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Keyword: politic

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  • Catturd was "swatted" by the left

    09/25/2023 4:31:38 PM PDT · by blueyon · 29 replies
    Twitter ^ | 9/25/23 | Catturd
    "So, I was just swatted during my podcast. The caller pretended to be me and told the cops - "I've stabbed someone, had a gun, and was going to kill myself." This is the result of being doxxed over and over by leftist outlets. You can imagine how dangerous this is................."
  • Democrats hide amendment to nullify POTUS ability to use Insurrection Act in Covid Bill

    12/22/2020 4:14:13 PM PST · by MNDude · 44 replies
    Just wow! Sneaky little devils. Sounds like they're afraid of this.
  • A Tech Company CEO Said He Doesn’t Want Politics In The Workplace And People Are Upset

    10/01/2020 7:44:52 PM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 22 replies
    Hotair ^ | 10/01/2020 | John Sexton
    Bitcoin is a company whose goal is to make it easy for people around the world to buy, sell and manage various cryptocurrency accounts. As such you might assume it would be a pretty progressive place. But recently there has been some discontent at the company. Back in June when large tech companies were posting black squares on Facebook to show their solidarity with Black Lives Matter, Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong refused to jump on the bandwagon. And that led to a walkout at the company. Many of his engineers just refused to work because the CEO wouldn’t issue...
  • Nancy Pelosi’s Hair Appointment Hypocrisy Exemplifies Her Poor Political Instincts

    09/03/2020 7:35:00 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 17 replies
    The Federalist ^ | September 3, 2020 | Ben Domenech
    Did the salon owner make Pelosi make an appointment? Did she make her take her mask off? Of course not. There is no politician in Washington so insulated from criticism as Nancy Pelosi. Still surrounded by all the good wishes of sycophantic journalists in awe of her previous tenure as Speaker, in DC Pelosi gets away with saying a wide variety of crazy things, committing herself to extreme positions, and engaging in pointless and occasionally self-damaging battles. Any outside perspective would see her as flailing and ineffectual. But in Washington, she is the Grand Dame of Capitol Hill who can...
  • McSally Falls Behind

    11/08/2018 4:26:47 PM PST · by RedMonqey · 492 replies
    State of Arizona ^ | Secretary of State Arizona
    McSally tallies fall behind Sinema according to the official state source.
  • Zerohedge's Tyler Durden: "Retired General Warns Trump's America Would Be Worse Than The Civil War"

    08/01/2016 9:10:55 PM PDT · by vannrox · 48 replies
    Politico, NY Daily News copied on zero hedge ^ | 1AUG16 | copied by Tyler Durden
    Retired General Warns Trump's America Would Be Worse Than The Civil War by Tyler Durden Aug 1, 2016 4:50 PM 0 SHARES No hyperbole here at all as the Trump fearmongery ratchets up to '11'. If Trump is elected, and follows through on his pledges, retired Marine General John Allen (former top commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan) exclaimed, it would create "a civil-military crisis, the like of which we've not seen in this country before." In other words, the 'passionate Clinton supporter' told ABC, the election of Republican Donald Trump as president could mean a breakdown in the relationship...
  • Mark Levin Show,M-F,6PM-9PM,EDT,WABC AM,May 24,2016

    05/24/2016 2:12:23 PM PDT · by Biggirl · 190 replies
    Mark Levin Show ^ | May 24,2016 | Mark Levin
    The Legacy Lives On! Mark’s Lost Dog & Cat Rescue Foundation “Conservatism is the antidote to tyranny precisely because its principles are the founding principles.” --Mark Levin in Liberty and Tyranny Welcome to “The Levin Lounge”… Step in and have a virtual FRink.Taking the country by storm, one radio station at a time – and kicking the BUTTS of the competition! Welcome all, to the most FUN LIVE THREAD on! You can call Mark’s show: 1-877-381-3811
  • Did Hillary Clinton destroy evidence in 'wiping clean' her email server?

