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Keyword: wahabi

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  • Galloping Growth of Madrasas in India

    02/11/2019 2:47:13 PM PST · by Jyotishi · 18 replies
    India Facts ^ | Monday, February 11, 2019 | Ram Ohri
    Image: Islam is hell-bent on re-conquering India. Post-independence through Madrasa multiplication Darul Uloom Deoband has laid a formidable siege to India. The task was facilitated by secularism-doped Hindus swearing by Pandit Nehru! The quantum jump in the number of madrasas from 88 in 1947 to five lakhs in 2006 across India is a mind boggling narrative of unremitting Islamic aggression. It has the potential to bring about tectonic changes in the future geopolitical developments across India -- including the much dreaded clash of civilizations! Unfortunately the secularism-trapped Indian government never tried to exercise any control over lakhs of madrasas...
  • We need a plan if Assad wins

    11/29/2016 2:26:53 AM PST · by TigerLikesRooster · 34 replies
    Telegraph ^ | 28 November 2016
    We need a plan if Assad wins 28 November 2016 ? 9:00pm The word “unacceptable” has been used a great deal in the context of the Syrian tragedy. Bashar al-Assad’s use of chemical weapons was branded “unacceptable” but there is evidence of their continued use after Western plans to bomb arms dumps were aborted. Then, it was “unacceptable” that President Assad would ever be part of the future of Syria. No peace deal would be countenanced while he remained in power. Yet, with Russian help, he may be on the verge of a military victory. It has been apparent for...
  • Syrian war widens Sunni-Shia schism as foreign jihadis join fight for shrines

    06/04/2013 7:19:40 PM PDT · by george76 · 19 replies
    Guardian News ^ | 4 June 2013 | Mona Mahmood, and Martin Chulov
    Syrian rebels say they respect all holy sites but damage to Sayyida Zeinab shrine has spurred 10,000 Shias to volunteer. Not long after a friend called from Damascus to tell him one of the holiest shrines in Shia Islam had been damaged by Syrian rebels, Baghdad student Ammar Sadiq was on the move. Raging with a desire for vengeance, the 21-year-old set off for the border, a six-hour drive through Iraq's western deserts. He was one more jihadist on a road to war, a well-trodden path through lands that not long ago were used by jihadists coming the other way....
  • Anti-Jihad Ads Considered Constitutional

    10/01/2012 2:02:13 PM PDT · by Cindy · 67 replies - Top Opinion Story ^ | September 24, 2012 | Liana Whitehead
    SNIPPET: "New York City is the center of a public uproar as Internet blogger Pamela Gellar rises with an “anti-jihad” ad campaign." SNIPPET: "Gellar and her group are protesting the Jihad, which in definition is the religious duty of Muslims. According to the Dictionary of Islam, jihad is defined as “A religious war with those who are unbelievers in the mission of Muhammad . . . enjoined especially for the purpose of advancing Islam and repelling evil from Muslims.” The literal meaning of jihad, according to the British Broadcasting Network, “is struggle or effort, and it means much more than...
  • Muslim missionary activity in Oslo

    02/22/2010 12:56:32 PM PST · by george76 · 7 replies · 304+ views
    Norway Post ^ | 22-Feb-2010 | Rolleiv Solholm
    Muslim missionaries in the Holmlia area are recruiting young men with a Muslim background to join what many say are radical Muslim groups. Some of these missionaries who have contacted us have had extreme attitudes to Norwegians and also to Muslim minorities. the local mosque at Holmlia belongs to the Tabliqi movement, which is part of the Wahabi ddirection within Islam.
  • ...11 Muslims for jihad terror plots (including plans to blow up the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade)

    07/03/2009 1:49:32 PM PDT · by Cindy · 7 replies · 811+ views
    (AKI) via JIHAD ^ | July 3, 2009 | n/a
    July 3, 2009 SNIPPET: "Belgrade, 3 July (AKI) - A special Belgrade court on Friday sentenced 11 members of a radical Islamic Wahabi movement to more than 60 years in prison after they were found guilty of planning terrorist activities and illegal weapons possession. Fifteen members of the group were arrested in Serbia’s southern Sandzak region, which has a substantial Muslim population. The trial started in January last year but 12 members of the group refused to engage defence lawyers, saying they did not recognise a Serbian court and could be “judged only by Allah”...."
  • Saudi woman facing death penalty for 'witchcraft'

