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Keyword: vacuums

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  • Hacked Robot Vacuums Across the U.S. Started Yelling Slurs

    10/11/2024 8:31:21 PM PDT · by Red Badger · 29 replies
    Gizmodo ^ | October 11, 2024 | Tom Maxwell
    "It could have been worse," one owner incredibly concluded. It’s a tale as old as… the Internet of Things era. Robot vacuums made by Ecovacs have been reported roving around people’s homes, yelling profanities at them through the onboard speakers after the company’s software was found to be vulnerable to intrusion. ABC News in Australia reports that there were recently multiple instances across the U.S. when owners of Ecovacs vacuums noticed their devices acting unusually. “It sounded like a broken-up radio signal or something,” Daniel Swenson told the outlet. “You could hear snippets of maybe a voice.” He opened the...
  • Hackers take control of robot vacuums in multiple cities, yell racial slurs

    10/11/2024 2:11:25 PM PDT · by dynachrome · 84 replies ^ | 10-10-24 | Julian Fell
    Robot vacuums in multiple US cities were hacked in the space of a few days, with the attacker physically controlling them and yelling obscenities through their onboard speakers. The affected robots were all Chinese-made Ecovacs Deebot X2s — the exact model that the ABC was able to hack into as proof of a critical security flaw. Minnesota lawyer Daniel Swenson was watching TV when his robot started to malfunction. "It sounded like a broken-up radio signal or something," he told the ABC. "You could hear snippets of maybe a voice." Through the Ecovacs app, he saw that a stranger was...
  • Batteries for Dyson vacuums sold on Amazon could cause fire: Health Canada

    01/27/2024 4:35:31 PM PST · by Red Badger · 15 replies
    Global News Canada ^ | January 26, 2024 10:07 am | By Naomi Barghiel
    VIDEO AT LINK.............. Health Canada is warning that a battery sold on Amazon for Dyson vacuum cleaners could pose a risk of fire and burns after a report of “significant” property damage. The FirstPower 4000mAh V6 battery replacement for Dyson V6 Series vacuums were sold online between January and April 2022. According to the product manufacturer, the battery is also compatible with the following Dyson vacuum cleaners: SV04, DC58, DC59, DC61, DC62, DC72, DC74, Absolute Animal Motorhead Slim, SV03, SV04, SV05, SV06, SV07, SV09. PICTURED: FirstPower replacement battery for Dyson Vacuums sold to 1,731 Canadians on Amazon. Health Canada The...
  • EU - has banned our vacuum cleaners and this is only the beginning

    09/04/2014 8:02:22 AM PDT · by Sean_Anthony · 27 replies
    Canada Free Press ^ | 09/04/14 | Anna Grayson-Morley
    Bureaucrats too young to remember the cold war are now turning Europe into a communist state, Putin must be laughing London, England –“That’s it! I’ve had it. I am voting UKIP (the party that wants separation from the EU) from now on!” my husband exclaimed to me this weekend when yet another store was out of stock of the high powered vacuum we wanted to buy before they were banned. He has been a Tory all his life, but this personal intrusion into how we decide to consume is consuming him with anger. As of this past Monday it is...
  • Dyson calls for a return to technical innovation and manufacturing

    03/09/2010 2:52:49 AM PST · by Willie Green · 3 replies · 74+ views
    The Economic Voice ^ | March 9th, 2010 | Jeff Taylor
    Sir James Dyson, in a report commissioned by the Conservative Party, has recommended a vast overhaul of the UK manufacturing and technology businesses. Sir James is most widely recognised for his vacuum cleaner, but is an accomplished inventor in other areas and has a string of other innovative projects to his name, like the ‘bladeless fan’ or ‘Air Multiplier’. Sir James DysonIn his report ‘Ingenious Britain’ Dyson is calling for more emphasis to be placed on science and technology in schools. He claims that the current atmosphere around health and safety is preventing schoolchildren undertaking experiment and that this should...
  • Drive By Attack On Dog, By A Cat (Funny Must See Video)

    01/14/2010 4:05:50 PM PST · by OneVike · 24 replies · 1,524+ views
    Ever notice how cats just have this greater then thou attitude towards dogs? Kind of reminds me of the way the self appointed elite in the MSM, politics, Colleges, and Hollywood treat us real Americans. Well this cat rides a remote control vacuum and slaps a dog as it rides by. Kind of like the MSM when doing a drive by story on conservatives, Anyway, you need to see it, it is hilarious.Follow this Link to see the, Drive by attack on a dog by cat. Well, back to work.