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Keyword: relying

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  • Obama: GOP relying on fear, frustration instead of offering new ideas

    09/16/2010 6:34:12 PM PDT · by Nachum · 44 replies
    cnn ^ | 9/16/10 | staff
    With Tea Party protesters gathered outside, President Barack Obama said Thursday he understood the anger and frustration in the country but insisted his policies would move the nation forward. (snip) Out on the street, conservative protesters withstood stormy weather to express their concerns with signs criticizing Obama and Blumenthal. Some held Revolutionary War-era flags depicting a coiled snake and the "Don't Tread on Me" slogan, while other placards in the crowd of mostly white, middle-aged demonstrators said "B.O. Stinks," "I am not your ATM," and "Stop Socialism, vote Nov. 2."
  • Rubio says country relying too much on government

    05/15/2010 9:08:40 PM PDT · by NormsRevenge · 4 replies · 443+ views
    AP on ^ | 5/15/10 | Brendan Farrington - ap
    Orlando, Fla. (AP) -- Republican Senate candidate Marco Rubio told an anti-gay marriage group Saturday the country is relying too much on the government, in part because of a breakdown of family and faith values over the last 50 years. "You know what the fastest growing religion in America is? Statism. The growing reliance on government," Rubio said. "Every time a problem emerges, increasingly the reaction in American society is 'Well what can government do about it?'" America became the greatest country because of its strong society where people did not sit back and wait for government to act, he...
  • Schwarzenegger: Relying On Border Wall 'Ludicrous'

    04/23/2006 5:02:12 PM PDT · by HEMICRASHBOX · 71 replies · 1,204+ views
    CBS13 ^ | None
    (AP) LOS ANGELES Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Sunday said that building a 700-mile wall along the border with Mexico to deter illegal immigration would amount to "going back to the Stone ages," and urged the federal government to use high-tech gear and more patrols to secure the nation's southern boundary. "We are landing men on the moon and in outer space using all these great things. I think that other technology really can secure the borders," the Republican governor said in an interview on ABC's "This Week." "If I say now, 'Yes, let's build the wall,' what would prevent you...