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Keyword: sarkozy

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  • Ex-first lady of France Carla Bruni-Sarkozy accused of fraud and witness tampering, faces up to 20 years in prison

    07/30/2024 5:48:55 PM PDT · by Libloather · 20 replies
    NY Post ^ | 7/29/24 | Isabel Vincent
    Former supermodel Carla Bruni-Sarkozy is the latest person to be dragged into the campaign finance scandal swirling around her husband, former French President Nicolas Sarkozy. Earlier this month, Bruni-Sarkozy, 56, was charged with fraud and witness tampering related to up to $54 million that former Libyan dictator Moammar Khadafy allegedly gave to Sarkozy in illegal campaign contributions for his winning 2007 presidential campaign, according to French newspaper Le Monde. Sarkozy, 69, was president of France between 2007 and 2012. Khadafy was assassinated in Libya in 2011. The former first lady, who is also a singer/songwriter and once dated Rolling Stones...
  • Clear and Present Danger (Oliver North)

    01/22/2009 9:05:55 PM PST · by jazusamo · 32 replies · 1,269+ views ^ | January 23, 2009 | Oliver North
    WASHINGTON -- Now that the festivities are over, it is time for the masters of the media to stop asking inane questions of the new folks in town -- such as, "How do you like your new office?" -- and for the Obama administration to get down to work on a clear and present danger. Notwithstanding the "day one" and "first week" coverage, the most pressing issue confronting the American people isn't closing "Gitmo" or the always ephemeral "Mideast peace process" in the aftermath of Gaza or even "fixing the economy." Item No. 1 ought to be preventing the world's...
  • ‘Wrong about Putin’: Did Germany and France turn blind eye to threat from Russia?

    04/06/2022 9:46:44 AM PDT · by Oldeconomybuyer · 17 replies
    France24 ^ | April 6, 2022
    The escalating civilian toll of Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine has fuelled calls for a reappraisal of more than a decade of French and German efforts to engage with a leader whose forces stand accused of committing horrific war crimes in Ukraine. Ukraine’s embattled President Volodymyr Zelensky did not mince his words as he addressed Western leaders in a video message late on Sunday, just hours after witnessing the trail of death and destruction that Russian forces left in their wake as they retreated from Kyiv’s northern suburb of Bucha. He had a special message for the former leaders of...
  • Sarkozy Is Not the First Political Scandal in France: The list of well known French politicians, accused in recent years of financial misdeeds and corruption is growing.

    03/05/2021 7:15:20 AM PST · by SeekAndFind · 17 replies
    American Thinker ^ | 03/05/2021 | Michael Curtis
    Political scandals are not unknown in France and are well documented, but the list of well known politicians, including former presidents and prime ministers, accused in recent years of financial misdeeds or corruption is growing. In the present French political system, the president is a powerful figure: the head of state with supreme executive authority and command of the armed forces, with the ability to choose the prime minister, regarded as a symbol of the French nation. Directly elected by universal suffrage, not by an electoral college, for a term of five years, presidents cannot be voted out of office...
  • Former French President Sarkozy accused of racism after 'monkey' comment

    09/12/2020 1:40:15 PM PDT · by Olog-hai · 12 replies
    AFP via ^ | 12 September 2020 10:21 CEST+02:00
    Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy has attracted fierce criticism after appearing to associate the word “monkey” with a racist term for a black person. Speaking on a television show on Thursday evening, Sarkozy was criticizing elites “who are like monkeys that listen to no one,” when he suddenly stopped. “I don’t know anymore, are we allowed to say ‘monkey’?”, he asked, adding: “Because… we’re no longer allowed to say… What do we say? ‘Ten Little Soldiers’ now? Is that it? Yeah… Society is really progressing.” “Maybe we’re allowed to say ‘monkey’ without insulting anyone.” Sarkozy was referring to Agatha Christie’s...
  • French court says Sarkozy should be tried over campaign funding

    10/25/2018 8:19:37 AM PDT · by Olog-hai · 2 replies
    A French appeals court ruled Thursday that former president Nicolas Sarkozy should stand trial on charges of illicit financing of his failed 2012 presidential campaign. Sarkozy, 63, will appeal the decision before the Cour de Cassation, France’s court of final appeal, his lawyers said Thursday. It is one of several legal inquiries which have dogged the rightwing politician since he left office. In upholding last year’s decision by a judge to put Sarkozy on trial, the appeals court in Paris rejected arguments from his legal team seeking to avoid a potentially embarrassing public ordeal of a trial as well as...
  • Q Anon: (3/18/18) Continued from Friday's thread. FRiendly Freeper Collaboration

