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  • Former President Jimmy Carter receives 10th Grammy nomination

    11/11/2024 10:43:55 AM PST · by ChicagoConservative27 · 22 replies
    fox5atlanta ^ | 11/11/2024 | FOX 5 Atlanta Digital Team
    ATLANTA - At 100 years old, former President Jimmy Carter could make history as the oldest Grammy winner. Carter recently received his 10th Grammy nomination, competing in the category for Best Audio Book, Narration, and Storytelling Recording for his audiobook, Last Sundays in Plains: A Centennial Celebration. This special album features recordings from his final Sunday school lessons at Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains. In addition to Carter's teachings, the album includes heartfelt renditions of classic American songs, including "America the Beautiful" and "Amazing Grace," performed by country stars Darius Rucker and LeAnn Rimes. Released by Virgin Music in August,...
  • Obama receives standing ovation from less than 25% of West Point cadets: report

    05/28/2014 2:36:13 PM PDT · by Nachum · 138 replies
    The Washington Times ^ | 5/28/14 | Douglas Ernst
    President Obama was welcomed by the Black Knight of the Hudson for his speech at West Point on Wednesday, but less than 25 percent of the cadets gave him a standing ovation upon his introduction, the Daily Mail reported. “Receiving tepid applause and a short standing ovation from less than one-quarter of the audience upon his introduction, Obama argued for a contradictory foreign policy that relies on NATO and the United Nations while insisting that ‘America must always lead on the world stage,’ the paper reported. During his speech, which the Wall Street Journal called “consistent with that of every...
  • Bedford County dead dog receives voter registration forms

    06/19/2012 6:24:36 AM PDT · by DFG · 15 replies
    WSLS ^ | 06/18/12 | Aaron Martin
    When Tim Morris got his mail last week he found a pretty big surprise, a document asking his dog Mozart to register to vote. Not only is Mozart a dog but he's been dead for two years. "I opened it up and looked at it and I just laughed," Morris said. "I thought it was a joke at first and it turns out it's real." The form is addressed to Mo, the family's nickname for the dog. What amazed Morris is that if Mozart was human he would have been eligible to vote for the first time in 2012. "He...
  • Bedford County dead dog receives voter registration forms (video at link)

    06/19/2012 5:51:42 AM PDT · by tsowellfan · 6 replies
    BEDFORD COUNTY, VA -- When Tim Morris got his mail last week he found a pretty big surprise, a document asking his dog Mozart to register to vote. Not only is Mozart a dog but he's been dead for two years. "I opened it up and looked at it and I just laughed," Morris said. "I thought it was a joke at first and it turns out it's real." The form is addressed to Mo, the family's nickname for the dog. What amazed Morris is that if Mozart was human he would have been eligible to vote for the first...
  • Defense Receives Trayvon Martin Evidence Against George Zimmerman

    SANFORD, Fla. - The attorney for George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watchman who shot and killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, announced on Monday he has received the evidence against his client and a "credible threat." Attorney Mark O'Mara posted on his defense website,, that he received the discovery for the Zimmerman case just after 5 p.m. on Monday. According to the website, the discovery package included, "67 compact discs and numerous hardcopy documents, including the State’s Discovery Exhibit and Demand for Reciprocal Discovery. The discovery also includes witness statements, 911 calls, non-emergency calls, photos, video, medical records, and more." "All the...
  • Damage Controlman Receives Bronze Star

    02/09/2007 4:09:50 PM PST · by SandRat · 9 replies · 437+ views
    Defense News ^ | Petty Officer 1st Class Paula M. Ludwick
    SAN DIEGO, Feb. 9, 2007 — Chief Petty Officer James R. Theriault, of Colville, Wash., recieved the Bronze Star for exceptionally meritorious service in combat operations during Operation Iraqi Freedom, in a ceremony held at Afloat Training Group, Pacific, on Feb 5. The Bronze Star medal is awarded to individuals who, while serving in or with the military of the United States, distinguish themselves by heroic or meritorious achievement while engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing foreign force. Vice Adm. Terrance T. Etnyre, Commander, Naval Surface Forces presented the medal. “Chief Theriault is just an example of...
  • Poland receives first F-16s

    11/14/2006 5:22:25 PM PST · by SandRat · 27 replies · 756+ views
    Air Force Links ^ | Maj. Krista Carlos
    11/14/2006 - POZNAN, Poland (AFPN) -- The first F-16 Fighting Falcons acquired by the Polish air force arrived at the 31st Air Base here Nov. 9 and were featured at a special roll-out ceremony. Gen. Tom Hobbins, Allied Air Component commander and U.S. Air Forces in Europe commander, represented the Air Force chief of staff at the event which included speeches by the Polish president, as well as a blessing of the aircraft and consecration ceremony. "Poland's acquisition of the F-16 cements the relationship between the U.S. Air Force and the Polish air force for several decades to come," said...
  • Former President Ford receives pacemaker

