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Obama's birth certificate: Final chapter. This time we mean it!
St. Petersburg Times ^ | 7/1/09 | Robert Fartley

Posted on 07/06/2009 5:42:02 PM PDT by pissant

Back on June 27, 2008, PolitiFact published a story we hoped would put the whole Obama birth certificate controversy to rest. It ran under the now-laughable headline, "Obama's birth certificate: Final chapter."

Oh, how naive we were.

More than a year later, the debate continues to rage on the Internet among the "Birthers" movement, people who doubt that President Barack Obama is a natural-born U.S. citizen and is therefore ineligible to serve as president. Or at least, they say, Obama has yet to sufficiently prove things one way or the other.

Today, we examine two claims:

• WorldNetDaily's owners took out an ad saying White House spokesman Robert Gibbs "lied" when he said President Obama's birth certificate is posted on the Internet. We ruled that statement False .

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

KEYWORDS: certifigate; getalife; larrysinclairslover; nirthers; obama
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To: hoosiermama

His name is Farley, which the poster deliberately (?) mis-spelled as Fartley.

21 posted on 07/06/2009 6:16:29 PM PDT by mrmeangenes
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To: pissant

***Your rulings, Mr. Fartley, are as flawed as they were last year. A COLB is NOT a birth Certificate.***

Can we rule that this is a passing cloud of fartrogen dioxide?

22 posted on 07/06/2009 6:16:58 PM PDT by MarkBsnr ( I would not believe in the Gospel if the authority of the Catholic Church did not move me to do so.)
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To: mrmeangenes

In addition,what this guy says makes a whole lot of sense-even though we’re political opposites.

23 posted on 07/06/2009 6:19:11 PM PDT by mrmeangenes
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To: pissant

“• A chain e-mail claims that the Free Flow of Information Act of 2009 “would guarantee Barack Obama will never be held accountable for producing forged birth documents.” It would not; it’s actually a shield law to protect journalists from having to reveal confidential sources. We ruled the chain e-mail statement Pants on Fire!”

They are claiming this Act will shield Obama.

24 posted on 07/06/2009 6:19:24 PM PDT by Balata
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To: mrmeangenes

ROFLOL Love Freepers

25 posted on 07/06/2009 6:22:52 PM PDT by hoosiermama (ONLY DEAD FISH GO WITH THE FLOW.......I am swimming with Sarahcudah! Sarah has read the tealeaves.)
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To: onedoug
Use logic. For anyone to spend a million dollars in legal fees to keep a document hidden, which could be produced for a letter and a fee of $20, raises my interest. Occams Razor indicates that there has to be a reason for that.

There are some possibilities that have nothing to do with whether Obama is a natural-born American. What if the real document shows a different father than his book claims?

I do not know, I cannot know, what the factual issue is that Obama is trying so hard to conceal. I feel reasonably certain that there is a major issue that Obama is still hiding, and will continue to hide.

This numb nuts "reporter" doesn't even recognize that serious possibility.

Congressman Billybob

Latest article, "A Map-Based Answer to the Palin Question"

26 posted on 07/06/2009 6:25:13 PM PDT by Congressman Billybob (
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To: PubliusMM
What country’s passport did he use when he traveled to Pakistan in the 1980’s?

It wasn't a US passport. That was illegal at the time.

27 posted on 07/06/2009 6:30:28 PM PDT by altair (Um, just how much of our beloved constitution will we have left when these clowns get out of office?)
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To: F15Eagle
He is not a natural born citizen and may not even be a citizen... he certainly is anti-American and anti Freedom and anti Capitalism and anti private sector and pro islam... because he is one.


28 posted on 07/06/2009 6:31:15 PM PDT by LibLieSlayer (hussein will NEVER be my President... NEVER!!!)
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To: WilliamofCarmichael
A detroit radio station called the Kenyan embassy after the election of Obama. After a a few minutes they get through to the ambassador of Kenya.

The ambassador of Kenya says that obama was born in Kenya and that his birth place has become a national shrine.

Listen to the recording here

The quote is around 12:35, so if you don’t have time to listen to the whole thing, you can jump ahead.
The transcript reads:

Radio Jockey: President elect Obama's birth place over in Kenya -- is that going to be a national spot where he was born

Ambassador Peter Ogego: its already an attraction. his paternal grandmother is still alive

Radio Jockey:But his birth place...they'll put up a marker there

Ambassdor Peter Ogego: It would depend on the government. Its already well known.

Here is an abridged Utube version of the the radio interview. So you can hear just the relevant parts.

It can be reasonably pointed out that the DJ was trying to entrap the Ambassador and that the Ambassador fell into his trap.
However, if you listen to the long version of the radio interview --you’ll notice he used the same strategy on two different occasions and the ambassador gently brushed him off.

