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  • Exclusive – Tax Documents: U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation Turns to Soros-Funded Groups and Democrats to Keep Dwindling Operations Alive

    03/25/2024 8:47:06 PM PDT · by E. Pluribus Unum · 9 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 25 Mar 2024 | MATTHEW BOYLE
    Tax documents for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation and for a major foundation funded by leftist billionaire George Soros show the organization that purports to represent the U.S. business community has turned hard left in recent years.The Tides Foundation’s public filings from 2018 to 2022 show the Soros-funded organization has given more than $12 million to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation over that five-year span. In 2018, the Tides Foundation gave the Chamber’s foundation $450,000. In 2019, Tides gave the Chamber group $1,450,000. It gave another $100,000 in 2020, followed by $10 million in 2021 and another $175,885...
  • People Awakening to The Multinational Corporate Influence Over U.S. Politics – (abridged title)

    04/03/2021 1:11:24 PM PDT · by Bratch · 3 replies
    The Last Refuge ^ | April 3, 2021 | sundance
    People Awakening to The Multinational Corporate Influence Over U.S. Politics – This is What the Professional UniParty, Including Republicans, Have Intentionally Kept Hidden From The American VoterApril 3, 2021 | Sundance Reposting an earlier article by request as more people are starting to understand why CTH has focused on the financial motivations behind the political ideology for over a decade. It is critical that people understand the landscape. Underline it. Study it. Research the issues and teach everyone about it.Consider if you will, the backdrop of current U.S. politics; the influence of Wall Street and the multinationals who align with...
  • The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election

    02/05/2021 5:29:20 AM PST · by MNDude · 49 replies
    That's why the participants want the secret history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream–a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information. They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it.“
  • Romney And Kushner’s Man In Tennessee Might Be Coming To The Senate (If He Wins The Primary)

    07/30/2020 7:09:27 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 47 replies
    The Federalist ^ | July 30, 2020 | Christopher Bedford
    I'm on the team' is a message from Bill Hagerty that Republican leadership, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, likes to hear. William Hagerty IV is a millionaire businessman running in the Republican primary for Tennessee senator. He made his money in private equity, where decades ago he began his lifelong friendship with Mitt Romney.Hagerty was an early supporter of Jeb Bush, for whom he was chosen as a national delegate, before switching to Team Marco Rubio after Jeb left the race. He was late to Team Donald Trump, using his role there to position himself for future success.He has...
  • Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Free Speech

    06/19/2017 1:20:43 PM PDT · by Kaslin · 13 replies
    Rush ^ | June 19, 2017 | Rush Limbaugh
    RUSH: Hey, the Supreme Court has handed down a decision that’s gonna have some ramifications. They have ruled for, in favor of an Asian-American rock band that calls themselves The Slants. Snerdley, you’re a big music guy. Have you ever heard of The Slants, Asian-American rock band called The Slants? I never have. You have heard of them? You like their music? Ohhh, but you’ve not heard their music, you never heard of ’em ’til the story hit? All right. Well, get this. In a win for Asian-American rock band The Slants — and this has got possible ramifications, good...
  • Darling: The ABCs of Blocking Obama’s Supreme Court Nominee

    02/22/2016 11:01:05 AM PST · by b4its2late · 11 replies
    Conservative Review Commentay ^ | 2/15/2016 | Brian Darling
    When Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) publicly stated that lame-duck President Barack Obama should not be allowed to appoint a Supreme Court justice and that the seat should not be filled "until we have a new president," he was spot on. Under the Constitution, Senator McConnell has the power to block President Obama's nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court. There are a number of points in the confirmation process where the Senate can stop the process and there is nothing that the President and Senate Democrats can do to get the nomination confirmed. Blocking the President's nomination, without knowing...
  • The Scandal That Is Eating the Heart Out of the Catholic Church in America (Wuerl's Web of Lies)

