Keyword: karlmarx
An £18,000,000 plan to redevelop Highgate Cemetery, the final resting places of Karl Marx and George Michael, has divided local residents. The graves of Marx and Michael are among those currently ‘at risk’ of damage from falling ash trees, which have been decaying due to longstanding disease and drainage issues at the famous cemetery. Ash dieback, a fungal disease that could eventually kill up to 80% of ash trees across the UK, has seen trees topple in the cemetery and forced many more to be cut down. Marx’s grave is surrounded by ash trees, whereas George Michael’s burial spot lies...
Sheinbaum, 61, is poised to make history as Mexico’s first female president and first Jewish head of state. Polls a week before Mexico’s election show her enjoying a wide lead over the next candidate, the conservative entrepreneur Xóchitl Gálvez. Still, after nearly a quarter-century in the public eye, she remains an enigma, known mainly as the low-key protégé of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the charismatic leader known as AMLO. AMLO doesn’t speak English and dislikes traveling abroad. Sheinbaum did postdoctoral research at the University of California at Berkeley; her sister and daughter live in the United States. The president,...
Chris and Eric Weinstein discuss Kamala Harris’ repeated phrase. Where does this phrase come from and are we under estimating Kamala Harris? Can you please try and explain to me what you interpret by "what can be unburdened by what has been"? What does that mean? There's a line in Marx where...sometimes you hear certain phrases Like "A World to Win" AOC uses the phrase We Have A World to Win which comes from the end of the communist manifest originally written in German. I used to hang out in the Revolutionary bookstore in Cambridge Massachusetts with the Communists because...
Chris and Eric Weinstein discuss Kamala Harris’ repeated phrase. Where does this phrase come from according to Eric Weinstein? Are we under estimating Kamala Harris according to Eric Weinstein?
While Hitler and Mussolini both expressed their opposition to and hatred of “Marxists,” they nevertheless embraced a leftism that was only marginally different from that embraced by Lenin and Stalin. In light of recent events and discussions attempting to rehabilitate the historical reputation of Germany’s Nazis, it might be worthwhile to re-examine the foundations of the ideology that underpinned National Socialism and its close cousin fascism. Those who embrace the revisionism that excuses the Nazis’ crimes appear to believe that by doing so, they are defending themselves and their ideological brethren from unfair and ahistorical attacks by the broader left....
We all know Karl Marx (1818—1883) taught devilish doctrines like communism, but is there any evidence he was possessed? Paul Kengor has amassed a substantial amount of historical and biographical evidence that this may have been the case.In The Devil and Karl Marx, Kengor analyzes’ Marx’s own writings, his poetry, a demonic-style play, and examines the much-neglected unflattering (to say the least) behaviors and actions of the father of communism. Kengor also mentions names of current Marxist influencers. An exceptionally detailed treatment of one of the main diseases our culture suffers from.
If you want to know where antisemitism in leftism comes from, Karl Marx wrote an essay in 1843 called On the Jewish Question, and published it the following year I'll post some quotes so you can get an idea of what he says: Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist... The god of the Jews has become secularized and has become the god of the world. The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange.What is the secular basis of...
A Colorado teen who was arrested last month for allegedly planning to commit a mass shooting at her former middle school owned a copy of “The Communist Manifesto” — and blasted former President Donald Trump as a “con man” in her own writings, authorities said. Lilly Whitworth, 19, wrote a detailed manifesto and possessed floor plans of her intended target before she was busted on March 31 for making threats to various schools, including Timberview Middle School, which she once attended, according to an arrest affidavit obtained by news station KRDO. She also owned a copy of “The Communist Manifesto”...
The top Democrat on the Senate Banking Committee blasted Republicans on Thursday for “vile attacks” on President Biden’s pick intended to make her a “Marxist boogeyman.” Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), chairman of the Banking panel, ripped Republicans for efforts to “degrade” the confirmation process for Saule Omarova, who Biden nominated to lead the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC). Omarova, a law professor at Cornell University, was born and raised in the former Soviet republic of Kazakhstan before emigrating to the U.S. While she has been a U.S. citizen since 2005 and served in the George W. Bush...
Biden’s banking watchdog pick Saule Omarova must turn over her thesis on Karl Marx SOURCE — FOX BUSINESS Senator Pat Toomey wants to read Cornell University professor Saula Omarova’s thesis on Karl Marx, since Omarova became President Biden’s pick to lead the office of Comptroller of the Currency. But the document has been scrubbed from her resume. Now, after weeks after Omarova was first nominated to the post, Toomey, R-Pa., is again asking for the thesis written during her time at Moscow State University in the 1980s. Toomey, the ranking member on the Senate Banking Committee, sent a letter to...
