Keyword: shadowparty
Even as Democrats publicly and loudly decry corporatist political “dark money,” billionaire Democrats and other donors funnel hundreds of millions to radical and violent causes. Barely a week had passed after Donald Trump’s historic upset in the November 8 presidential election, but some of the world’s richest individuals were already launching a counteroffensive. George Soros and his fellow deep-pocket funders of the Democratic Party and left-wing causes gathered with a lineup of party activists and luminaries from Hollywood, K Street, and Wall Street for a three-day “investment conference” (November 15-17) at the luxurious Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Washington, D.C....
Leaked funding documents reveal an effort by George Soros and his foundations to manipulate election laws and process rules ahead of the federal election far more expansively than has been previously reported. The billionaire and convicted felon moved hundreds of millions of dollars into often-secret efforts to change election laws, fuel litigation to attack election integrity measures, push public narratives about voter fraud, and to integrate the political ground game of the left with efforts to scare racial minority groups about voting rights threats. These Soros-funded efforts moved through dozens of 501(c)(3) and (c)(4) charities and involved the active compliance...
Among the curiosities spewed from John Podesta's email by WikiLeaks is an intriguing memo to a group of billionaires that outlines the real goals of the Democratic Party's progressive wing. Turns out they don't want to rig an election, they want to rig the whole system — demographics, politics, the media, everything. The idea that the Democratic Party is the party of the "little man," as the old term would have it, is one of the great fallacies of our time, as this memo clearly shows. The Democratic Party has been captured by the interests of a handful of left-leaning...
September 11, 2001 was a moment deeply etched into the psyche of the American mind. It brought this country together like at no other time in the past. For Geeoge Soros it had a completely different meaning. To Soros it showed that foreign policy under Clinton, Bush and further even in the Obama presidency was arrogant, leading to an anti-American hatred across the globe. Soros himself had decided Bush was “evil” for no other reason than that he called our enemies “evil. Bush also expressed exceptionalism in the American way of governing and in the country in general. Where the...
At the Shadow Party’s "Take Back America" conference in Washington on June 3, 2004, following a glowing introduction from Hillary Clinton, George Soros stepped to the podium to explain to the audience that when it came to electoral politics in the USA, he was a newcomer. Only his outrage over Bush’s invasion of Iraq had stirred him to get involved in the partisan struggle. "[I]t is the first time that I feel that I need to stand up and do something, and become really engaged in the electoral process in this country," Soros said.[1] This was far from the truth,...
Billionaire investor George Soros, 83, will marry 42-year-old Tamiko Bolton today, followed by a huge party at his Caramoor Estate in Bedford, with 500 guests. We’re told the couple will say their vows in front of a select group of friends and family before they celebrate with hundreds from 4:30 p.m. onward.
"The New Leviathan:""How the Left-Wing Money-Machine Shapes American Politics""and Threatens America's Future" By David Horowitz and Jacob Laksin David Horowitz contends that tax-exempt organizations of the political left,who present themselves are more aligned with the concerns of the poor and working class than conservative groups and the Republican Party, have assets over 100 hundred billion dollars and outspend conservatives seven to one. The author argues that the Left has used their finances to promote a progressive agenda that has transformed the political landscape. David Horowitz speaks at the Four Seasons in Los Angeles.
- FrontPage Magazine - - David Brock: Media Matters MadmanPosted By Daniel Greenfield On February 23, 2012 @ 12:47 am In Daily Mailer,FrontPage | No Comments David Brock is a member of an exclusive club of fake conservatives like Arianna Huffington who, when the winds turned blustery and the money looked better on the other side, crossed the Iron Curtain going the other way and headed to Moscow.There is something to be said for the right, which has attracted its defectors from the best of the left. And there is something to be said for the left, which has...
US Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg tells Egyptians: Don’t look to the “OLD US Constitution” for guidance in drafting a new constitution. Justice Ginsburg holds in high esteem the constitution of South Africa and Canada.
Pelosi: 'I Don't Want To Pay For It...Surcharge' The Rich For Doctors Visits and Unemployment Benefits
The Obama administration on Tuesday will wade into the increasingly divisive national debate over new voting laws in several states that could depress turnout among minorities and others who helped elect the president in 2008. Â… With the presidential campaign heating up,Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. will deliver a speech Tuesday expressing concerns about the voter-identification laws, along with a Texas redistricting plan before the Supreme Court that fails to take into account the stateÂ’s burgeoning Hispanic population, he said in an interview Monday. Holder will speak at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Libary and Museum in Austin, Tex.,...
