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  • Obama's IQ and Biden

    02/02/2009 10:46:30 AM PST · by ronnyquest · 35 replies · 1,424+ views
    I'd never really paid much attention to him before being selected as Obama's vice president. Since then, even the MSM has called him for making idiotic statements. Joe Biden says a lot of really stupid things in public. Is Biden really that stupid or is he playing the role of the "idiot white guy sidekick" in order to legitimize the claims that Obama's IQ is "off the charts?" I mean, the Chairman can't even form a coherent sentence without a tele-prompter. So, is Biden just there to make Obama look less the fool?
  • VP Joe Biden Makes Fun of Chief Justice John Roberts - Video 1/21/09

    01/21/2009 12:01:39 PM PST · by Federalist Patriot · 40 replies · 2,983+ views
    Freedom's Lighthouse ^ | January 21, 2009 | BrianinMO
    Here is video of Vice-President Joe Biden - the ultimate gaffemaster - taking a shot at Chief Justice John Roberts today about his mistake yesterday in administering the Oath of Office to Barack Obama. Biden was asked by Obama to swear-in White House staffers today at a ceremony, and before doing so, Biden cracked, "My memory is not as good as Chief Justice Roberts'." President Obama was obviously uncomfortable with Biden's remark, as you will notice he gently nudges Biden's elbow as if to say "move on Joe." Lest anyone has forgotten Joe Biden's many gaffes, here is one of...