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  • 9 may have voted in 2 cities - GOP checks those who moved from Milwaukee

    08/10/2005 7:02:16 AM PDT · by steveegg · 11 replies · 880+ views
    Milwaukee Journal Sentinel ^ | 8/9/2005 | Greg J Borowski
    On the same day Republicans sent a bill for a photo ID requirement to Gov. Jim Doyle for a third time, the state party sent evidence to investigators Tuesday that suggests at least nine people who voted in Milwaukee last November may have cast ballots in other cities, including Chicago and Minneapolis. At a Milwaukee news conference, party leaders - including the sponsors of the photo ID bill - said the findings of duplicate voters here and in other cities add a new urgency to reforms. They also called on investigators, who already have charged nine people with voter fraud...
  • RPW: Information Handed Over to Federal Authorities (WI/IL/MN multi-state vote fraud from 11/2004)

    08/09/2005 8:27:55 PM PDT · by steveegg · 21 replies · 712+ views ^ | 8/9/2005 | Republican Party of Wisconsin
    (Milwaukee, WI)…The Republican Party of Wisconsin released the results of their investigation into new cases of fraudulent voting behavior at a press conference in front of 1680 N. Astor St, in Milwaukee, the site of a highly suspect case. The investigation strongly indicates double voting occurred during the November ’04 elections and that voter fraud has crossed state lines. In tandem with the findings, state legislators are messaging Senate Bill 42 today, a measure making it a requirement to show a photo ID at the polls, to Governor James E. Doyle. “The evidence of voter fraud in Milwaukee continues to...
  • Vandalism trial postponed (Milwaukee slashing of GOP GOTV tires)

    07/06/2005 7:19:42 AM PDT · by steveegg · 15 replies · 664+ views
    Milwaukee Journal Sentinel ^ | 7/6/2005 | Derrick Nunnally
    The scheduled July 11 trial date is off for the five Democratic political workers, including the sons of two prominent Milwaukee politicians, who are accused of slashing the tires of Republican Party-rented vehicles before polls opened Nov. 2. Milwaukee County Circuit Judge Jean W. DiMotto granted a motion Tuesday by defense attorney Robin Shellow, who is representing the son of U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Milwaukee), to put the trial off because of an illness in Shellow's family. Shellow's mother, attorney Gilda Shellow, fell seriously ill on vacation in France last week and has remained there with her husband, fellow attorney...
  • Arrests sought in election fraud (Milwaukee)

    05/12/2005 3:45:14 AM PDT · by steveegg · 17 replies · 1,005+ views
    Milwaukee Journal Sentinel ^ | 5/12/2005 | Derrick Nunnaly and Greg J Borowski
    Two arrest warrants were issued Wednesday alleging election fraud by two voter-registration workers employed last year to sign up new voters. According to warrants filed by the Milwaukee County district attorney's office, Urelene Lilly, 48, and Marcus L. Lewis, 23, both admitted to authorities that they filled out multiple voter-registration cards using fictitious information to earn money from Project Vote, which paid workers such as them $40 per day plus $1.75 for each registration above the daily quota of 24 new voters.... Lilly and Lewis were charged with five felonies each: three counts of forgery, one count of election fraud...
  • Inquiry finds evidence of fraud in election

    05/11/2005 6:52:06 AM PDT · by ninenot · 43 replies · 1,246+ views
    Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel ^ | 05/11/05 | Greg Borowski
    Inquiry finds evidence of fraud in election Cast ballots outnumber voters by 4,609 By GREG J. Posted: May 10, 2005 Investigators said Tuesday they found clear evidence of fraud in the Nov. 2 election in Milwaukee, including more than 200 cases of felons voting illegally and more than 100 people who voted twice, used fake names or false addresses or voted in the name of a dead person. Election Investigation Photo/Karen SherlockU.S. Attorney Steven M. Biskupic (left), with Milwaukee County District Attorney E. Michael McCann, delivers the preliminary findings of a task force examining possible election fraud at the...
  • Probe finds evidence of election fraud (Milwaukee)

    05/10/2005 11:33:08 AM PDT · by Jean S · 59 replies · 2,223+ views
    Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel ^ | 5/10/05 | GREG J. BOROWSKI
    <p>Investigators today said they had found evidence of fraud in the Nov. 2 election in the City of Milwaukee, including cases of felons voting illegally and people who voted twice.</p> <p>They found more than 100 instances of suspected double-voting and more than 200 felons who voted improperly in the city.</p>
  • City, county did not properly verify vote [MILWAUKEE VOTE FRAUD]

    03/25/2005 4:50:52 AM PST · by Timeout · 16 replies · 583+ views
    Milwaukee Journal Sentinel ^ | March 24, 2005 | GREG J. BOROWSKI
    The results of the Nov. 2 election in Milwaukee, now the subject of an investigation into possible voter fraud, were certified without any double-checking of the totals by the city or county panels charged with oversight, the Journal Sentinel has determined. Thus, polling-place discrepancies between the number of ballots cast and the count of voters at many wards went undiscovered until long after the election results were finalized. ... As of Thursday, the city had not submitted the documents, though it is unclear how hard the county pushed to get them. In any case, the materials are now part of...
  • Five Democratic activists ordered to stand trial for tire slashing