About $2 billion worth of European bonds owned by MF Global were bought by billionaire investor George Soros's family fund, the Wall Street Journal wrote on Friday, quoting people close to the matter. On October 31 MF Global collapsed into the eighth-largest bankruptcy in U.S. history and an estimated $1.2 billion in client funds remains unaccounted for. SNIP hey were turned over to KPMG, MF Global's bankruptcy administrator in London; they were then offered to big investors immediately after the company's collapse by MF Global's London clearing house, LCH Clearnet, the paper said, quoting a KPMG spokeswoman. A number of...
I understand that the NAACP opposes voter-ID laws. Given the long history of fighting against uses of state law to deny blacks and other minorities the franchise until the Civil Rights Movement prevailed, their deep skepticism over proposed stricter enforcement of eligibility laws can’t help but recall echoes of voter suppression in their communities, even if the new laws are innocent of any racial animus. We still have plenty of mistrust that will take generations to undo, especially given that we still have those with living memories of having been denied the right to vote. Still, if the NAACP wants...
Last week, I discussed how Occupy protesters are being directly aided by the mainstream media and indirectly aided by White House stimulus money, as well as New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's and even Vice President Joe Biden's households. I also detailed how the mainstream media are accelerating their progressive blitz not only to hasten the second coming, or election, of President Barack Obama but also to help him and other progressives in reaching their final goal of "fundamentally transforming the United States of America." I believe the MSM are also bent to coronate a particular GOP candidate whom they feel...
Liberalism’s core values remain strong, persuasive and enduring. Their fighting vitality is apparent in the spreading youth-led protests on Wall Street and across the country. What we lack is a coherent progressive narrative explaining and justifying liberalism’s role in the radically changed circumstances of the twenty-first century—a liberal vision of the kind Thomas Jefferson and Sam Adams offered the founders or John Dewey gave the Progressive Era. Liberals need to stop denying who they are and, like the young protesters, start fighting for what they believe in. For though aggravated and anxious, liberals have never been less visible in the...
- Van Jones, president of the progressive organization Rebuild the Dream, joins The Last Word to discuss what Washington should be doing about jobs. Jones calls the US' deficit problem "phony" and made up. "Hold on to your hats, we're going to have an October offensive to take back the American dream and rescue America's middle class," Jones told MSNBC's "The Last Word." Jones warns of an "American Fall" like there was an Arab Spring. Jones was President Obama's "green jobs czar" until he resigned in fall of 2009.
As a way to solve the national debt crisis, North Carolina Democratic Gov. Beverly Perdue recommends suspending Congressional elections for the next couple of years. “I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won’t hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover,” Perdue said at a rotary club event in Cary, North Carolina, according to the Raleigh News and Observer. “I really hope that someone can agree with me on that.” Perdue said she thinks that temporarily halting elections would allow members...
The Shadow Party Strikes Again: ‘Texans For Public Justice’ is Really Part of the Texas Democrats’ Smear Bryan Preston September 21, 2011 Texans for Public Justice’s true nature is relevant because they’ve launched an ethics broadside against Texas Gov. Rick Perry on the eve of the next presidential debate, and that attack is getting picked up as if it’s not coming from a partisan hothouse. Despite their attempts to masquerade as non-partisan watchdogs, Texans for Public Justice are Democrat partisans funded by a variety of far left outfits. PJ alum Jennifer Rubin cites TPJ uncritically in a post at her...
As election season crowds around, we should be keeping track of the Soros-related "charity" 501c3s that are used as shill media outlets. The Texas Tribune, for one, and now "" (like put it in her file somewhere, because I just got this outfit from a credulous liberal as an offering from a disgruntled "former Republican"
"When I talk to Democrats outside and inside the White House, as I did today. What I heard was a slightly different message," Howard Fineman said on tonight's "Hardball." Fineman reveals that the Democratic strategy in 2012 for the presidential and Congressional elections will be "down and dirty." "It's not going to be a 'Morning in America' campaign, it's going to be a darkness at midnight campaign about the Republicans. it's going to be about the fact that the Republicans in Congress pushed Paul Ryan's bill Medicare, about how they pushed Cut, Cap and Balance. It's about how Republicans wanted...