Former Walmart executive and e-commerce billionaire Marc Lore wants to build the world’s first woke city from scratch — somewhere in the US. Lore last week unveiled plans for his utopia, called Telosa, from the ancient Greek word Telos, meaning "highest purpose." "The mission of Telosa is to create a more equitable, sustainable future. That’s our North Star," Lore said in a promotional video. "We are going to be the most open, the most fair and the most inclusive city in the world." Key to the city’s plans is Lore’s economic vision, called "Equitism," in which the land upon which...
Another must read new book! Learn the names of the cast of unseemly characters & communist subversives, past & present: “Who Was Karl Marx?: The Men, the Motives and the Menace Behind Today’s Rampaging American Left” by James Simpson:
China President Xi Jinping last week congratulated the World Symposium for Marxist Political Parties, saying China stands ready to help the cause of human progress and community building. His new partners in Washington are actively following his call with ungodly spending, failure to secure borders, laws through executive fiat. All part of the left’s version of a new world order theocracy with big government grabbing the role of “the new god.” And here is the kicker, it’s all in the name of Utopia! Human-made heaven on earth. In researching my new book, To Hell with Karl Marx (not a sprint...
President Joe Biden celebrated Cinco de Mayo Wednesday by traveling to a Mexican restaurant in Washington, D.C., for tacos. Biden traveled from the White House via his motorcade to the Taqueria Las Gemelas restaurant, owned by Mexican immigrants to the United States, and ordered tacos.
Teachers union president Randi Weingarten channels Marx calling Jews 'privileged' members of the 'ownership class' to justify the harm she’s doing to children.What is motivating teachers unions to keep public schools closed for as long as possible?We’ve constantly heard from the left about the need to “follow the science” in dealing with the coronavirus, as President Joe Biden has repeatedly pledged to do. Yet the gap between administration policies or even the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines and the scientific facts about how the virus is spread is considerable.Given that we’ve known since last summer that younger...
Editor's note: To learn more about the book and film visit www.marxinhell.comGiven the murderous 20th century would Dante (1265-1321) have cast Karl Marx into one of his rings of fire Marx (1818–1883), who quoted Dante’s line Segui Il Tuo Corso, and, as some scholars claim, shaped his Das Kapital to the contours of the great poet's Inferno. Author William Clare Roberts, in his book Marx’s Inferno says of Das Kapital, “I treat it as a work of political theory. Its tropes, metaphors, allusions and citations are approached as signs to be interpreted, as the linguistic traces of intuitions that can...
TWO PRESIDENTS HAVE WARNED THE PEOPLE OF THE SECRET SOCIETIES – JOHN F. KENNEDY, AND NOW DONALD J. TRUMP. On April 27th 1961, JFK delivered a speech about “Secret Societies.” The speech was delivered at the American Newspaper Publishers Association in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. Here are some highlights, the full speech is in the video and a link to the full transcript below article excerpts. After first relaying the story of Karl Marx and all the “isms” created from his writings, he went on to speak of the Presidents versus the press and the lack of privacy it lends. He...
An armed group of protesters carrying Antifa and Black Lives Matter gear denied supporting President-Elect Joe Biden. Instead, the Lansing, Michigan, protesters said they support Karl Marx.Video tweeted by independent journalist Brendan Gutenschwager shows a group of protesters, some of whom were armed with rifles, facing off against Trump supporters who gathered for a Christmas celebration. When asked why they support Joe Biden, one responded: “I don’t support Joe Biden.”“Who do you support?”“Karl Marx.”--The crowd of Trump supporters is now gathering along Capitol Avenue for tonight’s Christmas parade they’ve organized that’s coming through shortly #Lansing #LockdownProtest #MichiganAs the two groups...
I'm just asking here if anybody knows what caused Karl Marx to turn away from God and become and avowed Satanist and an occultist? I've tried to find information on what may have been the reason or reasons, but there is scant information on this. Is there any information out there?
“This is our year!” It’s a declaration of confidence, or of hope, or of determination. A declaration known to people in many walks of life, from private to public. Agents say it to actors and singers, as the Oscar, Emmy, and CMA nominations come out. “They’ve passed you over before, but this is our year!” Coaches say it to sports teams, to inspire their players before the season opener. “Last year was lousy, but look at the schedule, look at the opposition, look at our great starters! This is our year!” Families say it to each other on New Year’s...