3 years and discussed the validity of the results for 8 months before making this announcement. Now we are confident about the measurement," says Tajmar. They hope other physicists will now conduct their own versions of the experiment so they could be absolutely certain that they have really measured the gravitomagnetic field and not something else. This may be the first empiric clue for how to merge together quantum mechanics and general theory of relativity in a single unified theory.

"If confirmed, this would be a major breakthrough," says Tajmar, "it opens up a new means of investigating general relativity and its consequences in the quantum world."

The experiment involved a ring of superconducting material rotating up to 6 500 times a minute. According to quantum theory, spinning superconductors should produce a weak magnetic field. The problem was that Tajmar and de Matos experiments with spinning superconductors didn't seem to fit the theory - although in all other aspects the quantum theory gives incredibly accurate predictions. Tajmar and de Matos then had the idea that maybe the quantum theory wasn't wrong after all but that there was some additional effect overlapping over their experiments, some effect they neglected.

What could this other effect be? They thought maybe it's the gravitomagnetic field - the fact that the spinning top exerts a higher gravitational force. So, they placed around the spinning superconductor a series of very sensible acceleration sensors for measuring whether this effect really existed. They obtained more than they bargained for!

Although the acceleration produced by the spinning superconductor was 100 millionths of the acceleration due to the Earth's gravitational field, it is a surprising one hundred million trillion times larger than Einstein's General Relativity predicts. Thus, the spinning top generated a much more powerful gravitomagnetic field than expected.

Now, it remains the need for a proper theory. Scientists can also now check whether candidate theories, such as the string theory, can describe this experiment correctly. Moreover, this experiment shows that gravitational waves should be much more easily to detect than previously thought.

TOPICS: Science
KEYWORDS: alberteinstein; antigravity; bollocks; electrogravitics; ftl; generalrelativity; gravitomagnetics; gravity; gravityshielding; kevmo; lenr; physics; podkletnov; relativitymyass; science; specialrelativity; stringtheory; superconductors
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To: Kevmo
Experiment that is almost certainly wrong, or large galaxies would be sucking their local small cluster galaxies in at rates that astronomers would have seen a long time ago.

First: the article is wrong. The magnetic analogue of the gravitational field is not a prediction of general relativity. It is a consequence of the Lorentz invariance of physics, and was predicted by Heaviside in 1892, 14 years before the special theory of relativity, and 24 years before the general theory of relativity, using an analogy with Maxwell's equations (which were already Lorentz invariant) but no one [then] knew why.

Second: If the effect was genuinely a manifestation of a magnetic analogue of gravity (which does indeed exist) if it existed at the strength quoted, an enormous laboratory [called "the universe" -- you may have heard of it] would be able to duplicate the results in stars, galaxies, and clusters. It doesn't. That's why there has been no follow up to this blunderously awesome "experiment" in eight years, but don't worry; some LENR researcher will no doubt be selling an "Einstein Was Wrong Relativity Generator®" any day now, for just $1 million per unit.

41 posted on 02/20/2014 5:44:35 PM PST by FredZarguna (Das ist nicht nur nicht richtig, es ist nicht einmal falsch!)
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To: FredZarguna

That’s why there has been no follow up to this blunderously awesome “experiment” in eight years,
***well, that must mean the vast majority of science is populated with guys like you, who prefer to act disdainfully rather than publish a retort to an experiment that is SO OBVIOUSLY wrong.

but don’t worry; some LENR researcher will no doubt be selling an “Einstein Was Wrong Relativity Generator®” any day now, for just $1 million per unit.
***It looks like I don’t need to worry about science losing its arrogance, either, huh? When there’s so many guys like you who have such vast knowledge and deem themselves worthy to denigrate others who are so much stupider than you. Nope, we can’t expect such arrogant bass turds to actually publish such a retort, to investigate it, to educate the public even after sucking off the guvmint teat their entire soul-sucking careers. Like you did. No, we can’t expect scientists to do their jobs. But we CAN expect them to act like unsufferable jerks and to cross thread boundaries on a conservative website so they can look SO EDUCATED. Yup, that’s about what we can expect from guys like you.

