Posted on 08/28/2009 5:07:24 PM PDT by Falcon28
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's SarahPAC has donated money to the campaigns of Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Orrin Hatch of Utah, as well as to Republican Ohio Senate candidate Rob Portman, according to a Friday filing with the Federal Election Commission.
The exact amounts of the contributions were not reported, but Palin had to list the names of candidates she had financially supported to make SarahPAC a bona fide political action committee.
Her contributions to Arizona Sen. John McCain, for whom she served as a running mate in the 2008 presidential campaign, and Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski had been reported in a previous filings
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To buy his silence. I’m okay with that. Let’s see if he keeps his end of the bargain.
Chambliss didn’t hold up his end the other day and I’m pissed at him for that.
Not sure what to do about it, though.
$200 (or $250) is minimum reporting requirement.
I think it maybe $200 just scanning some of the itemized donations.
Your post is inane and a completely illogical response to mine. (What are they putting in the coffee urns at The Cracker Barrel these days??)
Buy his silence for what? You mean she paid him off so that he votes NO on DeathCare..hey if that’s the case, can she pay everyone off, cause I want that bill to fail miserably
No, no, no. All she gets is grief from the beltway. It’s a bone so he doesn’t diss her messages. He’s nothing more than Krauthammer, Rich Lowry clone so why not contribute and keep him in line. Lyndsey Graham isn’t going anywhere, unfortunately, might as well keep him corraled. Maybe it works maybe it doesn’t.
Like I mentioned earlier, she gave money to Lindsey Graham, but for what, he isnt even running. He is up for re-election in 2014, NOT 2010. Why would she give money to someone who isnt even running, nor campaigning.
I can’t answer for Palin’s donations nor why she would donate to another Gang of 14 member. The one thing it did was meet the qualifications of donating to five federal candidates....
Oh, hmmm..Ok..interesting theory. But knowing Graham, he will stab her in the back, just like all the rest of them. Chambliss already did it and she gave him something more valuable then money, she got him elected. Knowing what a sleaze bag Graham is he will probably end up voting yes on DeathCare. Just watch, they are all the same
Agreed on the backstabbing thing. I don't trust Graham, AT ALL, donated to his opponent last year (lost money, now, but whatever).
By the way, this is political chess, I wouldn't be surprised if Malek has his prints on this.
“no one gives a damn”
First off, try to keep the conversation above fold - you can't have civil discourse with someone by starting your paragraph off like that.
Here's how to guarantee a conservative super majority:
1) Stop donating to RINOs ( first)
2) Start donating to conservatives.
Here are some conservatives running for congress in 2010:
Marco Rubio
Jim Deakin
Ryan Frazier
Chuck DeVore
All four of these CONSERVATIVES are running tough races against RINOs. Let's support them.
Graham was the only one on that list that made me go NO NO NO. McCain I totally understood, Murkowski, yeah I get that one, since she had no plans on running against her, Portman I never heard of, can’t pass judgment on him, Orrin Hatch, well, I can go either way with him, but Lindsey Graham, he reminds me of a used car salesman, slick, but not in a good way. Most of these Republicans will stab her in the back. In fact, I’d like to know what Lindsey’s thought were of “Death Panels” or what he thinks of ObamaCare, is he for it or against it. I wouldn’t be surprised if Malek was somehow involved in giving her advice as to who do give money to. He has supported her since the beginning and she would probably turn to him for advice, but Lindsey Graham, BAD ADVICE. I’d stay away from him no matter what
You have nailed it 100%.
My point of the discussion was to find justification for what I think are a couple of politically dubious contributions (i.e. her base will not be happy, and we are going to be spending the next 24 hours defending this). I trust Sarah, and give her and SarahPac the benefit of ANY doubt.
Me: Did Reagan's VP pick of Richard Schweiker suggest to you that he was a liberal like Schweiker?
The above question remains unanswered by Falcon28.
Do you think she got any money for Graham? His name doesn’t show in the donor list but then it could be some other name of a committee/pac other than graham.
Hey as long as she doesn’t give money to Nancy Pelosi it’s all good LOL. Will I agree with every single person she donates money to, of course not. The Republican party right now is comprised of mostly RINOS, or if they are not RINOS, they are afraid to come out and say one bad thing about Obama. What can she do, she is damned if she does and damned if she doesn’t. I trust her judgment, whoever she decides to give money to is justified. She gave money to Lindsey Graham, so be it, its her decision, I can live with it. Do I like the guy, NO, would I personally give money to him, absolutely not, but she had her reason in doing so and that’s fine with me. I hope she gives money to Mark Rubio and John Kasich(I think I’m spelling his name right) she already endorsed Rick Perry which I am very happy about. A lot of people don’t like Rick Perry, so either way she is damned. After reading the crap out of Kay Bailey Hutchinson’s mouth I am glad she did not endorse her
He must have, if I were to believe that the list provided is in its entirety, I would have to believe that not one single politician gave her a dime, that it was only made by people like us. Don’t other politicians usually give to Pac’s, maybe not a huge donation but at least something. Rob Portman, he must have given something, never heard of the guy til today(of course I don’t follow Ohio politics) Orrin Hatch I knew about weeks ago, but Lindsey Graham and Rob Portman came out of nowhere
I don't know, that's the rumor. I don't know how PACs work.
Regardless, Graham is a beltway, media darling and picking on Sarah would make news. He wanted Lieberman and I don't think he hasn't gotten over Sarah being the VP pick. So my thinking is this is some kind of reciprocal offering. Gosh, I'm no expert this is just speculation on my part. Just trying to connect the dots while defending Sarah against the accusations that will come that she is some kind of RINO turncoat.
Do you think the Sarahpac lied in its filings? They don’t list any donors from 11. (b) Political Party Commitees (c) Other Political Committees (such as PACS) nor do I find any politican’s name in the listed 709 donors meeting the minimum requirement listing. The ‘Detailed Summary” in post #98 is telling, imo.
Sarah is storing up markers, folks.
What it suggests is that conservatives should stay away from RINOs like the plague. Reagan should have stayed away from Schweiker and Palin (if she is a real conservative) should stay away from donating to RINOs like Graham.
These donations don't help her. I concluded she wasn't a conservative when she started blaming “wall street greed” for the all the economic turmoil - she must have said it a thousand times - like she was reading Democrat talking points. She made little mention of too much gov’t intervention and regulation in the markets. Her support for "comprehensive immig. reform further confirmed it.
She still has a couple years to learn conservatism, we'll see.
No of course they are not lying. But I am not sure if Pac’s are supposed to reveal politician’s names who contribute money. Let’s compare this to Romney’s Pac or Huckabee’s Pac, did they ever disclose politicians who gave money to them?
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