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Keyword: marthaannalito

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  • Small world, isn't it Splash? (background information on Mrs. Alito's tears in the hearings)

    01/20/2006 9:54:55 AM PST · by dead · 109 replies · 5,740+ views
    I have an interesting tidbit of information to share. My old college roommate's mother is friends with Judge Alito's mother. They go to the same church in Roseland, New Jersey. Well, the judge's mother shared something with her that hasn't been in the papers and may bring a different perspective to those tears Alito's wife shed in the hearing. It seems Judge Alito's wife (the former Martha-Ann Bomgardner) has had personal reasons to dislike Senator Kennedy since long before Splash's shameful treatment of her husband. Long ago, the Senator was also less than kind to girl whose family was friends...
  • Senator Ted Kennedy and Mrs. Alito’s Tears

    01/26/2006 10:22:20 PM PST · by Congressman Billybob · 496 replies · 12,526+ views
    Special to FreeRepublic ^ | 27 January 2006 | John Armor (Congressman Billybob)
    On 12 January, 2006, the New York Times ran an article entitled “Thrust into the Limelight, and for Some A Symbol of Washington’s Bite.” It was a mini-biography of Mrs. Martha-Ann Alito, and it purported to explain the reasons for Mrs. Alito’s tears during her husband Samuel’s confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee. It blamed them on a follow-up question by Senator Lindsay Graham, rather than on the verbal savaging of Judge Alito by the Democrats on the Committee, led by Senator Ted Kennedy. The Times should have gotten the story right, because one of the three reporters on...