So, since you’re so educated, so smart, and so arrogant, it should be so easy for you to explain how large this effect should be when they set about measuring it. For instance, if it should show up as a milliwatt-level observation and they’re not seeing it except in the... uhh, femto(?)watt range, why is that? Well, smarty pants?

And while you’re at it, why is it that the F-P anomalous Heat effect that you so denigrate has been REPLICATED more than 14,000 times? Well, yerup, smart guy. Try to avoid all those freshman level logical fantasies you’ve been so famous for.

42 posted on 02/20/2014 6:02:49 PM PST by Kevmo ("A person's a person, no matter how small" ~Horton Hears a Who)
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To: Kevmo

I suspect the results will be shown to be in error because experiment has already shown that the effect cannot be more than 10 times stronger than Einstein’s prediction——i.e., detectors placed years ago would have picked up the effect if it were any more than 10 times the predicted strength. Still waiting on getting that last bit of sensitivity out of the experiment (in Louisiana, of all places).

43 posted on 02/20/2014 6:10:04 PM PST by Cruising Speed
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To: Cruising Speed

I suspect the results will be shown to be in error because experiment has already shown that the effect cannot be more than 10 times stronger than Einstein’s prediction
***The issue here is that the observed effect is 20 orders of magnitude LESS than Einstein’s prediction, although Fraudzagonner says the prediction belongs to Lorentz.

44 posted on 02/20/2014 6:12:12 PM PST by Kevmo ("A person's a person, no matter how small" ~Horton Hears a Who)
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To: Cruising Speed

10 times stronger
***That is 1 order of magnitude. 100 times would be 2 Orders of magnitude stronger, 1000 times 3 Orders, 1Mtimes 6 Orders, and so on. The observed effect is off by 20 orders of magnitude. we’re not talking 10 or 12X off, it’s one hundred million trillion times wrong.

45 posted on 02/20/2014 6:17:25 PM PST by Kevmo ("A person's a person, no matter how small" ~Horton Hears a Who)
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To: chrisser; Kevmo

Boyd Bushman placed two very strong magnets North to North and then placed them in a ball. He dropped them and a second ball the same size from the fifth floor of a bldg. at McDonald Douglas in Texas. The magnet holding ball arrived AFTER the non-magnet but otherwise identical ball.

46 posted on 02/20/2014 6:25:32 PM PST by MHGinTN (Being deceived can be cured.)
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Did he publish a paper on it?

47 posted on 02/20/2014 6:26:56 PM PST by Kevmo ("A person's a person, no matter how small" ~Horton Hears a Who)
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To: djf

Cancelling inertial mass ... ‘they’ have been doing it for decades now.

48 posted on 02/20/2014 6:28:37 PM PST by MHGinTN (Being deceived can be cured.)
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To: tophat9000; SunkenCiv

but it may involve strings
***Sounds like something Sunken_Civ would be interested in.

49 posted on 02/20/2014 6:28:38 PM PST by Kevmo ("A person's a person, no matter how small" ~Horton Hears a Who)
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To: Kevmo; babygene; betty boop; TXnMA
Thank you for the heads up, dear Kevmo!

I think Alamo Girl is familiar with that evidence. She seems to think it isn’t the case. The problematic issue with C is in the first few milliseconds of creation when Matter supposedly moved faster than C.

It isn't that matter moved faster than the speed of light but rather that, in the inflationary model, the universe itself (space/time) expanded faster than the speed of light (in the very early moments.)

50 posted on 02/20/2014 6:53:41 PM PST by Alamo-Girl
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To: Kevmo

Don’t worry, string theory proves everything.

Just a few more dimensions and no physical provability and you can tax it.

