Graham was the only one on that list that made me go NO NO NO. McCain I totally understood, Murkowski, yeah I get that one, since she had no plans on running against her, Portman I never heard of, can’t pass judgment on him, Orrin Hatch, well, I can go either way with him, but Lindsey Graham, he reminds me of a used car salesman, slick, but not in a good way. Most of these Republicans will stab her in the back. In fact, I’d like to know what Lindsey’s thought were of “Death Panels” or what he thinks of ObamaCare, is he for it or against it. I wouldn’t be surprised if Malek was somehow involved in giving her advice as to who do give money to. He has supported her since the beginning and she would probably turn to him for advice, but Lindsey Graham, BAD ADVICE. I’d stay away from him no matter what
You have nailed it 100%.
My point of the discussion was to find justification for what I think are a couple of politically dubious contributions (i.e. her base will not be happy, and we are going to be spending the next 24 hours defending this). I trust Sarah, and give her and SarahPac the benefit of ANY doubt.