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  • Obama’s Answer to Drilling Debate: Inflate Your Tires (Video clip)

    07/30/2008 1:08:44 PM PDT · by Free ThinkerNY · 175 replies · 822+ views
    CNN ^ | July 30, 2008
    "We could save all the oil that they're talking about getting off drilling if everybody was just inflating their tires and getting regular tune-ups. You could save just as much."
  • Barack Obama calls for new national energy policy (Obama says forget drilling, air up the tires)

    07/31/2008 1:39:17 PM PDT · by tobyhill · 27 replies · 150+ views
    LA Times ^ | 7/31/2008 | Stephen Braun, Nicholas Riccardi and Peter Nicholas
    CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA -- Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama today called for reform of the nation's energy economy, accusing President Bush of "letting the oil companies write his oil policy" and promising to send Americans gasoline rebate checks, double automobile fuel-efficiency standards and wean the United States from dependence on foreign oil. "It's too important for us to be doing business as usual," Obama said in a town hall meeting here after a private session with victims of the June floods. "When George Bush came into office he put Dick Cheney in charge of energy policy. . . . We...