    03/29/2015 8:10:29 AM PDT · by Libloather · 61 replies
    Christian Science Monitor via Yahoo ^ | 3/28/15 | Brad Knickerbocker
    Behind the saga of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s personal email account and the messages said to no longer exist is the implication that she has something to hide. None of her critics – at least those among congressional Republicans pushing her to reveal more – have come right out and said she purposely destroyed politically-damaging evidence that could hamper any plans to run for president next year. **SNIP** “The Benghazi panel has already said it will bring Clinton in to testify at least twice – once privately about her email use while at State and at another public hearing on the...
  • Just watched "Last Ounce of Freedom"...WOW...I wish everyone would see it.

    11/04/2013 1:40:24 AM PST · by American Dream 246 · 6 replies
    Free Republic ^ | 11/04/13 | American Dream 246
    I just watched "Last Ounce of Courage" on beautiful! That's what I am waiting for from us - to wake up and fight. And they won because here is NO law that can stop us to fight for what we believe in - just intimidation. But for some reason intimidation works. We are letting it happen! If we could make sure as many American as possible watch that movie, may be, just may be we would wake up more of us and may be, just may be we could win back all those freedom that we lost and are...
  • Think You Know Sarah Palin? Think Again

    06/06/2011 5:11:03 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 38 replies ^ | June 6, 2011 | Elisabeth Meinecke
    Sarah Palin is one of the most media-saturated figures today, as filmmaker Stephen K. Bannon of the new film “The Undefeated” points out. Yet, watching the film, the details about the ex-governor that have remained unknown to the ‘lower 48’ will stun the viewer. The film itself has an interesting origin. The Palin team approached Bannon after the 2010 election about a film, but he wasn’t interested in the short video project they mentioned. Bannon decided to do a film that the Palin team had no editorial control over, although they did help him gain access to several key players...
  • Healthy in Canada

    02/24/2010 12:55:26 PM PST · by briankoe · 3 replies · 226+ views
    02/24/2010 | Brian Koenig
    Contrary to popular belief, American health care is not a free market system. With roughly 46 cents on the dollar coming from local, state, and federal coffers, health care providers are inclined to compete for government dollars over patient dollars. A coagulation of laws and regulations smothers the competitive process, while preventing consumers from shopping the market. With 3rd party rule, government encourages consumers to disregard costs and provokes physicians to operate on volume rather than quality. Worst of all, government deters market activity by restricting choice and competition: the agents of low prices and high quality. British and Canadian...

    01/14/2010 6:08:15 PM PST · by MestaMachine · 3 replies · 324+ views
    January 14, 2010 | MestaMachine
    MISSISSIPPI ELECTION CENTRAL If we are going to make a difference in the upcoming election, we need to KNOW the candidates. Please post the names of ALL your Congressional candidates on this thread along with any and all information available. We need names, positions, platforms, news articles, statements, pictures. We need to separate the RINOS from the Conservatives, and most of all, we need to get the liberals of either party OUT!We can do this if you help. I have started this thread. All you have to do is contribute a little time and a little research. Help us...
  • Letter to Our European Friends - Everything you need to know about our presidential campaign.

    01/26/2008 4:47:28 AM PST · by gpapa · 15 replies · 269+ views
    Weekly Standard ^ | 02/04/2008 | P.J. O'Rourke
    America is in the midst of an all-important electoral campaign. But, talking to Europeans, I've discovered that there is puzzlement and misinformation on your continent about what's happening on ours. Europeans feel an understandable confusion when faced with a political system consisting of two houses of Congress and a White House, and nobody is home in any of them. Also, America's political parties are indistinguishable to the European eye. A British journalist once described the situation thus: "America is a one-party state, but just like Americans they've got two of them." (I forget which British journalist said that. But there...
  • The True Color of Democrat Grey

    04/25/2007 5:25:53 AM PDT · by knowseverything · 1 replies · 423+ views
    04/25/07 | knowseverything
    It is truly sad, but undeniable that major elections in this country are decided by the most uninformed and indecisive 10-15% of us. The folks who are swayed by commercials, celebrity name status, or even the best looking, most well versed candidate, are currently deciding the future of our country. By successfully convincing these folks of the presence of non-existent grey areas, the Democrats recently gained significant political control of our country. Unfortunately, perception alone plays a large role of getting elected in today's political environment. True beliefs and positions on key issues mean little to the liberal Democrat running...
  • Lib/Dem/Soc/Commies -- You’ve Forgotten the Lessons of 9/11