51 posted on 02/20/2014 7:12:00 PM PST by Eddie01 (Liberals lie about everything all the time.)
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To: Kevmo
I cannot recall where he published it, but yes, he even attached sworn statements from witnesses.

You might find the following link useful, since it puts into math the 'why' of Bushman's experiment:

52 posted on 02/20/2014 7:39:12 PM PST by MHGinTN (Being deceived can be cured.)
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To: Eddie01

string theory proves everything.
***My DOT theory is so much better. It will help Luddite anti-science bandwagon joiners to operate for at least 2 more generations before they’re shown up.

53 posted on 02/20/2014 7:41:04 PM PST by Kevmo ("A person's a person, no matter how small" ~Horton Hears a Who)
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To: Kevmo
"We ran more than 250 experiments, improved the facility over 3 years and discussed the validity of the results for 8 months before making this announcement. Now we are confident about the measurement," says Tajmar. They hope other physicists will now conduct their own versions of the experiment so they could be absolutely certain that they have really measured the gravitomagnetic field and not something else."

Too bad the warmist "scientists" aren't so interested in confirmation of their data.

54 posted on 02/20/2014 7:51:31 PM PST by norwaypinesavage (Galileo: In science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of one individual)
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To: varmintman

I took courses on both differential geometry and relativity, and I am confused by your statement. Relativity is just one application of differential geometry, and I can assure you that Einstein was correct, gravity is a result of the space-time geometry that we live in.

55 posted on 02/20/2014 7:52:09 PM PST by Do the math (Doug)
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To: SuperLuminal

Absolutely not!!!!!! Listening to scumbag guarantees that one LOSES weight. by throwing up.

56 posted on 02/20/2014 8:38:28 PM PST by dglang
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To: colorado tanker; Kevmo; 6SJ7; AdmSmith; AFPhys; Arkinsaw; allmost; aristotleman; autumnraine; ...
Hot damn! Funny thing is, there's never been any observations or experiments that supported relativity without resorting to assumptions based on relativity. Thanks colorado tanker, and thanks kevmo.

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57 posted on 02/20/2014 9:08:34 PM PST by SunkenCiv (
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To: Do the math
The "math" for this one is relatively simple and involves nothing more than grasping the difference between squared and cubed quantities.

The strongest human athletes... You should probably start by understanding that muscle tissue for vertebrate animals is pretty nearly all the same, human muscle tissue as good as that of any other an animal... the strongest human athletes are top power lifters who weigh around 350 or thereabouts and a maximal total-body lift (squat or deadlift) for one of those guys is going to fall around 900 - 1000 lbs. No herbivore the same size could lift that much for obvious reasons. The weightlifter's body is mainly muscle while the herbivore's body is mostly gut for digesting low value food. The first herbivore which could do anything with 1000 lbs other than be squashed by it would be an elephant.

But you lose power/weight RATIO as you get bigger no matter what you do, weight being proportional to volume (a cubed figure) and strength proportion to cross section of trunk and limbs, which are squared figures. Double your dimensions, and you cut your power/weight ratio in half.

Mathematically, the point at which top lifters become dysfunctional because of that square/cube problem is around 20,000 lbs and the biggest elephants are around 14,000 - 15,000. That's the present size limit for Earth. That means that there has been a very large increase in gravity on our planet fairly recently, and it means that everything Einstein ever said about gravity is wrong. Gravity is not any sort of a geometry thing, it's an electrostatic dipole effect of some sort.

58 posted on 02/20/2014 9:13:45 PM PST by varmintman
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To: tophat9000

My cat can expound string theory!

59 posted on 02/20/2014 9:17:14 PM PST by SgtHooper (If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.)
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To: FredZarguna

Ooor, if you order right now, you get two for the price of one, and a free time machine.

60 posted on 02/20/2014 9:20:20 PM PST by SgtHooper (If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.)
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