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Keyword: jamesdavidmanning

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  • Preacher Accuses Obama of Having Mother of His Illegitimate Daughter Killed in Capitol Shootout

    11/29/2013 3:34:34 PM PST · by markomalley · 74 replies
    Mediaite ^ | 11/29/2013 | Evan McMurry
    Reverend James David Manning of the Atlah World Missionary Church claimed this week that Miriam Carey, who was shot and killed by authorities after crashing her car into the U.S. Capitol building last month, had been assassinated by President Barack Obama because she had given birth to his illegitimate daughter.On his radio show The Manning Report, Manning called for a paternity test of Carey’s fifteen-month-old daughter, who was in the car with Carey when she led police on a chase that ended in gunfire on the Capitol steps. The theory, which appears to have originated with a Russian website, alleges...
  • Vandalism of Harlem church sign being investigated as a hate crime (ATLAH)

    03/25/2014 4:56:06 PM PDT · by Olog-hai · 8 replies
    New York Daily News ^ | Monday, March 24, 2014, 7:04 PM | Michael J. Feeney
    The tables have turned. Police are investigating the vandalism of the inflammatory sign at ATLAH World Missionary Church in Harlem over the weekend as a hate crime. The unlikely situation stands to paint the church’s controversial pastor, James David Manning, who frequently adorned his marquee with blatantly vicious messages, in a sympathetic light. …
  • sign: 'Obama has released the homo demons on the black man'

    02/27/2014 9:34:52 AM PST · by SoFloFreeper · 57 replies
    NY Daily News ^ | 2/27/14 | Michael Feeney
    A homophobic Harlem pastor is using a giant sign outside of his church to make yet another bizarre and shocking claim about President Obama, black men and homosexuality — and local residents are calling on him to take it down. “Obama Has Released The Homo Demons On The Black Man,” states Pastor James David Manning’s bizarre sign, which was unveiled Sunday in front of the ATLAH World Missionary Church near the corner of W. 123rd St and Lenox Ave. “Look Out Black Woman,” it continues. “A White Homo May Take Your Man.”
  • Harlem pastor posts sign reading 'Obama Has Released The Homo Demons On The Black Man'

    02/27/2014 9:14:52 AM PST · by JoeProBono · 17 replies
    upi ^ | Feb. 27, 2014 | Evan Bleier
    NEW YORK, A Harlem pastor is upset with President Obama about what he has “released” upon the world -- and it isn’t drone strikes. According to a sign outside the ATLAH World Missionary Church in Harlem: “Obama Has Released The Homo Demons On The Black Man; Look Out Black Woman; A White Homo May Take Your Man.” Pastor James David Manning told the New York Daily News that he erected the sign because more gays have come into the neighborhood due to gentrification. “It’s an attempt to save the black family,” Manning said. “There is a major problem in the...
  • Trayvon Martin: Pot Smoking Gives Munchies and Makes Paranoid (Rev. Manning)

    07/18/2013 7:23:07 PM PDT · by dontreadthis · 11 replies
    Trayvon Martin had the munchies and was paranoid before he was shot by George Zimmerman. Recorded on 13 July 2013

    07/18/2013 4:34:20 PM PDT · by mandaladon · 25 replies
    The Blaze ^ | 18 Jul 2013 | Jason Howerton
    Dr. James David Manning, the notoriously controversial chief pastor at the ATLAH World Missionary Church in New York City, recently delivered a bold and controversial message to his congregants about the black community’s perception of the George Zimmerman trial. He urged his mostly black congregation to stop viewing the world through their “black eyes” and start looking at it through the “blood of Jesus.” If they did that, the pastor explained, there would be no denying that the verdict in the Zimmerman was the correct one. He also told those who are convinced that Zimmerman is guilty that they only...
  • Video: Pastor Manning calls out media whores, says Obama is a Mack

    09/27/2012 4:51:23 PM PDT · by cdchik123 · 34 replies
    for the media whores :)
  • Cult Foolishness and Racial Sickness (Mitt Romney Hypocrites)

    05/01/2012 1:47:10 PM PDT · by Mozilla · 8 replies
    youtube/ATLAHWorldwide ^ | 25 April 2012 | ATLAHWorldwide/Manning Report
    Dr. James David Manning speaks about the sick hypocrites that support Mitt Romney: Cult Foolishness and Racial Sickness Video
  • VIDEO: False prophet James Manning says Herman Cain was told by God to leave race.

    It is preachers like this that makes me sick. Check the video
  • Give Me Osama, I'll Give you the Jews ( Pastor Manning )

    05/19/2011 3:39:24 PM PDT · by TaraP · 69 replies
    RITA ^ | May 11th, 2011
    Pastor Manning, speaking in 2008, correctly predicted that 3 years after this video was made, 2011, that Obama would "take out" Osama Bin Laden. Pastor Manning goes on to say that a deal would be struck between Obama and Ahmadinejad to exchange Bin Laden for Israel. Pastor Manning called this one in 2008...
  • "O'Reilly, Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh held hostage on BC issue" (What would Thomas Jefferson do?)