    03/31/2014 2:43:50 PM PDT · by Arthur McGowan · 53 replies
    American Life League ^ | March 24, 2014 | Fr. Vincent Fitzpatrick
    Cardinal Donald Wuerl has been the most outspoken of those bishops who refuse to obey Canon 915, but all of them are on record, as he is, as endorsing the commission of MORTAL SINS by their priests and other ministers of Communion. Cardinal Wuerl has even punished those who have obeyed Canon 915.
  • Supreme Court Update Public Approval of Supreme Court Falls to All-Time Low

    07/01/2013 9:37:29 AM PDT · by US Navy Vet · 24 replies
    Rasmussen Reports ^ | July 01, 2013
    The U.S. Supreme Court finished its term with big decisions on voting rights, affirmative action and same-sex marriage. Following those rulings, public approval of the court has fallen to the lowest level ever recorded in more than nine years of polling. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 28% believe the Supreme Court is doing a good or an excellent job. At the same time, 30% rate its performance as poor. That’s the highest-ever poor rating. It’s also the first time ever that the poor ratings have topped the positive assessments. Thirty-nine percent (39%) give the court...
  • Who’s Responsible For The Fake U.S. Chamber of Commerce Site?

    10/19/2009 4:59:12 PM PDT · by Biggirl · 6 replies · 661+ views ^ | October 19, 2009 | Steve McGough
    So the United States Chamber of Commerce (USCC) puts forward the denier’s opinion that having the Environmental Protection Agency regulate so-called greenhouse gasses is bad for the economic strength of the United States. Some companies quit the Chamber. Now we’ve got fake USCC Web sites and news releases “reversing” their opinion? The fake Web page that has the release is exactly like the Chambers real site, but the URL is totally wrong. Click on the graphic below to see the full page.
  • SNAP's Response to USCC Changes

    06/18/2005 6:52:48 AM PDT · by ninenot · 7 replies · 280+ views
    The Provincial Emails ^ | June 18, 2005 | Peter Isely
    American Catholic Bishops this week have made a number of so-called "revisions" to the Dallas Charter that are part of an effort by many bishops and probably the Vatican to eventually remove zero-tolerance for child sex abuse in the Catholic Church. Most alarmingly, a new study is being commissioned at the urging of Dr. Paul McHugh of the National Review Board [citing the Baltimore Sunarticle in the post below] McHugh, once head of the department of psychiatry at John Hopkins, has a long and controversial history of taking anti-law enforcement positions on the treatment of child sex offenders. McHugh was...
  • I Think I'll Apply

    06/14/2005 5:53:57 AM PDT · by ninenot · 49 replies · 840+ views
    Bettnet ^ | 6/14/05 | Domenico Bettinelli
    The US bishops’ conference is meeting in Chicago this week for their biannual meeting. This is supposed to be the retreat version of their two meetings this year, but some business will be done. (They’re meeting in the Fairmont, a ritzy hotel. There wasn’t a large retreat center or monastery somewhere in the country they could gather at? What kind of message does that send to the average Catholic?) Among the business this week should be discussion of the Scandal. Now that they’ve had the studies that quantify the damage done, they want to look at the causes. If they...
  • Ads Aim to Clear the Air on Stem Cell Research

    10/25/2004 8:07:45 PM PDT · by topher · 7 replies · 487+ views
    Zenit | 10/25/04
    WASHINGTON, D.C., OCT. 25, 2004 ( The U.S. bishops' conference has launched a nationwide two-week ad campaign highlighting the issue of stem cell research. The ads draw a clear distinction between embryonic stem cell research, which requires the destruction of human life at the embryonic stage, and adult stem cell research. "Stem cell research is one of the most important moral issues of our day, but it is also one of the most distorted," said Cathy Cleaver Ruse, a spokeswoman for the bishops' Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities. "In the public debate, embryo-destructive research has been greatly hyped, while the proven...
  • Don't rule out Dolan