First, he tried to force the ambassador to sing the Kenyan national anthem. The ambassador referred him to the kenyan website.

Second he tried to push the ambassador into saying something about maybe Kenya becoming the 51st state. Again the ambassador said that Kenya was a sovereign country. ie No.

He used the same technique on the question of Obama’s birth place. This time the ambassador did not brush him off. Rather in answer to the question as to whether Obama was born in Kenya --he says "It is well known."

Because the ambassador answered no in the two previous examples -- you can't say that the ambassdor was either a fool or ill advised.

Finally, you might ask well doesn't he know that saying Obama is born in Kenya would make trouble for Obama? The answer there is why should he be concerned? He has heard no suggestion in the mainstream media that there might be a problem there. So to say what is already well known--as he says--would be no problem.

Here is a utube video of Ambassador Peter Ogego speaking at a conference. Ambassador of Kenya H.E. Peter Ogego To verify that the voice on the radio is Ambassador Ogego-- compare the radio voice with the DJ to the voice on the Utube that goes with Ambassador Ogego. Ambassador Peter Ogego is introduced a bit after minute 18..

They are the same.

Subsequently, the Kenyan ambassador said that he meant Obama's father was born in Kenya. However, when pressed about Obama's birth place:

"I don't know," he said with a tone of irritation. "You should ask your government. I know his father is Kenyan."

However, that's not what the original transcript suggests. clear="all" /> Finally, there is a Affidavit of Bishop Ron McRae which is part of the Berg case. The Bishop says pretty much the same thing as the Ambassador.

"Additionally, it is common knowledge throughout both the Christian and Muslim communities in Kenya, that contrary to news media propaganda here in the United States, US Senator Barack Obama is a Muslim and not a Christian, and that he was born in Mombasa, Kenya and not in the State of Hawaii as falsely purported by the Obama campaign for presidency of the United States."

While you cannot impeach the ambassador's character, you can impeach McCrae's character. After all, he's just an itinerant preacher. But McCrae has been to Kenya. Still that makes two people who say that it is common knowledge in Kenya that Obama was born in Kenya.
Then of course there is a video of Obama's grandmother saying that Obama is born in Kenya
There is a case to be made that Obama mother didn't mean Obama was born in Kenya but rather that he is a "son of this village". However, witnesses insist that she said she was present at obama's birth in Kenya. If taken alone, perhaps she could well be ignored. However, her take is in keeping with others both high and low.

Again here is a pdf transcript of Kenyan National Assembly on Nov 5, 2008, the day after Obama was elected. Over and over again there are references to Obama being a "son of the soil" of Kenya and a Kenyan. On page page 3275 there is this passage:


Ms. Odhiambo: On a point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. It is not on this issue. I stand on a point of order under Standing Order No.20 to seek leave for adjournment of the House to discuss the American presidential election results.


Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, the President-elect, Mr. Obama, is a son of the soil of this country. Every other country in this continent is celebrating the Obama win. It is only proper and fitting that the country which he originates from should show the same excitement, pomp and colour.

Again. It is not the one thing. Rather it is the tide.

The American Thinker explains here why the short form that Obama released is not sufficient for Hawaii. There is evidence to suggest that the home named in the newspaper archived article as the place where Obama was born -- was lived in by a couple not Obama's parents. Even the Honalulu Advertiser has a different address of record for Obama's father than the one listed newspaper birth listing.

Again. It is not the one thing. Rather it is the tide.

The Obama administration could put this to rest by releasing his long form birth certificate. But he doesn't. Instead of just releasing his long form birth certificate he has paid his lawyers over 1 million dollars from campaign contributions since Sept 08 to squash the suits brought on the issue. Why bother. The Arnold would have run for president long ago and likely won if he were a "natural born" american. He's not. He's naturalized. So he can't run. And he knows it. (though there were some trial balloons sent up a couple years back about changing the law--that went nowhere.)

Like the Arnold, Obama looks to be a naturalized citizen--but maybe he's not even that. Here's a footnoted timeline of obama's life 1961-2008. Its especially helpful to look at 1961 and 2008. Of interest is this: Interesting timeline with footnotes of obama's life.

of note

On April 10, 2008 Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) introduces Senate Resolution S. Res. 511 to “recognize that John Sidney McCain is a natural born citizen.” The resolution is allegedly meant to clarify that McCain is eligible to be President even though he was born in Panama. Because McCain’s parents were both Americans and he was born in Panama because his father was stationed there while in the military, existing law already covers McCain and he is eligible to be President. McCaskill’s resolution thus serves no purpose – except that language is included to try and provide a “blanket cover” for other foreign born candidates without military backgrounds, in order to enable Obama to be eligible to be President. This is the language that Obama inserted “Whereas previous presidential candidates were born outside of the United States of America and were understood to be eligible to be President;” This Clause has no particular relevance to McCain [The language is inserted by Obama.][301,303]