    08/21/2006 3:02:30 PM PDT · by NormsRevenge · 24 replies · 479+ views
    AP on Yahoo ^ | 8/21/06 | AP
    ROCHESTER, Minn. - Former President Ford received a cardiac pacemaker Monday at the Mayo Clinic, a top aide said. Ford, 93, was resting comfortably after the operation, and his wife and children were with him, according to a statement issued Monday afternoon by Penny Circle, his chief of staff. Ford was expected to continue to recuperate at the clinic for several days. The pacemaker is designed to enhance his heart's performance. He was admitted Aug. 15 for tests and evaluation. At the time, neither the clinic nor his chief of staff would comment in detail on his condition. Ford spent...
  • Ex-Marine receives Navy Cross at Camp Pendleton for Iraq heroism - Fallujah

    07/28/2006 10:46:28 PM PDT · by NormsRevenge · 26 replies · 1,702+ views
    A former Marine sergeant credited with saving five fellow Marines in Iraq was presented the Navy Cross for heroism in combat Friday. Robert J. Mitchell of Iowa was awarded the medal for his actions as a squad leader for Kilo Company, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines, during an assault in the city of Fallujah in November 2004. While engaged in an intense gunfight in what then was an insurgent stronghold, five Marines were wounded and became pinned down in a house. Mitchell, 26, charged through enemy AK-47 fire and hand grenade explosions to reach the building. As he approached the house,...
  • Cartoonist receives veterans' arts award (Quantum bbbaaaaAAARRRRFFF!!!

    07/15/2006 8:13:08 AM PDT · by SandRat · 23 replies · 810+ views
    Arizona Daily Star ^ | Jeff Commings
    Garry Trudeau was inarguably the most famous person in the room Friday. But the man behind the long-running comic strip "Doonesbury" said he felt a little chagrined as he stood before about 400 Vietnam veterans and their spouses. "It's humbling to receive an award for storytelling in a room of people so filled with stories," the Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist said. Trudeau was in Tucson to accept the President's Award for Excellence in the Arts from the Vietnam Veterans of America at the group's national conference, held this week at the Hilton El Conquistador Hotel, 10000 N. Oracle Road.
  • Sergeant Receives Bronze Star for Heroism

    07/01/2006 1:10:40 PM PDT · by SandRat · 6 replies · 485+ views
    Defense News ^ | Lance Cpl. Christopher J. Zahn
    U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Mirza Fejzic Sergeant Receives Bronze Star for Heroism By Lance Cpl. Christopher J. Zahn 2nd Marine Division CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C., June 30, 2006 — A Marine from 2nd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment was awarded the fourth highest military award within the Department of Defense. Sgt. Mirza Fejzic, a 22-year-old native of Hackettstown, N.J., was awarded the Bronze Star with combat distinguishing device in a ceremony here, June 22. He was presented with the award for heroic actions while serving as a squad leader for 3rd Platoon, Company G. On Oct. 26, 2005, Fejzic and a...
  • Marine Bandsman Receives Purple Heart

    06/26/2006 4:06:40 PM PDT · by SandRat · 11 replies · 398+ views
    Defense News ^ | Gunnery Sgt. Mark Oliva
    CAMP FALLUJAH, Iraq, June 26, 2006 — Next time Sgt. Aaron C. Morgan marches in a parade with the 1st Marine Division Band, expect his uniform to look just a little different. Morgan, a bandsman assigned to Regimental Combat Team 5, was awarded the Purple Heart Medal June 24. The percussionist from the 1st Marine Division Band was wounded while performing security operations for an explosive ordnance disposal team April 17. Morgan was the turret gunner in the lead vehicle of his convoy running down one of the more traveled roads in the area. It was late at night, the...
  • Iraqi army receives trucks

    06/13/2006 4:06:19 PM PDT · by SandRat · 11 replies · 301+ views
    Multi-National Forces-Iraq ^ | Maj. Steinar Sveinsson
    BAGHDAD, Iraq - NATO nations continued to show their determination and support with two major donations in June to bolster the Iraqi security forces. Since NATO Training Mission - Iraq began in August 2004; member nations have supported its goals by providing trainers and advisers, as well as large donations of equipment. On 1 June, 100 personnel transport and general purpose cargo trucks donated by Denmark arrived at the Iraqi Army’s 10th Infantry Division in Tallil. Before the used trucks were donated they had to pass maintenance checks and safety inspections to ensure they were fit for duty in the...
  • Sean Connery receives lifetime achievement award - American Film Institute

    06/09/2006 11:46:39 AM PDT · by NormsRevenge · 49 replies · 487+ views
    AP on Yahoo ^ | 6/9/06 | AP
    Hollywood's elite gathered Thursday night to pay tribute to Sean Connery, who received The American Film Institute's annual lifetime achievement award. Directors Steven Spielberg and George Lucas, and actors Harrison Ford, Andy Garcia and Mike Myers were among the stars who cheered on the legendary actor at the ceremony held at the Kodak Theatre. Myers wore a tuxedo jacket and a kilt to honor the Scottish actor. "Men want to be him, women want him, and in my case I both want to be him and want him," Myers joked. "He's extremely professional, very talented and has an amazingly strong...
  • Soldier Receives Medal for Bravery in Iraq

