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Keyword: persians

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  • Ancient DNA Reveals Asian Ancestry Introduced to East Africa in Early Modern Times: Findings clarify and complicate understanding of Swahili history

    02/09/2025 7:13:02 PM PST · by SunkenCiv · 19 replies
    Harvard Medicine magazine ^ | March 29, 2023 | Stephanie Dutchen
    For the first time, analyses determine that some present-day Kenyans who identify as Swahili are genetically very different from medieval residents of the same region, while others have retained substantial medieval ancestry...The researchers found that the initial waves of newcomers were mainly from Persia. These findings align with the oldest Swahili oral stories, which tell of Persian (Shirazi) merchants or princes arriving on the Swahili shores."It was exciting to find biological evidence that Swahili oral history probably depicts Swahili genetic ancestry as well as cultural legacy," said Esther Brielle, research fellow in genetics in the Reich lab.Brielle is co-first author...
  • Beverly Hills High limits student gatherings after pro-Trump demonstrations

    11/08/2024 6:37:30 PM PST · by CondoleezzaProtege · 34 replies
    Fox LA ^ | Nov 8, 2024 | City News Service
    In the wake of boisterous demonstrations by pro-Trump students, Beverly Hills High School has limited students' ability to assemble in large groups, it was reported Friday. The high school's principal, Drew Stewart, sent a message to families announcing that the school would not restrict students' individual exercise of their free speech rights, but would limit their ability to congregate in large groups so that all students would feel safe on campus, the Los Angeles Times reported. The message came before a TikTok video went viral showing many students in a Beverly Hills High School courtyard rowdily celebrating Donald Trump's victory...
  • Archaeologists Discovered Over 500 Ancient Coins and A Gold Template for Making jewelry in Bulgaria

    08/17/2024 5:52:44 PM PDT · by SunkenCiv · 11 replies
    In Plovdiv, in southern Bulgaria, archaeologists have discovered over 500 ancient coins and a gold template for making jewelry from different periods.The coins were found during salvage excavations at the foot of the Old Town, in the Philipopol-Trimontium-Plovdiv historical zone, which is a group cultural monument. It is located next to the Eastern Gate of Philippopolis, BTA reports.Plovdiv is an ancient city built around 7 hills, in southern Bulgaria. It has been recognized as one of the oldest settlements in Europe, with evidence of habitation reaching as far back as the 6th millennium BC. Until relatively recently in its history,...
  • 2,500-year-old Graffiti Points to Existence of a Lost Ancient Greek Temple

    06/21/2024 1:12:06 PM PDT · by SunkenCiv · 4 replies
    The Debrief ^ | June 20, 2024 | MJ Banias
    Researchers have uncovered unique graffiti on Barako Hill near Vari, Attica that may indicate there once stood a massive ancient Greek temple or structure on Athen's famous Acropolis that has since been lost to history.According to a new study published in the American Journal of Archaeology, this ancient drawing, attributed to a shepherd named Mikon, depicts a building identified as "the Hekatompedon," a term historically associated with large temples...The graffito (a term sometimes used to describe a singular piece of graffiti) was found among over 2,000 ancient engravings on marble outcrops in the hills north and east of Vari. These...
  • The Achilles heel of Iran: Most Analysts speak as if the country were a homogeneous monolith comprising Persians. It is not.

    01/05/2020 8:16:32 AM PST · by SeekAndFind · 26 replies
    American Thinker ^ | 01/05/2020 | Peter Skurkiss
    When it comes to Iran, most analysts and commentators speak as if the country were a homogenous monolith comprising Persians.  It is not.  In fact, the seldom mentioned Achilles heel of Iran is its diverse ethnic and religious make-up.  This is highlighted by Brenda Shaffer of Georgetown University, who is a leading expert on Iran's ethnic minorities. Shaffer projects that Iran's current population of more than eighty-five million is made up of forty-two million Persians, an estimated twenty-seven million Azerbaijanis, and roughly eight million Kurds, five million Arabs, two million Turkmen, and one-and-a-half million Baluch. So although Persians dominate and are the largest ethnic group in...
  • Ancient Mosaic Found in 'Burnt Church' May Depict Miracle Described in the New Testament

    09/23/2019 11:44:37 PM PDT · by SunkenCiv · 18 replies
    Live Science ^ | September 19 [?] 2019 | Yasemin Saplakoglu
    Now referred to as the "Burnt Church," this structure was likely burned to the ground during a Sasanian conquest of Hippos in the beginning of the seventh century. (The Sasanian empire was the last Persian empire before the emergence of Islam). Its mosaic floors, however, were well preserved in the ash. The mosaic was very colorful and had two Greek inscriptions that describe the ancient church fathers, who built the church for a martyr named "Theodoros." The mosaic was also covered in geometric patterns, birds, fish, fruit and baskets. Some of the baskets were filled with loaves of bread and...
  • Census Bureau says Arabs and Persians are white, but many disagree