    03/18/2018 10:04:49 PM PDT · by ransomnote · 1,245 replies ^ | 3/18/2018 | FReepers, vanity
    Anons, Tweeters, FReepers and others are still digging in the right place, and still willing to dig wherever Q points. This thread is a friendly collaborative place for FReepers to analyze information and share opinons. FReepers have a wide variety of reasons for investigating Q Anon content; this is not the appropriate place to criticize or badger those who choose to use some of their time in this manner. This thread is a continuation of the prior Q Anon thread located here: I plan to post one thread at a time and ping new drops posted to it....
  • Ex-French president Sarkozy held on Gadhafi claims

    03/20/2018 2:51:28 PM PDT · by mojito · 38 replies
    AP ^ | 3/20/2018 | Samuel Petrequin
    Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy was placed in custody on Tuesday as part of an investigation into allegations he received millions of euros in illegal campaign financing from the regime of the late Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. A judicial source with direct knowledge of the case told The Associated Press that Sarkozy was being held at the Nanterre police station, north-west of Paris. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the matter publicly. Sarkozy has vehemently and repeatedly denied wrongdoing in the case, which involves funding for his winning 2007 presidential campaign. Though...
  • Who Leaked to Iran?

    10/20/2009 9:08:06 AM PDT · by Ooh-Ah · 14 replies · 1,271+ views
    NewsMax ^ | October 20, 2009 | Kenneth R. Timmerman
    For three long years, the United States, Britain, and France kept the secret while their intelligence services shared information they had been gathering on what appeared to be a top secret underground nuclear weapons plant near Qom. At the very last minute, just four days before the allies planned to shock the world by revealing detailed information on the secret nuclear plant, the Iranian government sent a tersely worded letter acknowledging the existence of the site to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and pledged to open it for future inspections. “Someone leaked,” says Danielle Pletka, vice president of the...
  • Sarkozy sees return to top as kingmaker for Macron

    04/03/2017 3:54:22 AM PDT · by iowamark · 2 replies
    London Times ^ | April 3 2017 | Charles Bremner
    Nicolas Sarkozy, the former French president, is manoeuvring to return to power as the backstage boss behind Emmanuel Macron, the independent candidate who is favourite to win the French election next month. Mr Sarkozy, 62, who lost the presidency to the Socialist François Hollande five years ago, has all but written off the chances of François Fillon, the beleaguered presidential candidate of his conservative Republicans party, and has instead set his sights on a party victory in the June parliamentary elections, his colleagues say. The outcome of that election will dictate whether the new president has the means to run...
  • More Than a Dozen Proven Victims of Obama’s Many Wiretaps

    03/05/2017 10:28:46 PM PST · by Trump_vs_Evil_Witch · 11 replies
    Gateway Pundit ^ | Mar 5th, 2017 | Jim Hoft
    The Main Stream Media and other enemies of the current President are challenging the preposition that President Obama wire tapped President Donald Trump during the 2016 Presidential race. President Trump started this discussion with his tweets over the weekend. It is not unfounded that former President Obama would wire tap President Trump during the election process. This is because he has done this before. Here is a list of individuals who were wire tapped by the Obama Administration. WikiLeaks released the following list on February 23rd (see link here) of Obama Administration wire taps: * The US National Security Agency...
  • Wikileaks Destroys Obama – Reveals His History Of Wiretapping Friends and Rivals

    03/05/2017 5:19:51 PM PST · by Trump_vs_Evil_Witch · 105 replies
    Gateway Pundit ^ | Mar 5th, 2017 | Cristina Laila
    Obamagate is gaining traction. Wikileaks revealed documents proving that Obama has a history of wiretapping and hacking friends and foes. In one particular Wikileaks document, Obama bugged a meeting between UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and German Chancellor, Angela Merkel. Obama also intercepted a call between then French president, Sarkozy and Merkel.
  • Marine Le Pen takes huge lead over Nicolas Sarkozy in French first round presidential election poll

    11/20/2016 10:20:57 AM PST · by zlando · 63 replies
    Europe-Israel News ^ | Europe Israel News
    Front National leader Marine Le Pen has taken a sizeable lead over Nicolas Sarkozy in a new French presidential election poll. The far-right leader had 29 per cent of the vote when pitted against Les Républicains’ former president, who was eight points behind, and held a 15-point lead over the Parti de Gauche’s Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the poll released by Ipsos. It was one of five scenarios for the first round of France’s 2017 presidential elections on 23 April, although one that did not include Les Républicains’ Alain Juppe – who remains strong favourite to succeed Francois Hollande as...
  • Sarkozy Defeated In Primary For French Right's Presidential Candidate

