Posted on 08/02/2009 1:35:53 AM PDT by rxsid
Edited on 08/06/2009 12:10:02 AM PDT by John Robinson. [history]
Attorney Taitz filed a NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Expedite authentication, MOTION for Issuance of Letters Rogatory for authenticity of Kenyan birth certificate filed by Plaintiff Alan Keyes PhD. (site has been the target of hackers, proceed with caution — John)
All one has to do is look at the original post, and hover over the link. Clearly, only the document number is title :)
That is consistent with how manually typewritten documents age. Some letters contain more ink that was pounded into the paper and stay dark and sharp, and some do not have much at all and fade quickly.
I do not find this alarming but reassuring.
that doesn’t look like Ann. Would it be common for her to get that striking chin later in life?
1) There is no Taylors Road but there is a Taylors Lane in Thebarton, South Australia.
2) I cannot find a Community Hospital there. Could it have been renamed?
Australia hasn’t been a colony since 1900.
lets do a little digging to make sure that new bomford one isnt a fake
Australia has been an independent nation since 1900. Sure you could believe that neither side changed their paperwork (at all) in over 60 years, but at some point you have to let common sense prevail.
Maybe they traded her for another Ann later on... who knows with these people.
She doesn’t have the chin in an early grade-school picture, either. She does have it in a junior-high/early-high-school pic and from there on out...
The Hawaiian offical, Dr. Fukino, is female, not male.
The Nordyke twins born in the same alleged hospital apparently did not trigger newspaper announcements. So perhaps the newspaper announcements were also based on information from the grandparents. Oscar Lefforge was an academic and might have been away on vacation in August 1961. Might have been chosen for that or there might be a connection between the student Obama Sr and Lefforge the English professor. But I am not sure that there is an "automatic trigger" beyond reasonable doubt due to the absence of announcement of the Nordyke twins. (I might be wrong on some of this.)
BTW I spoke with a journalist who had written an article within the past year on the Obama birth certificate issue. From talking with him I could tell that he was about 7 days behind the curve on the breaking news and the significance of the news. I had emailed him but I also called his office and left a voicemail message as a backup. It turned out that his spam filter had filtered out my email messages to him and had I relied on that alone, I would have been stuck forever wondering why he did not respond. He was furthermore mystified why he did not get my messages. I told him that the email spam filters worked heuristically and would use arbitrary criteria to block and redirect spam into spam folders that most people do not bother to check. Furthermore some spam filters are going in the direction of working from a central vendor automated update sites which means that in theory the arbitrary criteria could be subject to offsite control via third parties. Not to interject any more conspiracy theories but just to note the reason for spam blockage of email could be almost anything...
Chester A. Arthur was President of the United States. His Father was not a US Citizen when he was born and by the laws of the time neither was his Mother. Nevertheless, he was elected President and no one argued that he was not eligible.
This argument is some off shoot of the immigration argument. I'm not dogmatic about it, I'm just pretty sure where the law stands at this point. Maybe it should be changed, but right now regardless of what you think the "founders" thought (they didn't agree totally on much of anything), the law doesn't agree with you.
Now I'll let this go because there is no end to this argument.
Look at Obama's pics as a young chubby boy. His face is round too and that chin doesn't show up until he is a teenager.
Here is a pic of Ann as a young teen.
I hope the Mombasa birth document forces the courts to “discover” the facts. I hope it is legitimate. Even if it isn't it demonstrates that thousands and probably millions of people are concerned about the collapse of the symbol of individual freedoms for the world into a “Dictatorship of the Proletariat”, which is really a utopia for the politically privileged - while it lasts.
Finally, the constitutional issue, whether jus soli - born of the soil, or jus sanguinis - of parents who were citizens, it is Article II which makes Obama illegitimate. I don't doubt that the legislature would quickly pass a law to avoid the specter of riots, and the legal morass of undoing the partial government takeover of private enterprise. That's why there is a separation of powers.
I suspect that real turmoil will come as people begin to understand what the idolizers of Che Guevara, Hugo Chavez, Whalid Bin Talaal, Bill Ayers, John Holdren & Paul Ehrlich, and Karl Max will impose on us. The people who don't produce will discover where their groceries come from as they destroy the productivity bred of freedom.
Teachers pet more likely (g)
Have the paper radio carbon checked to see if it is 45 years old.
How are we supposed to know which one was the forgery created form which original?
ROTFLOL I guess that must be true.
The establishment of the Commonwealth of Australia is commonly taken as the date of Australia’s independence from the United Kingdom, but matters are more complicated than that. The Constitution provided the Commonwealth with all the powers associated with a sovereign state, including the power to engage in foreign affairs and to raise its own army. But the United Kingdom still retained the power to engage in foreign affairs on behalf of Australia, and to make laws for it. In the early years Australia continued to be represented by the United Kingdom as part of the British Empire at international conferences. The Constitution provided that the British monarch be represented in Australia by a Governor-General, who was originally appointed on the advice of the British, not the Australian, government, and was generally a British aristocrat. Finally, the Constitution provided that any law of the Australian Parliament could be disallowed within a year by the British monarch (acting on the advice of British ministers), though this power was never in fact exercised. In summary, the constitutional position of the Commonwealth as a whole in relation to the United Kingdom was, originally, the same as that of the individual colonies before Federation.
Final Independence
Final independence was achieved March 3rd, 1986 with the passing of the Australia Act 1986. Independence of Australia from the United Kingdom, rather than occurring as a single event in history, has, in legal terms, been a continuing process. Some of the significant milestones discussed above have been the following:
mid-1800s: acquisition of substantial internal self-government by the colonies
1901: establishment of the Commonwealth of Australia
1927: development of the “shared” monarchy
1931: passing of the Statute of Westminster
1986: passing of the Australia Act
I thought you were on hiatus or a sabatical. You are a valued and trusted FReeper. I welcome your posts and educated opinions.
You da man!
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