    02/17/2008 3:31:44 PM PST · by ddtorquee · 11 replies · 458+ views
    Religious intelligence ^ | 15 February 2008
    Fawza Falih was condemned to death by a court in the town of Quraiyat after confessing under interrogation to having used sorcery to bewitch people. ...Saudi Arabia’s religious police, the Muttawa, arrested Falih in 2006, and after 35 days’ detention and interrogation, she signed a statement confessing to having been a witch. However, at trial Falih repudiated her confession, saying it had been extracted under torture. Human Rights Watch also charged the Saudi woman’s trial was flawed, alleging misconduct on the part of the judge and prosecutor. An appeals court threw out the death penalty in September 2006, but the...
  • Pakistan A 'Hotbed' For [Islamic] Terror

    02/17/2008 2:15:14 PM PST · by values · 10 replies · 173+ views
    Pakistan A 'Hotbed' For [Islamic] Terror National Post, Canada - Feb 14, 2008 Now, it is rapidly becoming a central front in the US-led war on terror. The harsh mountainous territory, which Pakistan doesn't control and is off limits...
  • Sharia law at the Treasury and a drift to Islam (UK)

    02/17/2008 1:56:24 PM PST · by 2banana · 3 replies · 159+ views
    Daily Mail (UK) ^ | 17th February 2008 | Staff
    Sharia law at the Treasury and a drift to Islam Home Secretary Jacqui Smith has described terrorist activity as 'Anti-Islamic' It is strangely shocking to find that Her Majesty's Treasury, that very matter-of-fact department, should be issuing bonds that comply with the ancient rules of sharia law. It is as if your bank manager were suddenly to break off from warning you about your overdraft, fetch out a prayer mat and start offering devotions in the direction of Mecca. As it happens, the decision makes sense on business terms. Many major investors are Muslim and it would be foolish to...
  • Danish Police Thwart Plot Over Muhammad Cartoons

    02/12/2008 10:34:16 PM PST · by 2ndDivisionVet · 8 replies · 453+ views
    CBS 4 Denver ^ | February 12, 2008
    COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) ― Danish police said Tuesday they have arrested three people suspected of plotting to kill one of the 12 cartoonists behind the Prophet Muhammad drawings that sparked a deadly uproar in the Muslim world two years ago. Two Tunisians and a Dane of Moroccan origin were arrested in pre-dawn raids in western Denmark, the police intelligence agency said. The Dane was suspected of violating Danish terror laws but likely would be released after questioning as the investigation continues, said Jakob Scharf, the head of the PET intelligence service. The two Tunisians would be expelled from Denmark, he...
  • Vice Squad

    08/03/2007 8:40:44 PM PDT · by Fred Nerks · 14 replies · 477+ views
    Times Magazine ^ | Thursday, Jul. 26, 2007 | By SCOTT MACLEOD/RIYADH
    On a hot and humid evening two months ago, a dozen police cars rolled up to the simple Riyadh residence of Salman al-Huraisi, a 28-year-old hotel security guard. The policemen stormed into the house, breaking down doors, tearing through personal belongings and crying, "God is great!" Then they arrested al-Huraisi, along with 10 other family members. His alleged crime: consuming and selling beer. Al-Huraisi's visitors were members of Saudi Arabia's religious police, a 10,000-strong force called the Commission for the Protection of Virtue and the Suppression of Vice. Back at the commission's local headquarters, events took a tragic turn: al-Huraisi...
  • Trenton Mosque Sues To Have Leader Ousted

    05/20/2007 6:07:58 PM PDT · by chopperman · 7 replies · 633+ views
    (CBS/AP) TRENTON The founders of a Trenton mosque have sued in Superior Court in Mercer County to have their religious leader removed, claiming he is trying to make the congregation more fundamentalist. The suit, filed by the International Muslim Brotherhood Inc., the mosque’s owner, as well as three founding members, claims that Imam Sabur Abdul Hakim has recently adopted stricter views of Islam and is planning to beam in lectures by satellite from a conservative sect in Saudi Arabia. The suit also alleges that Hakim began changing religious practices at the Masjid As-Saffat mosque three years ago and appointed his...
  • Feeding Frenzy for a Big Story, Even if It’s False Obama/Hillary coverup

    01/28/2007 8:14:18 PM PST · by Cincinna · 21 replies · 1,142+ views
    New York Times ^ | January 29, 2007 | DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK
    Jeffrey T. Kuhner, whose Web site published the first anonymous smear of the 2008 presidential race, is hardly the only editor who will not reveal his reporters’ sources. What sets him apart is that he will not even disclose the names of his reporters. But their anonymity has not stopped them from making an impact. In the last two weeks, Mr. Kuhner’s Web site, Insight, was able to set off a wave of television commentary, talk-radio chatter, official denials, investigations by journalists around the globe and news media self-analysis that has lasted 11 days and counting. The controversy started with...
  • YMCA warned to vacate Hamas town (ROP Alert)