    10/23/2004 7:25:00 AM PDT · by ninenot · 15 replies · 423+ views
    Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel ^ | 10/24/04 | Tom Heinen
    He could win U.S. bishops' No. 2 role By TOM Posted: Oct. 22, 2004 The nation's 273 active Roman Catholic bishops have nominated a 10-candidate field that includes Milwaukee Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan and two cardinals for election as president and vice president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.The incumbent vice president - in this case, Bishop William S. Skylstad of Spokane, Wash. - traditionally is elected president. However, selecting a new vice president is another matter. Even though Dolan, 54, has been a bishop only since 2001 and archbishop here for just two years, his potential to...
  • Why Communion Could Be Denied to Anti-Life Legislators

    04/27/2004 8:39:35 AM PDT · by ninenot · 18 replies · 164+ views
    ZENIT ^ | 4/27/04 | Father Thomas Williams (Zenit Int'vw)
    Interview With an American Theologian in Rome ROME, APRIL 26, 2004 ( Moves by the Church to deny Holy Communion to staunchly pro-abortion Catholic politicians are growing. At a Vatican press conference last Friday, Cardinal Francis Arinze said that politicians who unambiguously support abortion must not go to Communion and priests must deny them the sacrament. Last January, then Bishop Raymond Burke of La Crosse, Wisconsin, issued a decree forbidding Catholic legislators who support abortion or euthanasia from receiving Communion. To learn more about the canonical and pastoral implications of these declarations, ZENIT interviewed American theologian Father Thomas Williams, dean...
  • Looking Forward...Church Structures

    04/06/2004 6:06:33 PM PDT · by ninenot · 11 replies · 265+ views
    Commonweal | 08/2003 | Rembert Weakland, OSB
    LOOKING FORWARD:An archbishop examines himself & church structuresCOMMONWEAL/August 15, 2003 "From everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required" (Luke 12: 48). That admonition weighs heavily upon me. My personal failings are now public knowledge. I have apologized to the local church of Milwaukee and to the larger church for my transgressions, and I have begged forgiveness. The thousands of letters, e-mails, and phone calls I have received since stepping down as archbishop of Milwaukee convince me that the church's faithful in the United States remain incredibly strong in their understanding of human frailty, sinfulness, and the...
  • Putting [Priest Abuse] Reports in Perspective

    02/19/2004 6:21:42 PM PST · by ninenot · 7 replies · 347+ views
    Milwaukee Catholic Herald Citizen ^ | 02/17/04 | Abp. Timothy Dolan
    Fasten your seat belts! On Friday, February 27, we bishops will release the reports we commissioned a year and a half ago to study the scope and nature of the horrible scandal of the sexual abuse of minors by clergy. The release of these two reports, commissioned by the National Review Board – one, by the John Jay Institute on the number of victims and offenders, and the cost to the Church, and the second, on what led to the crisis – will, I am afraid, "pick open the scab" that was beginning to heal, and push the terrible bad...
  • Priests surveyed on celibacy

    01/31/2004 5:52:33 AM PST · by ninenot · 44 replies · 437+ views
    Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel ^ | 1/31/04 | Tom Heinen
    Most found to favor discussion of mandate By TOM Posted: Jan. 30, 2004 Lay volunteers are surveying diocesan and religious order priests in at least 52 of the country's 195 Roman Catholic dioceses to document how many think the requirement of mandatory celibacy for diocesan priests should be openly discussed by church leaders. The effort is being coordinated by two national reform groups that advocate the ordination of married men and of women - the Chicago-based Call to Action and the Cleveland-based FutureChurch. It is another in a series of ripples that were set in motion last year when...
  • China: Red Menace, or Misread?

    10/08/2002 11:09:00 AM PDT · by Conagher · 20 replies · 324+ views
    Business Week online ^ | JULY 29, 2002 | Bruce Einhorn
    <p>Before September 11, the Bush Administration seemed to be treating China as one of the biggest threats that the U.S. faced worldwide. There was the incident of the U.S. spy plane that went down on China's Hainan Island as well as President Bush's talk about doing whatever it takes to defend Taiwan from Chinese aggression. Republicans talked about treating China as a competitor rather than as the partner envisioned by former President Bill Clinton.</p>