    05/31/2006 4:30:27 PM PDT · by SandRat · 3 replies · 347+ views
    Defend America News ^ | Sgt. Chris A. Durney
    U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Curtis Haines Soldier Receives Medal for Bravery in Iraq By Sgt. Chris A. Durney Arkansas National Guard Public Affairs NORTH LITTLE ROCK, Ark., May 31, 2006 — To Sgt. 1st Class Curtis Haines of Hope, Ark., being presented the nation's highest awards for non-combat related bravery is a source of pride for his whole unit, and not just himself. Haines is a member of the Arkansas Army National Guard's Company A, 1-153rd Infantry of the 39th Brigade Combat Team. He thinks that any one of his fellow Guard soldiers is capable of the same...
  • Marine receives Time Square promotion

    05/30/2006 4:24:21 PM PDT · by SandRat · 2 replies · 202+ views
    Marine Corps News ^ | May 28, 2006 | Cpl. Lameen Witter
    Marine receives Time Square promotion Submitted by: New York City Public Affairs Story Identification #: 2006529181437 Story by Cpl. Lameen Witter NEW YORK (May 28, 2006) -- In the midst of Time Square’s bright lights and heavy traffic, a few Marines came together to celebrate what is said to be the best time in a Marine’s career May 28. Reserve Cpl. Jose A. Maldonado, was promoted to sergeant 9 months after he came off active-duty status. The New Jersey native said he wanted to have his ceremony in New York’s famed square in keeping with the spirit of Fleet Week,...
  • Drill Instructor Receives Navy Cross for Bravery in Iraq

    05/26/2006 6:52:00 PM PDT · by SandRat · 7 replies · 2,773+ views
    Defend America News ^ | Lance Cpl. Heather Golden
    U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Jeremiah Workman Drill Instructor Receives Navy Cross for Bravery in Iraq By Lance Cpl. Heather Golden Parris Island PARRIS ISLAND, S.C., May 26, 2006 —The Marine Corps has a long tradition of excellence in the line of duty. Marines stretching from 1775 to present times are recognized and remembered for their selfless acts and quick thinking on and off the battlefield. On May 12, another Marine was recognized for his actions. Sgt. Jeremiah Workman, a drill instructor with Delta Company, 2nd Recruit Training Battalion, and native of Richwood, Va., received the Navy Cross, second in...
  • Rumsfeld Receives Scouting's Highest Commendation

    05/26/2006 6:45:24 PM PDT · by SandRat · 33 replies · 1,184+ views
    American Forces Press Service ^ | Steven Donald Smith
    WASHINGTON, May 26, 2006 – Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld received scouting's highest honor from the Boy Scouts of America here today. Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld (right) receives the Silver Buffalo Award from the Boy Scouts of America in Washington, May 26. Photo by Petty Officer 1st Class Chad J. McNeeley, USN   (Click photo for screen-resolution image);high-resolution image available. "I'm very honored to accept scouting's Silver Buffalo Award," Rumsfeld said during a breakfast sponsored by the National Eagle Scout Association. "Since its earliest days, the Boy Scouts have cultivated leadership and good citizenship, a service that has been...
  • Communications chief receives Bronze Star

    05/25/2006 9:53:45 PM PDT · by SandRat · 4 replies · 299+ views
    Marine Corps News ^ | Pfc. Josephh Stahlman
    MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. (May 25, 2006) -- A Milwaukee native was awarded the Bronze Star May 19 for his loyal devotion to duty during times of danger and distress while deployed to Iraq. Master Gunnery Sgt. James G. Apriesnig was acting as communications chief for Headquarters Company, Regimental Combat Team-8, 2nd Marine Division, in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom from March 2005 to February 2006 in Fallujah, Iraq. Apriesnig planned and supervised the installation, operation and maintenance of a communications architecture that provided connectivity between the headquarter element, a reconnaissance battalion, three infantry battalions and three military...
  • Executive officer receives Bronze Star, credits it to his Marines

    05/25/2006 9:46:59 PM PDT · by SandRat · 1 replies · 280+ views
    Marine Corps News ^ | Pfc. David A. Weikle
    MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. (May 25, 2006) -- Marines from 8th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division gathered in front of the regiment’s headquarters as four Bronze Stars were awarded May 19. Lt. Col. Richard O. Miles Jr., executive officer for Regimental Combat Team 8, 2nd Marine Division, received his award for meritorious achievement in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom from February 2005 to February 2006 in Fallujah, Iraq. The Bronze Star is given for valor and meritorious service and is the nation’s fourth highest distinction. “As the executive officer I see and hear almost everything that goes on....