    08/08/2010 9:05:40 AM PDT · by cycle of discernment · 96 replies
    (watch vid at link) Rev Manning straight up: Video in summary-- although the MSM actively seeks to cover up for Obama,--Fox News, and most every high ranking conservative all know Obama is ineligible but they are held hostage to speak it. And some go even further, like O'Reilly to ridicule those that ask the reasonable and responsible questions any thinking human being, any decent American citizen, should ask--why this most powerful man in the world should not be held to explain the missing, hidden, opaque, inconsistent and contradictory information on his personal, professional, academic and political background. And then provide...
  • Pstr Manning: Ethic Violation if Disbarred Obama allowed to Appoint Supreme Court Justices

    04/13/2010 4:56:17 PM PDT · by howkn · 54 replies · 1,840+ views
    Atlah Ministries You Tube ^ | 4-13-10 | atlah Ministries
    But here's what I want you to know. Why is it America, America, Why are you people allowing Barack Hussein (the long-legged-mack-daddy) Obama, appoint people to the US Supreme Court, when he himself is in violation of the State Bar and has lost his license to practice law? And the Same thing with his wife, Michelle The Fist Bumper who lost her license to practice law. We have 2 ex lawyers living in the Whitehouse, husband and wife, both of them leaders of our nation.
  • Obama Regime Fights Against Upcoming Columbia University Trial

    04/06/2010 7:03:11 PM PDT · by howkn · 143 replies · 5,833+ views
    James David Manning speaks on the propaganda coming from Obama's Spin Machine...Obama Regime trying to shut down Pastor Manning for May 14 Trial. Obama team leaking that Obama didn't attend Columbia.

    03/30/2010 7:19:23 PM PDT · by USALiberty · 2 replies · 306+ views
    The Post & Email ^ | Mar. 29, 2010) | Neil Turner
    Beginning on May 14, 2010, in New York City, Dr. James David Manning will be presiding over the Trial of the Millennium: The C.I.A. COLUMBIA OBAMA Sedition and Treason TRIAL! At the trial, evidence already in hand will be presented to jurors chosen from a cross-section of American Citizens. It will be open to the press worldwide, and many international media representatives have already expressed their desire to attend. The proceedings will be broadcast on the internet as well as displayed on two large viewing screens at the Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue entrances to Columbia University. In this way, the...
  • Birther James David Manning Supports Truther Alex Jones after he bashes Sarah Palin.

    02/19/2010 6:27:59 PM PST · by Mozilla · 24 replies · 1,018+ views
    AtlahWorldwide ^ | 02/19/2010 | vanity
    I am done with following Reverend James David Manning after this public support of Alex Jones. I do not support anyone who is a truther or supports a truther. It is demeaning to anyone who follows the Birth Certificate Issue. Then on top of it all Alex Jones Bashed Palin, which is what lead to Manning discussing Jones. See it for yourself: I Support Alex Jones A Brither uniting with a Truthers harms the issue. especially after Alex Jones bashed Sarah Palin. Alex Jones: Sarah Palin will not Save You
  • Hon. James David Manning speaks about God giving us Jurisdiction for the Columbia trial

    02/15/2010 8:12:32 PM PST · by BlueMoose · 16 replies · 689+ views
    Manning Report ^ | 15 feb 2010 | James David Manning
    Hon. James David Manning speaks about God giving us Jurisdiction for the Columbia trial. Recorded on Monday, 15 February 2010.
  • Columbia Trial: Open letter to American Grand Jury members, viewers and followers

    02/10/2010 5:26:21 AM PST · by Man50D · 5 replies · 632+ views
    American Grand Jury ^ | February 10th, 2010 | Bob Campbell
    The year of our Lord, 2009, was the year the thugs from Chicago descended upon the White House.The net result for Obama’s symbol of “hope and change” is now “con artist.” Obama is slick, cool and collected when working the teleprompter. When the lights fade, the man is an empty suit. For those of us that have critically studied Barack Obama before and after the election, we are shocked and furious that such a corrupt man was able to ascend to the Presidency. The fraud and treason perpetuated by Obama on our people is beyond forgiveness. Those of us that...
  • James David Manning explains why he is against the Tea Party Movement and Dick Armey

    01/25/2010 7:58:55 PM PST · by Mozilla · 14 replies · 886+ views
    Atlah Ministries ^ | 1/25/09 | Rev. James David Manning
    Rev. Dr. James David Manning calls out the Tea Party movement in two recent video messages. He is upset the birther issue not a major issue in the movement. He is also upset with independents not all being conservative as he puts it. Is he right? You decided. I take issue with portions of it. But he is right that some are trying to hijack the movement or could do it. Rev. James Manning calls out Dick Armey. However, Manning fails to be educated in what and how and who is really behind the movement. It sounds like Manning could...
  • BLACK PEOPLE AIN'T GOT NO HONOR ! ( Rev. Manning video )

    01/14/2010 12:08:54 AM PST · by sushiman · 20 replies · 899+ views
    ATLAH ^ | 1/13/10 | James D. Manning
    Blacks were not offended by Harry Reid’s comments because blacks have no honor. As long as the Demorat party keeps giving them checks they can call them the dreaded N word or anything else . Hyporcites abound . There will not be one black leader who will come out and say Reid was wrong . Etc...MUST watch video by one of the bravest and most partiotic men in America . 22 minutes long but trust me , worth your time ! And BOOM shakalaka !
  • Pastor James Manning accuses Columbia University of treason. Obama never went to the school.

    01/11/2010 5:35:53 PM PST · by Mozilla · 169 replies · 8,377+ views
    youtube ^ | 1/11/09 | Mozilla
    Pastor James David Manning, one of President Obama’s most vocal and outspoken critics, has just released a video yesterday in which he is charging Columbia University with treason and is taking them to court. Pastor Manning alleges that Obama never went to the school and that he actually bought the degree. Pastor Manning states that Obama was instead in Afghanistan during the period of time from 1981 to 1983, working for Al Qaeda, when Obama was supposedly attending Columbia. Most of what we know about Barack Obama comes from Chicago corruption trial transcripts, Illinois records such as the IL bar,...