Posted on 03/31/2014 2:43:50 PM PDT by Arthur McGowan
Cardinal Donald Wuerl has been the most outspoken of those bishops who refuse to obey Canon 915, but all of them are on record, as he is, as endorsing the commission of MORTAL SINS by their priests and other ministers of Communion. Cardinal Wuerl has even punished those who have obeyed Canon 915.
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Our Lady of Fatima said that the great apostasy will begin at the top.
We are living in the times of the Great Apostasy.
I doubt it. Those holy priests who do refuse to distribute communion when confronted with persons who present a public scandal (outspoken homosexuals, abortionists) are severely disciplined and/or suppressed.
Denying communion to such people doesn’t jive with the Holy Father’s pastoral mission...
I think whatever heart there was - was eaten away along time ago.
Cardinal Sean O’Malley, of Ted Kennedy funeral fame, was cornered by a journalist several years ago. O’Malley’s comments on giving pro-aborts Communion were 100% political: He said that the bishops must be unanimous on the issue. Nonsense. He said that the bishops must not be seen as singling out a particular political party. Nonsense. And he blamed the Pope (JPII) for not clarifying the issue. Sleazy nonsense.
Cardinal Burke’s famous article dealt with this whole issue exhaustively.
The disobedient bishops have no strategy other than a vast conspiracy of silence. Or, like Wuerl, Chaput, O’Malley, Dolan, et al., to lie, and hope to deceive enough people to keep the issue at bay.
Couldn’t agree with you more. It’s disheartening.
One can only surmise that the floor of Hell needs repaving.
But the great thing is is that the Gates of Hell will not prevail. They’ve made inroads, but they will not prevail.
Well, in 1968, only one bishop in the entire country, Archbishop Patrick A. O’Boyle of Washington, taught his diocese that Humanae Vitae was the truth, and suspended dissident priests—including his own confessor. The notorious homosexual, Cardinal John Wright, used his Vatican position to cut O’Boyle off at the knees. Today, Wright’s notoriously homosexual secretary, Donald Wuerl, is Archbishop of Washington.
People always speak of the “Gates of Hell” as if they were always moving around, like tanks attacking the Church. Odd.
I’ve wondered about the duty of the priest in that situation. I kept concluding they were duty bound to refuse to obey their Bishop. Is that wrong? Should they be refusing to obey and off communion when doing so violates CCC 915?
Nope- Because it would have a negative cash flow effect on RC Inc.
Nah, not tanks. That would imply it’s an attack from outside of the Church. The Gates of Hell we’re seeing which are even more insidious are the Modernists within the Church.
That’s a good question. Is it akin to the military, i.e, refusing an immoral order? Or is this type of thing covered under the vow of obedience? I dunno.
We’re all in Hell already, unless we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior.
If it’s any consolation, I’m of the younger generation of Catholics who having grown up and catechized in the post Vatican II novus ordo tradition is now rejecting the modernist heresy that’s infected the Church.
Read the whole article.
No bishop has any right to say what Wuerl, Dolan, Chaput, O’Malley and most other bishops are saying: They claim to have a “policy” of not denying Communion to pro-aborts.
They have no right to have such a “policy” because giving Communion to pro-aborts is a MORTAL SIN.
As the Vatican clarified years ago, no bishop can legitimately command his priests to disobey Canon 915.
All but about a dozen bishops in the U.S. are walking around habitually in the state of mortal sin, because they insist on committing this mortal sin.
As bad as Obama’s Amerika is, we’re not in Hell already. But many people are on their way there.
Wondering just who the author is???
A native of Washington, DC, Fr. Vincent Fitzpatrick is a retired priest of the Diocese of Fargo.
So what can we do? I would like nothing better than to smack around my Bishop. Where does obedience end for laymen?
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