    11/20/2016 9:02:56 PM PST · by Steelfish · 19 replies
    Guardian ^ | November 20, 2016 | Angelique Chrisafis
    Sarkozy Defeated In Primary For French Right's Presidential Candidate Former prime ministers François Fillon and Alain Juppé face second vote on 27 November, after Nicolas Sarkozy suffers humiliating rejection Angelique Chrisafis in Paris 20 November 2016 Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy’s political career has been effectively ended, after he was dealt a humiliating defeat on Sunday by his former prime minister François Fillon in the first round of the race to choose the rightwing Republican party’s candidate for the presidency next spring. Fillon, a socially conservative, free-market reformer who admires Margaret Thatcher and voted against same-sex marriage, came close to...
  • Sarkozy: Let's tax US goods if Trump trashes Paris deal (AGW)

    11/14/2016 5:52:46 PM PST · by Olog-hai · 80 replies ^ | 14 Nov 2016 13:36 GMT+01:00
    French presidential candidate Nicolas Sarkozy has proposed that Europe apply a carbon tax on American imports if Donald Trump pulls the United States out of the Paris climate pact. More than 100 countries have ratified the Paris global emissions deal, which was inked in December after marathon talks to cap greenhouse gases that cause global warming. “Donald Trump has said — we’ll see if he keeps this promise — that he won’t respect the conclusions of the Paris climate agreement,” Sarkozy said late Sunday on the TF1 television channel. “Well, I will demand that Europe put in place a carbon...
  • Sarkozy comes out of the closet as a climate skeptic

    09/15/2016 7:49:45 AM PDT · by Olog-hai · 10 replies ^ | 15 Sep 2016 09:00 GMT+02:00
    Nicolas Sarkozy, who is fighting to regain the presidency that he lost to François Hollande in 2012, has finally come out of the closet as a climate skeptic. Speaking in front of business leaders, Sarkozy, a candidate for Les Republicains party primary in November, told them that man alone was not to blame for climate change. “Climate has been changing for four billion years,” the former president said according to AFP. “Sahara has become a desert; it isn’t because of industry. You need to be as arrogant as men are to believe we changed the climate.” …
  • Sarkozy promises to move Calais ‘Jungle’ across the Channel

    09/05/2016 11:30:42 AM PDT · by Olog-hai · 20 replies
    EurActiv ^ | 09/05/2016 | 08:04 | By Aline Robert | | Translated By Samuel White
    Nicolas Sarkozy, the Republican frontrunner for the 2017 French presidential election, told la Voix du Nord that he wants to create a “hotspot” in the UK for migrants hoping to cross the channel. EurActiv France reports. “As most foreigners come to Calais to try and reach Great Britain, I want our British friends to start dealing with requests for asylum in the UK in a closed center on their own territory, and to take responsibility for returning those whose requests are rejected,” he told the regional newspaper on Monday (5 September). The former French president suggested that “teams of French...
  • Nicolas Sarkozy demands border controls for thousands of migrants in Calais be shifted to Britain

    08/29/2016 2:01:16 PM PDT · by Lorianne · 20 replies
    Telegraph (UK) ^ | 28 August 2016 | David Chazan
    Nicolas Sarkozy has joined other conservative French politicians in demanding that border controls for thousands of migrants in Calais be shifted to Britain. The former centre-Right president made the call in a speech in Le Touquet, the northern town where he signed agreements in 2003 allowing British officials to check passports in France and vice-versa, when he was interior minister. The accords were part of a bilateral deal to close a former migrants’ centre at Sangatte, near Calais. But Mr Sarkozy said France can no longer tolerate the presence of about 9,000 migrants living in the squalid “Jungle” camp in...
  • Nicolas Sarkozy announces new presidential bid

    08/22/2016 10:47:32 PM PDT · by Olog-hai · 9 replies ^ | 22 Aug 2016 16:24 GMT+02:00
    Former French leader Nicolas Sarkozy on Monday announced he will seek his party’s nomination to stand in next year’s presidential election. […] “The next five years will be filled with danger but also with hope,” wrote the 61-year-old conservative, who had made no secret of his ambition to return to the top job. He listed five major challenges for France, which included defending French identity, restoring lost competitiveness and enforcing state authority.The announcement of his bid to secure the nomination of his opposition Republicans at a party primary in November comes in the midst of an impassioned debate over the...
  • Obama Bombs Wrong Target on Open Mic Night

    11/28/2013 6:49:47 AM PST · by Kaslin · 5 replies ^ | November 28, 2013 | John Ransom
    For those who think the president's animosity toward Israel isn't expressed both personally and through policy, I've taken the liberty of "reprinting" a column from November 2011 as a reminder. Oh, and this notice has been added to give SOME readers, who shall not be named, something else to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. It's a good article. No, no, no: You're welcome. It's my pleasure to add this notice. I know it will make the article MUCH better. Really. Happy Thanksgiving. Well, I’ll say one thing for him: Obama certainly has been transformative when it comes putting the “personal”...