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Keyword: silverstars

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  • Outnumbered More Than 10:1, Green Berets Take 'Em All Down

    12/14/2008 1:01:51 PM PST · by Bill Dupray · 49 replies · 1,900+ views
    The Patriot Room ^ | December 14, 2008 | Bill Dupray
    Oh, and by the way, they'll be receiving 10 Silver Stars for their trouble. From the Washington Post. After jumping out of helicopters at daybreak onto jagged, ice-covered rocks and into water at an altitude of 10,000 feet, the 12-man Special Forces team scrambled up the steep mountainside toward its target -- an insurgent stronghold in northeast Afghanistan. "Our plan," Capt. Kyle M. Walton recalled in an interview, "was to fight downhill." But as the soldiers maneuvered toward a cluster of thick-walled mud buildings constructed layer upon layer about 1,000 feet farther up the mountain, insurgents quickly manned fighting positions,...
  • Project Hero: 1LT Brian R. Chontosh

    11/20/2005 5:44:12 PM PST · by bobsunshine · 10 replies · 909+ views
    QandO Blog ^ | November 19, 2005 | McQ
    For those of you that don't know, I mentioned a few days back that I was surprised to learn 208 Silver Stars had been awarded in Iraq. Apparently heroism isn't newsworthy enough for most of the MSM. So in an effort to change that, I've embarked on a bit of a personal crusade called "Project Hero", where I will highlight the heroism of some of our Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airmen in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Today we honor a young Marine officer who won the nation's second highest honor for valor in action: the Navy Cross. From 1LT Chontosh's...

    11/30/2004 3:47:50 PM PST · by CHARLITE · 19 replies · 881+ views
    Private Email | NOVEMBER 20, 2004 | UNKNOWN
    In contrast to the ideals, opinions and feelings of today's "Hollywonk" the real actors of yester-year loved the United States. They had both class and integrity. With the advent of World War II many of our actors went to fight rather than stand and rant against this country we all love. They gave up their wealth, position and fame to become service men & women, many as simple "enlisted men". This page lists but a few, but from this group of only 18 men came over 70 medals in honor of their valor, spanning from Bronze Stars, Silver Stars, Distinguish...