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  • Kerry candidacy inspires comparison to other JFK

    01/20/2004 11:40:16 PM PST · by Cincinatus' Wife · 26 replies · 308+ views
    The Houston Chronicle ^ | January 21, 2004 | SCOTT SHEPARD
    WASHINGTON -- Is America ready to be led by another Massachusetts senator, a former Navy war hero with the initials "JFK," a rich, Catholic Bostonian with patrician looks and a glamorous wife, a forward-looking Democrat with a challenge to countrymen to be a part of something larger than themselves? John Forbes Kerry, the three-term senator from Massachusetts, the much-decorated former gunboat captain in Vietnam, the aristocrat with the Boston brogue and the Mozambique-born heiress wife, thinks so. But don't suggest to Kerry that he represents a chance for Democrats to return to Camelot or that he is trying to trade...