303 #

Obama's Senate efforts to airbrush his past were augmented by his top Intelligence Advisor in March 2008. Obama's Intelligence Adviser Involved in Security Breach. Obama’s top terrorism and intelligence adviser, John O. Brennan, heads a firm that was cited in March [2008] for breaching sensitive files in the State Department’s passport office, according to a State Department Inspector General’s report released this past July. The security breach, first reported by the Washington Times and later confirmed by State Department spokesman Sean McCormack, involved a contract employee of Brennan’s firm, The Analysis Corp., which has earned millions of dollars providing intelligence-related consulting services to federal agencies and private companies. During a State Department briefing on March 21, 2008, McCormack confirmed that the contractor had accessed the passport files of presidential candidates Barack Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and John McCain, and that the inspector general had launched an investigation. Sources who tracked the investigation tell Newsmax that the main target of the breach was the Obama passport file, and that the contractor accessed the file in order to “cauterize” the records of potentially embarrassing information.
29 posted on 07/06/2009 6:39:19 PM PDT by ckilmer (Phi)
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To: pissant

Rumor has it that Sarah Palin resigned so she could freely travel to Hawaii, Kenya, and Indonesia to resolve this mystery.
Personally, I’m looking forward to a political actor(actress) with real bola acknowledging this birther debate.
McChump lost his to Lieberman (who auctioned them off on e-bay)- so “they” say. /s re:all

30 posted on 07/06/2009 6:39:19 PM PDT by bossmechanic (If all else fails, hit it with a hammer)
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To: hoosiermama

That’s “Bobby Fartley” to you.

31 posted on 07/06/2009 6:40:42 PM PDT by ponygirl (Palin's detractors will deride her all day and then fantasize about her all night.)
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To: ponygirl

Bubby Fartley ???

32 posted on 07/06/2009 7:02:35 PM PDT by hoosiermama (ONLY DEAD FISH GO WITH THE FLOW.......I am swimming with Sarahcudah! Sarah has read the tealeaves.)
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To: altair
Got a citation from the State Dept. for that? No I think not.
33 posted on 07/06/2009 7:05:55 PM PDT by MilspecRob (Most people don't act stupid, they really are.)
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To: MilspecRob

Have you any proof to the contrary? That is of anyone in the timeframe who traveled to Pakistan under US passport. If not, we’ll leave the question as “unresolved”.

34 posted on 07/06/2009 7:14:12 PM PDT by bvw
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To: CommieCutter

I know that I’m like a 4th grader, but I laughed my head off on that one!

35 posted on 07/06/2009 7:22:25 PM PDT by Batman11 (Chicago, Land of Lincoln who freed the slaves and Land of Obama who enslaved the free.)
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To: pissant

Gotta love this:

“WorldNetDaily’s owners took out an ad saying White House spokesman Robert Gibbs “lied” when he said President Obama’s birth certificate is posted on the Internet. We ruled that statement False .”

That link, second to last paragraph: “So back to the claim that Gibbs lied about posting Obama’s birth certificate on the Internet. WorldNetDaily is correct that the Obama campaign didn’t post his original birth certificate on the Internet.”

Of course. Print FALSE at the top of the article. Then, explain to us that it is true.

Good way to get the point across to those who don’t read the whole article.

36 posted on 07/06/2009 7:27:07 PM PDT by FLAMING DEATH (I am NOT better off than I was four years ago!)
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To: altair

He climbed over the fence

37 posted on 07/06/2009 7:28:03 PM PDT by Foolsgold ("We live in the greatest country in the world and I am going to change it" Barry O'boomarang 2008)
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To: Congressman Billybob

So what if he has a different father. It’s his mother who was a citizen. That’s not in dispute. I guess this is about the location of birth. But if his mother was an American citizen (matriarchal) what’s the point? As I wrote earlier, if and when a conservative seems plagued by a similar issue it will have been rendered moot by this.

(God, I can’t believe I’m actually defending this bastard.)

38 posted on 07/06/2009 7:35:26 PM PDT by onedoug
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To: Foolsgold

I thought he fell over the fence.

39 posted on 07/06/2009 7:50:10 PM PDT by taxtruth
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To: onedoug
I'm not saying that a different father would disqualify him. But proof that anyone could see that “Dreams of My Father” was a fraud might have clipped his ambitions.

John / Billybob

40 posted on 07/06/2009 7:54:14 PM PDT by Congressman Billybob (
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