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Is this really it? (re: possible Obama's Kenyan B.C. - Attny Taitz) Click on the link ^
| 8/2/2009
| rxsid
Posted on 08/02/2009 1:35:53 AM PDT by rxsid
Edited on 08/06/2009 12:10:02 AM PDT by John Robinson.
Attorney Taitz filed a NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Expedite authentication, MOTION for Issuance of Letters Rogatory for authenticity of Kenyan birth certificate filed by Plaintiff Alan Keyes PhD.
Barry's Kenyan B.C.??
Special Motion for leave (site has been the target of hackers, proceed with caution — John)
TOPICS: Heated Discussion
KEYWORDS: armedcitizen; article2section1; awgeez; banglist; barackhusseinobama; barackobama; barackobamasr; bc; believeanything; betrayed; bfrcolbtwawlol; bho; bho44; birthcertificate; birther; birthers; birthplace; ccw; certifigate; changeamerica; citizenship; colb; commonlaw; conman; constitution; democratssuck; devilspawn; donofrio; dreams; dreamscopyright; dreamsfrommyfather; emerdevattel; emerichdevattel; englishcommonlaw; enoughofthiscrap; fakenews; fauxbama; founders; framers; fraud; georgewashington; gottrolls; greatpretender; hailtothekenyan; hawaii; headinthesand; hermaphrodite; hoax; honolulu; honoluluflimflam; hopespringseternal; hussein; imom; indonesia; johnjay; kenya; kenyabelieveit; kenyaman; kenyan; keyes; leodonofrio; lgfequalsdailykos; lgfhateschristians; lgfracist; lorettafuddy; lucyhazfootball; m0mbasa; marxistusurper; mas; mikeshusband; muslim; naturalborn; naturallaw; nbc; nothingburger; obama; obamabio; obamanoncitizenissue; obroma; ods; openyoureyes; orly; orlytaitz; orlytaitzpatriot; philberg; polarik; potusbogus; prezzot; qanoncrowd; repository1; rkba; rosemarysbaby; stalinistusurper; suckers; taitz; texasdarlin; thekenyan; thistimeforsure; tinfoilhat; trump; ukc; unpresident; usurper; vattel; vips; wakeup; washington; zulu666
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To: GovernmentShrinker
I really worry about the direction FR is heading in. Theres nowhere near this much interest in Obamas health care proposal, which is 100% real and could do serious and irreparable harm to our nation. This is the process. If this is a rabbit trail, it's a rabbit trail. What, better to dismiss a question that nobody has adequately answered, least of all the man himself?
For the record, I remain agnostic on the BC issue (though this development is tempting). I suggest reading the Andrew McCarthy (hope I got his name right) piece in NRO a few days ago. It really isn't about the birth certificate, ultimately. It's about the president's accountability to the people and to the constitution.
The very onslaught of obfuscation from the those who say the birthers are fruitcakes is enough to demand an open mind.
To: Ernest_at_the_Beach
Thanks! That helps. The goal post on this thread keep moving. Almost at the end.
posted on
08/02/2009 11:40:57 PM PDT
PA Engineer
(Liberate America from the occupation media.)
To: bgill
Ha. I can picture that. He must have something damning on the Clintons. I thought for sure Hill was a shoo-in for the nomination. Whatever Barry had trumps BC.
posted on
08/02/2009 11:41:21 PM PDT
(If Obama's handing out Pie, I like Lemon Meringue.)
To: PA Engineer
He was quoting other posters.
To: rxsid
posted on
08/02/2009 11:41:44 PM PDT
(God punishes Conservatives by making them argue with fools.)
To: MestaMachine
Oh it’s worse than that. Hedge fund shorts like Soros, John Paulson, Flowers, D.E. Shaw etc where waiting to attack to take the banks and financial svcs companies down. Rham and Gorelnick had been at Fannie and Freddie post Clinton to por the gasoline everywhere; leave and light the match before going out the door. Summers was working at D.E. Shaw. They all knew the garbage the banks were stuffed with.
The match was lit in the late summer of 2008. The pressure in the markets to destroy these companies coul dbe magnified in Chicago at the CBOE, CBOT, CME, etc. with options, futures and credit default swaps. They wiped out the markets, McCain and made tens of billions.
posted on
08/02/2009 11:42:22 PM PDT
(Lou Dobbs - American Hero! Bill O'Reilly = Liar)
To: John Valentine
Just because Brits didn’t use staples in ‘64 doesn’t mean that sometime in the past 40+ years it wasn’t stapled to something.
posted on
08/02/2009 11:43:00 PM PDT
(The evidence simply does not support the official position of the Obama administration)
To: Danae
Stop that! You’re making me want snickerdoodles ... and it’s too late here to be eating cookies and drinking milk!
posted on
08/02/2009 11:43:00 PM PDT
(Believing they cannot be deceived, they cannot be convinced when they are deceived.)
To: Danae
You want to give your WOW tokens or whatever they are called, to my boys?
Supposedly people in China play it all day to get as many “whatevers” they can and then they “sell” them black market.
posted on
08/02/2009 11:44:43 PM PDT
(If Obama's handing out Pie, I like Lemon Meringue.)
