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  • CNN Analyst Pretty Damn Sure Ferguson Will Riot if Officer Isn’t Indicted

    10/29/2014 4:17:02 PM PDT · by 2ndDivisionVet · 77 replies
    Mediaite ^ | October 29, 2014 | Evan McMurry
    Ferguson police chief Thomas Jackson is or isn’t resigning or being pushed out of his job, depending on how much you believe CNN’s reporting last night (Jackson disputes all versions). But CNN law enforcement analyst Tom Fuentes said the Ferguson PD was right to stock up on riot gear anyway, as things are “going to overheat” if Officer Darren Wilson isn’t indicted and convicted for shooting unarmed teenager Michael Brown. “Whether [Jackson] resigns, or is fired, won’t matter at the end of the day if Wilson isn’t arrested, prosecuted, and jailed for shooting Michael Brown,” said Fuentes, a former FBI...