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To: onedoug
Use logic. For anyone to spend a million dollars in legal fees to keep a document hidden, which could be produced for a letter and a fee of $20, raises my interest. Occams Razor indicates that there has to be a reason for that.

There are some possibilities that have nothing to do with whether Obama is a natural-born American. What if the real document shows a different father than his book claims?

I do not know, I cannot know, what the factual issue is that Obama is trying so hard to conceal. I feel reasonably certain that there is a major issue that Obama is still hiding, and will continue to hide.

This numb nuts "reporter" doesn't even recognize that serious possibility.

Congressman Billybob

Latest article, "A Map-Based Answer to the Palin Question"

26 posted on 07/06/2009 6:25:13 PM PDT by Congressman Billybob (
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To: Congressman Billybob

So what if he has a different father. It’s his mother who was a citizen. That’s not in dispute. I guess this is about the location of birth. But if his mother was an American citizen (matriarchal) what’s the point? As I wrote earlier, if and when a conservative seems plagued by a similar issue it will have been rendered moot by this.

(God, I can’t believe I’m actually defending this bastard.)

38 posted on 07/06/2009 7:35:26 PM PDT by onedoug
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To: Congressman Billybob
"For anyone to spend a million dollars in legal fees to keep a document hidden, which could be produced for a letter and a fee of $20, raises my interest. Occams Razor indicates that there has to be a reason for that."

In most cases, where there's smoke there's fire. When there's no fire, it's usually a smoke grenade and they're generally used to deliberately conceal something.

87 posted on 07/08/2009 8:47:06 AM PDT by Joe 6-pack (Que me amat, amet et canem meum)
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