    02/15/2005 7:17:34 PM PST · by Land_of_Lincoln_John · 47 replies · 1,290+ views
    AP via CBS 2 Chicago ^ | GRETCHEN EHLKE | February 15, 2005
    MILWAUKEE (AP) Five Democratic campaign staffers talked excitedly about how they carried out a plan to vandalize Republican get-out-the-vote vans early on Election Day, according to witnesses who testified at their preliminary hearing Tuesday. Milwaukee County Court Commissioner Barry Phillips ordered the five, including the sons of Wisconsin Congresswoman Gwen Moore and former Acting Mayor Marvin Pratt, to each stand trial on a felony charge of criminal damage to property. Two Democratic presidential campaign workers who were sent to Wisconsin in the final weeks leading up to Nov. 2, Levar Stoney and Opel Simmons, testified they were in the Milwaukee...
  • Problems cited in absentee voting [MILWAUKEE Voter Fraud]

    02/12/2005 6:59:40 AM PST · by Timeout · 25 replies · 549+ views
    Milwaukee Journal Sentinel ^ | 2/12/05 | GREG J. BOROWSKI
    City had trouble getting ballots out and back, task force says By GREG J. BOROWSKI Posted: Feb. 11, 2005 In a review of the Nov. 2 election, Milwaukee officials on Friday blamed a massive crush of absentee voters for problems in getting ballots to everyone who requested one, and for not getting all the returned absentee ballots to the polls before they closed. The two problems, which have almost become footnotes amid more recent election questions, are both serious. In the first case, some residents who sought ballots were unable to vote. In the second, 238 ballots that did come...

    02/10/2005 4:28:20 AM PST · by Timeout · 28 replies · 1,001+ views
    Milwaukee Journal Sentinel ^ | 2/10/05 | GREG J. BOROWSKI and STACY FORSTER
    VOTER LOGBOOKS OUT OF WHACK Election day records reveal big discrepancies in 24 Milwaukee wards By GREG J. BOROWSKI and STACY FORSTER Posted: Feb. 9, 2005 A review of Milwaukee polling-place logbooks by the Journal Sentinel shows vote-to-voter discrepancies at dozens of wards, meaning gaps found earlier run deeper than a problem with post-election recordkeeping cited by officials. On election day, each voter given a ballot is assigned a number that corresponds to the person's place in line. At the end of the day, this number - which should match the ballots cast - is recorded in the logbooks. This...
  • Double trouble in voter inquiry (Milwaukee,WI Voter fraud uncovered)

    02/09/2005 6:44:23 AM PST · by UB355 · 48 replies · 1,567+ views
    Milwaukee Journal Sentinel ^ | 2/9/2005 | GREG J. BOROWSKI and TOM KERTSCHER
    If Milwaukee election records are correct, someone named Marquis F. Murff registered at the polls Nov. 2 and voted from an address on E. Knapp St. Trouble is, the address is home to St. Catherine Residence, which has allowed only women to live there for 110 years. Indeed, city records show that someone with an identical name and middle initial also registered at the polls that day and voted from 1503 N. Franklin Place. That address does not exist. And though driver's license records put a Marquis F. Murff next door at 1505 N. Franklin Place, his name isn't on...
  • Double trouble in voter inquiry [MILWAUKEE VOTE FRAUD UPDATE] 2/9/05

    02/09/2005 3:34:40 AM PST · by Timeout · 15 replies · 749+ views
    Milwaukee Journal Sentinel ^ | 2/9/05 | GREG J. BOROWSKI and TOM KERTSCHER
    Borowski continues his excellent coverage of this story. Here's the nut of the article: ________________________________ Voters difficult to track Using computer records provided under an earlier request, the newspaper has attempted to track down dozens of cases from the 6,500 in which people with identical names and initials are listed as voting from different addresses. Some are clearly two different people or have very common names. For example, six people named James L. Smith voted in November. The newspaper took a sample of 300 people from that list, focusing on duplicate individuals with uncommon names. In most cases, public records...
  • 17 wards have at least 100 more votes than voters; 2 miss by over 500

    02/02/2005 3:55:28 AM PST · by CT CONSERVATIVE · 39 replies · 1,504+ views
    Journal Sentinel ^ | 2/01/05 | GREG J. BOROWSKI
    Record-keeping surrounding the Nov. 2 presidential election in Milwaukee is so flawed that in 17 wards there were at least 100 more votes recorded than people listed by the city as voting there.... In two wards, one on the south side and one on the north side, the gap is more than 500, with fewer than half the votes cast in each ward accounted for in the city's computer system, a Journal Sentinel review has found.
  • NAACP finds election problems in suburbs (of Milwaukee

