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  • More Reich-Wing Horse Pucky (Cindy Sheehan Freaks Over Gathering of Eagles)

    02/22/2007 7:09:20 PM PST · by tgslTakoma · 116 replies · 3,221+ views
    Karl Rove's Mind-Meld Machine ^ | 2-22-2007 | Cindy Sheehan
    By Cindy Sheehan Karl Rove and his manipulative, behind the scenes machinations continue even though he had to resign in disgrace from BushCo. Also, the willing tools of the Republican killing machine, including Karl Rove, with whom they have formed an unholy alliance, Move America Forward, are helping Rove whip a group called “Gathering of Eagles” into a frenzy over something that is not and was not ever going to occur. Okay, I am not sure that Karl Rove started this particular pile of horse pucky, but it sure has his stank all over it, so we are going to...
  • Orthodox (Jewish) lesbian speaks to students at U of T (becomes a lesbian after watching Ellen)

    01/26/2005 3:27:27 PM PST · by ambrose · 74 replies · 1,421+ views
    Orthodox lesbian speaks to students at U of T By SHERI SHEFA CJN Intern As if the life of an Orthodox Jewish woman in North America isn’t complicated enough, “Chani” is also being torn between being true to herself and the religion she honours. “Chani” – who chose not to reveal her real name – spoke to a gathering last week at the at the University of Toronto’s Wolfond Centre for Jewish Campus Life about what it’s like to live as an Orthodox lesbian Jew. The lecture titled “Collision of Worlds and their Rebuilding: On Being an Orthodox Lesbian Jew,”...