    04/01/2019 11:53:52 AM PDT · by SMGFan · 62 replies
    The Eagle ^ | March 30, 2019
    Samira Damavandi knows that when she fills out her 2020 census form, she will be counted. But it pains her that, in some way, she will also be forgotten. When asked to mark her race, Damavandi will encounter options for white, black, Asian, American Indian and Native Hawaiian — but nothing that she believes represents her family’s Iranian heritage. She will either have to choose white, or identify as “some other race.” “It erases the community,” she said. Roughly 3 million people of Southwest Asian, Middle Eastern or North African descent live in the United States, according to a Los...
  • Traces of war found in ancient Lydian city Sardis

    07/24/2018 9:05:15 PM PDT · by SunkenCiv · 10 replies
    Hurriyet Daily News ^ | July 13, 2018 | MANGSA - DHA
    Military equipment has been unearthed in the ancient city of Sardis in the western province of Manisa's Salihli district. Officials believe they might have been used in an ancient war between the Lydians and the Persians. The ancient city of Sardis, which was the capital of the Lydian Kingdom in the ancient ages and had been home to many civilizations from seventh B.C. to seventh A.D., is now undergoing excavation works. This year's works continue in an area called the "Palace" region... The military equipment is believed to have been used in the war that caused the end of the...
  • anti Islam protests grow in Iran - more cities join " We are Aryans , we dont worship a Arab...

    12/31/2017 7:02:38 AM PST · by TigerLikesRooster · 99 replies
    LiveLeak ^ | Dec-30-2017
    anti Islam protests grow in Iran - more cities join " We are Aryans , we dont worship a Arab (mohammad)" "Aryai hastim, arab nemiparastim" for the 3rd day iranians all over iran are protesting against the ruling Clerics (islam), after yesterday even the youth of irans "Most religious city" " Irans vatican " Qom joined the protests more and more cities are joining. The youth of Iran is sick of Islam and want go back to their roots ( pure iranian culture - Zoroastrianisim-Aryan identity) Today the most popular slogan was "Aryai hastim , arab nemiparastim " translation "...
  • Iran's Moment...Euphrates pt 9

    “…and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.(Revelation 9:13-15)The fourth nation which touches the Euphrates is Iran, previously known as Persia. The Persians are heirs of one of the great world civilizations. Mighty kings and rulers such as Cyrus the great,...
  • The Kurds Are Medes...Euphrates pt 7

    ...and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.(Revelation 9:13-15) Behold, I will stir up the Medes against them, which shall not regard silver; and as for gold, they shall not delight in it. Their bows also shall dash the young men...
  • Millennial Iranians Bring Back Their Persian Roots

    11/18/2016 5:45:25 PM PST · by freedom44 · 14 replies
    Forbes ^ | 11/18/16 | Slater Bakhtavar
    In the modern day, the nation of Iran in the Middle East has become synonymous with Islamic extremism and terrorism. This is because the country is ruled by a religious dictator, the Grand Ayatollah, and is known to support radical organizations that share its uncompromising Muslim ideology. People worry, with good reason, that Iran will acquire nuclear weapons or otherwise strengthen itself. And this condition persists even as a majority of Iran’s population is young, progressive, and, unlike its government, not at all hostile towards the West. Iran wasn’t always like this. It has a long and venerable history as...
  • Op-Ed: Iran is an artificial country

    05/28/2016 4:01:37 PM PDT · by Eleutheria5 · 17 replies
    Arutz Sheva ^ | 29/5/16 | Dr. Mordechai Kedar
    Iran is an artificial country which includes a large number of ethnic groups: Persians, Azars, Kurds, Turkmen, Baloch, Arabs and more.... Southwestern Iran, the Khuzistan region, is home to the Arab minority group, but that is where most of the oil and gas resources are to be found underground, right under the feet of that Arab minority. They are Shiites, exactly like the majority Persians, but are treated with disdain by the government. In the past, the region was called Arabistan to allude to the ethnic group living there, but after the 1925 Persian Conquest, the Persians changed its name...
  • Dilemma For Israel Boycotters As Jewish Israeli Scientists Make HIV Breakthrough

