Free Republic 1st Qtr 2025 Fundraising Target: $81,000 Receipts & Pledges to-date: $53,496
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Keyword: mahamedabdi

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  • Diner Attacked After Refusing Seattle Man's Demand For A Bite Of His Burrito

    03/07/2014 8:18:21 AM PST · by rightwingintelligentsia · 60 replies
    The Smoking Gun ^ | March 6, 2014
    “Give me a bite of your burrito,” Mahamed Abdi, 24, allegedly demanded of a stranger noshing Saturday afternoon outside a Seattle restaurant. When the burrito owner declined Abdi’s request (and remarked “That is rude”), Abdi pushed him and again demanded a bite of the Mexican food favorite. As the diner then arose from his seat, Abdi allegedly punched him in the forehead and fled on foot, according to a Seattle Police Department report. Witnesses described the attacker as a black male in his 20s wearing “a gray ‘beanie’ and white fur coat.” Cops subsequently caught up to Abdi as he...