    09/10/2006 10:10:18 AM PDT · by DocFarmer · 20 replies · 1,377+ views
    ChronWatch ^ | 09/11/2006 | Doc Farmer
    Lib/Dem/Soc/Commies -- You've Forgotten The Lessons Of 9/11 Written by Doc Farmer Monday, September 11, 2006 Author's Note: This is a request to most of my conservative, patriotic readers. Please don't read it with yourself in mind. Instead, send it along to every lib/dem/soc/commie discussion board, mailing list or group you can find. Send it to every lib/dem/soc/commie media outlet. Call every lib/dem/soc/commie talk show with it. This message is for them, and it's high time they heard it. Five years. It's not that long a time, when you consider the history of our nation. It's a mere blink of...
  • ProtestWarrior Kentucky to Demonstrate Saturday

    06/17/2005 8:53:32 AM PDT · by pwkentucky · 4 replies · 305+ views
    6/17/05 | PWKentucky
    ProtestWarrior Kentucky will demonstrate against a leftist fundraiser tomorrow, Saturday June 18, 2005, from approx 9 am to noon at the Louisville intersection of Douglas Blvd and Bardstown Rd. The Leftists of L-PAC (Louisville Peace Action Community) will be holding a fundraiser yard/bake sale in order to raise money for their stupid "Peace Takes Courage" media blitz. The whole point of their "Peace Takes Courage" program is to insinuate that peace takes courage and our soldiers don't have any. Bullshit, not in my town ladies. We will be there with signs supporting America, the President, our Troops, the War and...
  • The end of CNN? Don't hold your breath.

    03/08/2005 7:21:24 AM PST · by thebiggestdog · 2 replies · 129+ views ^ | 12-8-05 |
    Every day some group, liberal or conservative comes out with a new survey on how the political attitudes of the American people. ThePew Research Center for The People and the Press found that the number of people who used the internet for political information rose substantialy between 1996 and 2004. Interestingly enough, according to the Pew people, most people went to news sites run by the networks or leading newspapers. Coming in second were sites such as AOl or Yahoo, which take news leads from Reuters or other news services. What this boils down to is that although the medium...
  • A Farewell to the World Address (my vanity of vanities) ((bring your own bunnies & pancakes))

    03/01/2005 8:07:26 AM PST · by vigilanteonvigilante · 149 replies · 6,548+ views
    self ^ | 03/01/2005 | self
    As a disclaimer to the following, it is important to note that there is a part of mandate in the following, but also a part of research and hypothesis. It is not a Manifesto but the result of manifestations. Criticizing the following is fair and fine, of course, however some critics have for agenda to smear the information and informer in order to cover up their own professional disgraces and not have them addressed as an important issue. Most of these "enemies", however, I feel sorry for, for several reasons: 1. because they spend more on hiding than doing their...
  • Dear Limey *ssholes - Americans react to the UK letter campaign in Ohio (Must Read)

    10/21/2004 9:14:13 AM PDT · by vannrox · 50 replies · 1,839+ views
    The Guardian ^ | Monday October 18, 2004 | Various
    Note: In late september / early october, the UK Guardian had a letter writing campaign. The purpose of this campaign was to influence the voters in the swing state of Ohio to vote for John Kerry. Over 10,000 people requested the address list, and I am sure that those writing wrote at least one or more letters to the citizens of ohio. The article that follows is Guardian printing some of the letters. Dear wonderful, loving friends from abroad, We Ohioans are an ornery sort and don't take meddling well, even if it comes from people we admire and with...
  • What makes the most sense

    10/09/2004 7:12:17 AM PDT · by LibHater315 · 232+ views ^ | 10/09/04 | LibHater315
    As a realtor, I've been able to see firsthand the effect of the tax cuts initiated by President Bush. In the last year, we've seen record numbers of first time homebuyers. In talking to these homebuyers, the most prevalent reason for their buying is having the money for the downpayment. Most rely on savings or gifts from family in order to have a downpayment but not anymore. I was astonished by those that were able to use their tax checks to move into their first home. Another thing the tax cuts accomplished was getting small businesses energized to enhance the...