    08/27/2015 9:54:21 PM PDT · by Impala64ssa · 19 replies
    Scientists in Israel have announced a breakthrough in HIV research, a development that will leave Israel boycotters with their latest ethical dilemma. The team from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev say their finding will result in a “revolutionary diagnosis and the key to the clinical solution that will prevent infection with HIV and will destroy the deadly virus.” i24News reports that Dr Ran Taube of the Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics at the southern Israeli university said his team has discovered similarities between HIV (the virus that leads to AIDS) and leukemia. Conducted in collaboration with Dr. Uri Rubio...
  • Jihad ravaged Christian Byzantium for 800 years: how valiantly the Byzantine Christians

    09/04/2015 10:35:30 AM PDT · by george76 · 10 replies
    History of Jihad ^ | September 4, 2015 | Robin MacArthur
    How the Jihad ravaged Christian Byzantium for 800 years, and how valiantly the Byzantine Christians held back the Arab and Turkish hordes, saving Europe from Islam. [ Full title ]. While the Zoroastrian Persians were defeated and were being subjugated, the Muslim hordes turned on their other neighbor the Christian Byzantines. The two armies met at the battlefield of Heiromyak. Lessons from the Battle of Heiromyak (Al Yarmuk). At the Battle of the Yarmuk (river), between the Muslim Arabs and the Byzantines, the Muslim Arabs were losing the battle in the initial stages. When the victory seemed certain for the...
  • The “Palestinian” Arabs and the Forgotten Iranian Arabs

    12/14/2010 8:21:04 AM PST · by Omikronos2100 · 2 replies · 1+ views
    Canada Free Press ^ | December 14, 2010 | Steven Simpson
    The Islamic Republic of Iran—which would be better known as the Islamic Occupation Regime—has for over thirty years championed itself as the “Palestinian” Arabs greatest supporters in the Islamist quest to extirpate the State of Israel from the world. Yet, while the non-Arab, Persian Shi’ite regime demonizes Israel and “Zionists” twenty four hours a day, it aligns itself with the Arab Sunni fundamentalist terror gang called Hamas, while also aligning itself with the Arab Shi’ite terrorist gang - Hizbullah - which has a strangle hold on Lebanon.
  • Gay Marriage Stirs Rebellion at Synagogue

    07/06/2013 1:38:33 AM PDT · by darrellmaurina · 68 replies
    The New York Times ^ | 7/5/2013 | Adam Nagourney
    LOS ANGELES — Sinai Temple is a Conservative Jewish congregation perched on a hill in Westwood, famous for its wealth, its sizable population of Persians, many of whom fled Iran after the fall of the shah, and a well-known and outspoken rabbi who has at times pushed his congregation on ideologically adventurous paths. So it was that three weeks before the Supreme Court cleared the way for same-sex marriage in California, the rabbi, David Wolpe, announced in a letter to the synagogue that gay marriages would be performed in this 107-year-old congregation, as soon as the court ruling he anticipated...
  • (Iran) Scientist Claims to Invent 'Time Machine' To See Into The Future With 98% Accuracy

    04/13/2013 1:27:07 PM PDT · by DogByte6RER · 38 replies
    The Mirror (U.K.) ^ | April 11, 2013 | Tom Parry
    Scientist claims to invent 'time machine' to see into the future with 98 per cent accuracy • He says his device can detail any individual’s life between five and eight years in advance after taking readings from the user's touch An Iranian scientist claims he has invented a time machine that allows you to predict the future with 98 per cent accuracy. Ali Razeghi says his device can produce a print-out detailing any individual’s life between five and eight years in advance after taking readings from the user's touch. He claims the Iranian government, whose nuclear programme has caused concern...
  • Beware of Persians bearing Georgian passports

    03/18/2013 4:31:55 PM PDT · by Cindy · 9 replies ^ | 18 March 2013, 08:52 | A. Aaron Weisburd
    SNIPPET: "So there I was, doing that thing I do - targeted collection, and triage based on a range of frequently changing criteria - when I happened to notice this image:" SNIPPET: " sometimes what isn't there is still interesting"
  • Killer Swarms (It wasn't the Russian winter that stopped Napoleon.)

    11/26/2012 11:08:01 PM PST · by cunning_fish · 14 replies
    The Foreign Policy ^ | November 26, 2012 | John Arquilla
    Today marks the bicentennial of the culminating catastrophe that befell the Grande Armée as it retreated from Russia. This past weekend one of the French Emperor's descendants, Charles Napoleon, traveled to Minsk in Belarus to attend ceremonies commemorating the disaster at the nearby Beresina River crossing, where thousands died -- many by drowning -- in a final, panicked rout in freezing weather. Bonaparte had marched deep into Russia with nearly half a million soldiers; he returned with less than 25,000. Given that Napoleon was the great captain of his time -- perhaps of all time -- and that his armies...