Hey as long as she doesn’t give money to Nancy Pelosi it’s all good LOL. Will I agree with every single person she donates money to, of course not. The Republican party right now is comprised of mostly RINOS, or if they are not RINOS, they are afraid to come out and say one bad thing about Obama. What can she do, she is damned if she does and damned if she doesn’t. I trust her judgment, whoever she decides to give money to is justified. She gave money to Lindsey Graham, so be it, its her decision, I can live with it. Do I like the guy, NO, would I personally give money to him, absolutely not, but she had her reason in doing so and that’s fine with me. I hope she gives money to Mark Rubio and John Kasich(I think I’m spelling his name right) she already endorsed Rick Perry which I am very happy about. A lot of people don’t like Rick Perry, so either way she is damned. After reading the crap out of Kay Bailey Hutchinson’s mouth I am glad she did not endorse her
Sarah is storing up markers, folks.