    02/03/2005 4:27:17 AM PST · by steveegg · 18 replies · 627+ views
    Milwaukee Journal Sentinel ^ | 2/3/2005 | Georgia Pabst and Amy Rinard
    On the eve of Thursday's hearing in Madison on a proposed voter ID requirement, the Milwaukee branch of the NAACP moved Wednesday to shift the spotlight from Milwaukee to highlighting election problems in several suburbs. The group said its review of election data in those communities had found irregularities similar to those that have been reported in Milwaukee, such as more votes cast than voters on record in various wards. Clerks in several of the communities acknowledged errors Wednesday. In general, though, the problems are of a different nature and much smaller scope than those the Journal Sentinel has found...
  • Some sites show huge vote gaps[MILWAUKEE VOTE FRAUD]

    02/02/2005 3:53:36 AM PST · by Timeout · 17 replies · 612+ views
    Milwaukee Journal Sentinel ^ | Feb. 1, 2005 | GREG J. BOROWSKI
    Some sites show huge vote gapsRecord-keeping surrounding the Nov. 2 presidential election in Milwaukee is so flawed that in 17 wards there were at least 100 more votes recorded than people listed by the city as voting there. In two wards, one on the south side and one on the north side, the gap is more than 500, with fewer than half the votes cast in each ward accounted for in the city's computer system, a Journal Sentinel review has found. Such gaps were present at different levels in nearly all of the city wards and could hamper the investigation...
  • City OK'd 1,305 flawed voter cards [Milwaukee vote fraud cont'd]

    01/27/2005 10:36:37 PM PST · by Timeout · 40 replies · 797+ views
    Milwaukee Journal Sentinel ^ | 1/28/05 | GREG J. BOROWSKI
    CITY OK'd 1,305 FLAWED VOTER CARDS People were allowed to cast ballots, despite filling out same-day registrations with wrong information By GREG J. BOROWSKI Milwaukee officials said Thursday that 1,305 same-day voter registration cards from the Nov. 2 election could not be processed, including more than 500 cases where voters listed no address and dozens more where no name was written on the card. [Copy of sample card below] But the revelation of the actual number of cards that couldn't be processed, far lower than previous estimates of 8,300 or more, raised new concerns, because it leaves a clear gap...
  • Police, FBI Join Investigation Into Possible Election Fraud (Milwaukee)

    01/27/2005 8:42:13 AM PST · by Kryptonite · 89 replies · 4,936+ views
    Milwaukee Journal Sentinel ^ | 1/27/05 | Greg Borowski
    Citing a Journal Sentinel review that found more than 1,200 votes cast from invalid addresses in Milwaukee, local and federal law enforcement officials launched a joint investigation Wednesday into potential voter fraud in the Nov. 2 election. Milwaukee County District Attorney E. Michael McCann said he and U.S. Attorney Steven Biskupic agreed to investigate potential problems together. The effort will also include the Milwaukee Police Department and the local office of the FBI. McCann told the newspaper the group of prosecutors and investigators, including one with computer expertise, will try to "see if there was voter fraud or not. That's...
  • Milwaukee Election & Voter Fraud [Journal Sentinel article & editorial]

    01/26/2005 4:28:22 AM PST · by Timeout · 14 replies · 656+ views
    CITY WAS WARNED ABOUT SOME BAD VOTER LISTINGS 186 voted from addresses on GOP list By GREG J. BOROWSKI In the Nov. 2 election in Milwaukee, at least 186 people voted from invalid addresses that officials had been warned about before the election, according to a new Journal Sentinel analysis of voter information. 49102Related Coverage Election: City was warned about some bad voter listings Loopholes: Openness generates holes in state’s voting system The votes came from addresses that were among 5,619 the state Republican Party challenged less than a week before the election as non-existent. The city Election Commission rejected...
  • GOP fails to get 5,619 names removed from voting lists

    10/29/2004 7:26:02 AM PDT · by hripka · 22 replies · 817+ views
    Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel ^ | Oct. 28, 2004 | GREG J. BOROWSKI
    GOP fails to get 5,619 names removed from voting lists City commission says party didn't prove case; challenges could move to polling places By GREG J. BOROWSKI Posted: Oct. 28, 2004 Although the state Republican Party failed Thursday in its effort to have 5,619 names and addresses removed from Milwaukee voting lists, the GOP plans to challenge anyone who tries to vote from the disputed addresses Tuesday. Election 2004 Photo/David Joles Garbage receptacles sit in a non-existent address between businesses at 4209 and 4217 W. Silver Spring Drive that was given as a home address of a registered voter...
  • Milwaukee: Over 1,200 voters’ addresses found invalid

    01/25/2005 6:48:24 AM PST · by Jean S · 111 replies · 6,558+ views
    Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel ^ | 1/25/05 | GREG J. BOROWSKI
    Over 1,200 voters’ addresses found invalid Some mistakes easily explained, but concerns raised about shoddy record keeping, poss By GREG J. Posted: Jan. 24, 2005 A review of Milwaukee voting records from the Nov. 2 presidential election has found more than 1,200 ballots cast from invalid addresses in the city, including many cases in which the voter could not be located at all. Invalid Addresses Photo/Tom Lynn One of hundreds of non-existent addresses that turned up on Milwaukee’s voter rolls for Nov. 2 is 107 E. Wright St., the site of this playground. A newspaper review found 1,242 votes...