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Keyword: statebond

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  • CA: State bond list stuns local officials (some county officials express alarm)

    02/18/2007 10:28:30 AM PST · by NormsRevenge · 2 replies · 276+ views
    North County Times ^ | 2/18/07 | Dave Downey
    NORTH COUNTY ---- Offering a first glimpse at how state transportation bond money might be spent, the California Transportation Commission's staff on Friday recommended that the powerful panel award $304 million for road projects in San Diego County and $38 million for a project in Southwest Riverside County. The recommended San Diego County projects include the proposed retrofit of the Interstate 15 express lanes in the Miramar area to match the expansion under way to the north, as well as car-pool lane extensions on Interstates 5 and 805. The Southwest Riverside County project is the planned widening of Interstate 215...