    04/20/2006 10:26:33 PM PDT · by Jacob Kell · 6 replies · 581+ views ^ | April 21, 2006 | Aaron Klein
    JERUSALEM -- The leadership of a West Bank Palestinian city now controlled by Hamas has warned a local Young Men's Christian Association to close its offices and leave town or face likely Muslim violence, WorldNetDaily has learned. The move highlighted long-standing fears Hamas would use its win in last January's Palestinian parliamentary elections to impose an anti-Christian, anti-Jewish hard-line Islamist regime in the West Bank and Gaza.
  • Jihadists in the Tower

    03/21/2006 12:41:28 PM PST · by JSedreporter · 1 replies · 493+ views
    Accuracy in Academia ^ | March 21, 2006 | Julia A. Seymour
    When the airliners took down the World Trade Center towers, Americans struggled to find answers. They found some, but a discernible haze over the minds and eyes of Americans existed in those post 9/11 days. The truth many failed to realize was that the jihadists were already here. They were in our towers; the ivory ones.
  • A Grotesque Protection Racket - Wahabi's export global fanaticism…

    01/19/2006 10:12:07 AM PST · by NormsRevenge · 6 replies · 544+ views ^ | 1/19/06 | Larry Stirling
    It didn't take long for me to get an answer to the question I posed in a recent column concerning whether it is possible to be both a Muslim and an American citizen. According to "Document 44" published and distributed by the Saudi Arabian embassy: "It is forbidden to be a Muslim and to become a citizen of a country governed by infidels." (That's us!) I read a report entitled "Saudi Publications on Hate Ideology Invade American Mosques." There are of course millions of Muslims. And each practices his or her religion in the best way they can given their...
  • U.S.-based prof agrees with Iranian president (Religion of Peace/IslamoNazi Alerts)

    01/06/2006 8:07:01 PM PST · by Jacob Kell · 21 replies · 801+ views ^ | January 6, 2006 |
    A U.S.-based Saudi professor and former U.N. fellow says he agrees with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that the Holocaust is a "myth" and says America eventually will collapse like the Soviet Union. Abdullah Muhammad Sindi, who has taught at four American schools, told Iran's Mehr News Agency Dec. 26, "I agree wholeheartedly with President Ahmadinejad."
  • Big Imam on Campus [Wahabi Studies Puff Piece]

    01/01/2006 2:26:50 PM PST · by Alouette · 20 replies · 690+ views
    NY Slimes ^ | Jan. 1, 2006 | Deborah Solomon
    Q: You just gave $20 million to Harvard and another $20 million to Georgetown to advance the study of Islam, and some are concerned that you are trying to increase the on-campus influence of the Saudi royal family, of which you are reportedly the single wealthiest member. I don't have control, and I don't want control. Period. They approached us with a proposal. Harvard, Georgetown, University of Chicago, University of Michigan and several of the Ivy Leagues. [...] Since you're said to be worth more than $20 billion, with major holdings in Four Seasons Hotels, Saks Fifth Avenue and Murdoch's...
  • TROUBLE IN THE HOLY LAND Child on TV: Jews are 'dogs, villains' (Religion of Peace Alert)

    12/22/2005 5:00:48 PM PST · by Jacob Kell · 12 replies · 981+ views ^ | December 22, 2005 |
    Saudi television featured an interview with a young Palestinian girl who called Jews "villains" and "dogs" and said the Palestinians have no desire for peace with Israel. In the segment on Iqra TV aired Dec. 7, the young girl said that in 1948, "the Jews occupied our land, our country. They drove us out of our homes, and put us in tents. Then they would destroy our homes. They'd put our clothes out on the sand, and then demolish the homes. They would get them out, destroy their homes, demolish and bring them down." The excerpt, translated by the Middle...
  • Expert: Saudis have radicalized 80% of US mosques

    12/06/2005 6:15:52 PM PST · by Alouette · 39 replies · 948+ views
    Jerusalem Post ^ | Dec. 7, 2005 | Haviv Rettig
    Mainstream US Muslim organizations are heavily influenced by Saudi-funded extremists, according to Yehudit Barsky, an expert on terrorism at the American Jewish Committee. Worse still, Barsky told The Jerusalem Post last week, these "extremist organizations continue to claim the mantle of leadership" over American Islam. The power of the extremist Wahhabi form of Islam in the United States was created with generous Saudi financing of American Muslim communities over the past few decades. Over 80 percent of the mosques in the United States "have been radicalized by Saudi money and influence," Barsky said. Before the 1970s, she explained, "Muslim immigrants...