To: bgill
...hasn't this been a nice pleasant thread without them. ;) It really has been.
Instead of the thread descending into a battle royale over minutiae and previously debunked claims, people have been able to peacefully contribute to the slow but steady process of intelligent analysis, which is predictably yielding results.
posted on
08/02/2009 11:45:08 PM PDT
(To anger a conservative, tell him a lie. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth.)
To: GovernmentShrinker
Man the phones tomorrow, use for 2 free faxes per day contacting in-state and DC offices. Do it every day and get friends, relatives, neighbors and others doing it.
Also go to townhall meetings and bring everyone you know especially seniors.
Also stop whining about the BC.
posted on
08/02/2009 11:45:13 PM PDT
(Lou Dobbs - American Hero! Bill O'Reilly = Liar)
To: Ernest_at_the_Beach; Plutarch
Credit to Plutarch. That picture should be posted here also. Thanks again for the ping and pointer.
posted on
08/02/2009 11:45:34 PM PDT
PA Engineer
(Liberate America from the occupation media.)
To: BP2
I have learned more about staples than I could have dreamed of. ;)
posted on
08/02/2009 11:45:52 PM PDT
(If Obama's handing out Pie, I like Lemon Meringue.)
To: sonic109
Do you have one scintilla of proof or evidence to back up your claim. Do you? Its a distraction . Alinsky: The enemy properly goaded and guided in his reaction will be your major strength.
Well, I have the fact that Obama will NOT release his long-form Hawaii BC and we have a Kenyan BC which is either authentic or a very, very good forgery.
And you have?
A quote of Salinksy.
Impressive? Not so much.
And you ignored the rest of my post because you evidently don't have an answer. You think this is a distraction? For whom? People are raising hell at Congressional town hall meetings, Obama is greeted by protestors where ever he goes, and his poll numbers are falling dramatically. And you think these things will IMPROVE for Obama if more and more people become convinced that Obama is not even eligible to be President?
Are you serious?
And this is happening WITHOUT the GOP officials, politicians, or pundits getting behind the BC issue.
If this is some "Salinsky" strategy, it has been a complete disaster thus far and has blown up in the leftists faces.
A growing number of people want the BC issue settled, and that's WITHOUT the GOP getting involved. Their hands are clean.
If it's proven to be true, people will know it wasn't a GOP plan. If it's proven to be false and a set up by the left, again the GOPs hands are clean and the dems look dirty, as they will be guilty of nearly causing a constitutional crisis. For what? To make republicans look bad? Yeah, that will really sway the independents to the left, won't it.
Again, I assert that you give the left way too much credit to have some great, master plan to string us along only to "snatch" it away at some point. When will that be? When O's approval is at 40%? 30%? 20%? Yeah, riiiiight.
Face it, the left isn't smart enough to put together some master conspiracy like this, and at the same time, they aren't stupid enough to think that it would actually work.
posted on
08/02/2009 11:46:46 PM PDT
(PALIN/GINGRICH 2012 since 7/26/08)
To: WOSG; mojitojoe
You lying sack of obama poo! Birthers are not claiming she said she was present at her son's birth, YOU ARE CLAIMING THAT AND CLAIMING THAT THE TWO SEPARATE INTERVIEWS WHICH SOMEONE WORKING FOR YOU MESSIAH SPLICED TOGETHER AND PUT INTO THE ETHER. You're too stupid to get the essence of your own idiocy!
Joe, did you read what this excrement wrap tried to claim now?
posted on
08/02/2009 11:48:03 PM PDT
(Believing they cannot be deceived, they cannot be convinced when they are deceived.)
I dunno about the name change. I didn’t have the option to take back my original last name because “it just wasn’t done” and then there would have to be explainations of my school papers and vaccinations and such. Mother kept his name as well. I suppose Ann could have changed hers and Hussein’s back but divorce still hadn’t become the norm as it is today. Then again, from what we know of Ann, she could have taken it upon herself to revert back to Obama without any legal decree. Who knows if Lolo legally adopted him and legally changed his name? That’s another locked door. As much as I want Hussein out, I can’t see showing him the door over illegally using Obama instead of Soetoro... I’d like to since it’s fraud but I’d let it slide since he didn’t have any say in the matter.
posted on
08/02/2009 11:52:14 PM PDT
(The evidence simply does not support the official position of the Obama administration)
To: aruanan
Great work aruanan. I have been ignoring him after his first post. I don't know what he is trying to prove. "Dominion of Kenya" was already debunked in my home encyclopedia set, Chinese Embassy correspondence, and Kenyan stamps online. It would be nice if we could clean up all of the static and cut this thread down to the salient points and counter points. I agree. Nothing is a deal breaker. Especially the memes animating from KOS sources. Every one of them now debunked.
Freepers have done an exceptional job on this challenge.
posted on
08/02/2009 11:52:16 PM PDT
PA Engineer
(Liberate America from the occupation media.)
To: PA Engineer; Fred Nerks
And credit to Fred Nerks...
To: rxsid
Is the the 2nd American Revolution starting already?
posted on
08/02/2009 11:53:15 PM PDT
("Strange things are afoot at the Circle-K.")
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