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Keyword: zafaraniya

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  • Soldiers Help Iraqis Provide Humanitarian Aid to Zafaraniya

    08/24/2006 3:32:17 PM PDT · by SandRat · 4 replies · 239+ views
    American Forces Press Service ^ | 1st Lt. Georginia Bradshaw,
    BAGHDAD, Aug. 24, 2006 -- In response to recent bombing and gas explosions in the area, Multinational Division Baghdad soldiers joined Iraqi police and local officials in providing humanitarian aid Aug. 22 to displaced citizens in Zafaraniya. Multinational Division Baghdad soldiers, Iraqi police, and community and tribal leaders unload humanitarian aid items Aug. 22 at the Zafaraniya government center. U.S. Army photo   '(Click photo for screen-resolution image);high-resolution image available. Soldiers from 4th Battalion, 320th Field Artillery Regiment, and 801st Brigade Support Battalion, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division, provided rice, beans, cooking oil, canned fish, blankets, vegetables, assorted...
  • Soldiers Complete Projects in Zafaraniya

    08/15/2006 6:05:13 PM PDT · by SandRat · 2 replies · 224+ views
    Defend America News ^ |
    Soldiers Complete Projects in Zafaraniya Soldiers from Forward Operating Base Loyalty completed several beautification and improvements projects in Zafaraniya during the month of July. By U.S. Army Sgt. Tanasha Stachelclzyk FORWARD OPERATING BASE LOYALTY, Iraq, Aug. 15, 2006 – Multi-National Division – Baghdad soldiers from 4th Battalion, 320th Field Artillery Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division, completed several beautification and improvements projects in Zafaraniya and the area outside of FOB Loyalty during the month of July.The projects included five playgrounds, two soccer fields, a soccer park and a sewing co-op. “I have the best job. I get...
  • Iraqi police seize rockets in Zafaraniya

    08/05/2006 1:35:26 PM PDT · by SandRat · 226+ views
    4th BCT PAO, 101st Abn. Div. FOB LOYALTY, Iraq – Iraqi police seized six 107mm rockets with warheads, each containing more than 15 pounds of TNT while investigating a possible launch site Tuesday in the Zafaraniya area of Baghdad. Soldiers from Multi-National Division – Baghdad’s 4th Battalion, 320th Field Artillery Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division, and 519th Military Police Battalion, 49th Military Police Brigade, were also sent to the area to investigate the site but found the Iraqi police already had matters in hand when they arrived. By the time the MND-B forces arrived, the Iraqi police...
  • Operation Flea Flicker Sweeps through Zafaraniya

    09/15/2005 7:00:49 PM PDT · by SandRat · 218+ views
    American Forces Press Service ^ | Sep 15, 2005 | unattributed
    WASHINGTON, Sept. 15, 2005 – U.S. and Iraqi forces searched houses and fields during Operation Flea Flicker in Zafaraniya, Iraq, Sept. 14, military officials reported today. The operation - conducted by soldiers from 1st Battalion, 9th Field Artillery, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, and from the Iraqi Public Order Brigade - was designed to disrupt anti-Iraqi activity in the area in preparation for the Oct. 15 constitutional referendum, officials said. During the early morning mission, the joint force swept through neighborhoods searching for illegal weapons, propaganda and other contraband. Troops discovered several minor weapons violations, and detained a man with a...
  • America Supports You: Florida Town Bonds With Sister City in Iraq

    07/17/2005 5:50:44 PM PDT · by FairOpinion · 15 replies · 385+ views
    American Forces Press Service ^ | July 17, 2005 | American Forces Press Service
    BAGHDAD, Iraq, July 17, 2005 – Thanks to the initiative of a hometown hero, Kissimmee, Fla., is close to formalizing a "Sister City" agreement with Zafaraniya, Iraq. Despite the 7,000-mile distance and significant cultural differences, citizens of both communities are working to establish a powerful bond to improve both cities, said Capt. Matthew Wheeler, commander of Headquarters Battery, 1st Battalion, 9th Field Artillery, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division and a decorated veteran of two tours in Iraq. Wheeler set the wheels in motion with a hometown connection to Kissimmee and an innovative idea of bridging the cultural gap...
  • Iraq looters exposed to radioactive yellow cake

    05/10/2003 9:00:23 AM PDT · by Lessismore · 15 replies · 1,642+ views
    The Asahi Shimbun ^ | May 8, 2003 | By TSUYOSHI NOJIMA,
    They wanted water containers; they may have killed the village. Iraq-Villagers looted a nuclear power facility here during the waning days of the war and instead of treasure, may have made off with death-drums filled with radioactive uranium oxide concentrate, also called yellow cake. According to officials with the Iraq nuclear energy commission, the storage facility at Zafaraniya was guarded by Iraqi troops until April 4. However, they fled in the face of approaching U.S. Marines. With the arrival of the Marines, the Zafaraniya facility was nominally under control of U.S. forces. However no special guards were posted and residents...