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  • Huma Abedin, MB Agent (ray76)

    06/18/2017 9:06:04 PM PDT · by Ray76 · 14 replies
    Breitbart | Jun 18, 2017 | various
    The declassified “28 Pages” released by Congress Friday afternoon (Jul 15, 2016) concerning 9/11, terror funding, and Saudi Arabia contains a bombshell piece of information: The World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) is specifically named as having connections to terror funding and support for a number of worldwide terror groups. Page 24 of the 28 Pages report discusses Osama bin Laden’s half-brother and says in part: According to the FBI. Abdullah Bin Ladin has a number of connections to terrorist organizations. He is the President and Director of the World Arab Muslim Youth Association (WAMY) and the Institute of Islamic...
  • SAUDIS KEPT TWO TERROR GROUPS OFF U.S. LIST (and Huma Abedin has ties to both of them)

    06/20/2016 9:02:02 AM PDT · by Mr. Mojo · 41 replies
    Frontpage Mag ^ | June 20, 2016 | Matthew Vadum
    The Saudi Arabian government apparently had so much clout with previous U.S. administrations that they refused to designate as terrorist organizations two terror-funding Islamofascist groups linked to Huma Abedin, now the vice-chairman of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. Abedin is joined at the hip to Hillary. She is to Mrs. Clinton what Valerie Jarrett is to President Obama. That two deadly terrorist groups avoided proper scrutiny for years is a chilling reminder of how close Mrs. Clinton's political network is to the brutal Muslim Brotherhood, possibly the Left's favorite Islamist operation. It also underlines the extent to which Islamist enemies of...
  • Abu-linked group’s bank account frozen

    12/11/2006 4:07:56 PM PST · by Valin · 319+ views
    Manila Standard Today ^ | 12/11/06 | Rey E. Requejo
    The Court of Appeals has ordered a freeze on the bank accounts of International Islamic Relief Organization, suspected to be a conduit of funding for Abu Sayyaf and other groups linked to Al Qaida in the country. In a four-page resolution penned by Associate Justice Arcangelita Romilla Lontok, the CA’s Third Division issued the freeze order at the request of the Anti-Money Laundering Council. Covered by the court order is IIRO’s bank account number 0200100100000011145671, with the Bank of Philippine Islands. The court said there is probable cause that the account is being used to bankroll terrorist activities in the...

    03/15/2010 7:15:29 PM PDT · by Cindy · 16 replies · 245+ views THE GLOBAL MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD DAILY REPORT "EXCLUSIVE: Saudi Charity Designated As Terrorist Reopens Office In U.S." SNIPPET: "The International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO), a Saudi charity whose Indonesian and Philippine offices have been designated by the US. Treasury in connection with the financing of Al Qaeda, has registered a new office in the United States. According to Florida State records, the IIRO (U.S.A.) Inc. was registered as a non-profit Florida corporation in Hialeah, Florida on April 28, 2009. After being required by regulators to provide a street address rather than a PO Box, the office address for IIRO USA...
  • Gems, AlQaida And Murder. Mystery Over Killing Of Osama Bin Laden's Friend

    03/01/2007 5:04:58 PM PST · by blam · 7 replies · 814+ views
    The Guardian (UK) ^ | 3-2-2007 | NickFleming
    Gems, al-Qaida and murder. Mystery over killing of Osama Bin Laden's friend · Saudi man's death was political, say his family· US secret service was monitoring his activities Nick Fielding Friday March 2, 2007 The Guardian (UK) Pallbearers carry the coffin of Muhammad Jamal Khalifa at Ivato airport in Antananarivo, in Madagascar. Photograph: Jasleen Sethi/Reuters When Muhammad Jamal Khalifa was found dead at a remote gemstone mine in south-eastern Madagascar at the end of January, local police quickly put the murder down to a business deal gone wrong. The Saudi businessman, 49, had had to call in local police to...
  • UNICEF Partners With Islamic Charity Linked to Terror Groups

    06/13/2008 9:43:28 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 6 replies · 125+ views
    FOX News ^ | June 13, 2008 | Joseph Abrams
    An Islamic charity with ties to Al Qaeda and the Taliban is now collaborating with an unlikely new partner: UNICEF, the United Nations’ Children’s Fund.UNICEF has signed a “memorandum of understanding” with the International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO), a Saudi charity of massive scope that keeps branches in more than 20 countries and has over 100 offices worldwide. According to UNICEF, it will be teaming with the charity’s domestic Saudi branch to “promote children’s rights, health, equality and education,” in the oil-rich kingdom — but the organization has been doing more than just charity work. The U.S. Treasury Department...
  • Malaysia orders terror suspect held, says he has more to tell about al-Qaeda

    01/28/2004 10:30:59 AM PST · by knighthawk · 15 replies · 992+ views
    AP Wire | January 28 2004 | Associated Press
    KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — Malaysia has extended for two more years the imprisonment of a terror suspect linked to al-Qaeda's attempts to produce chemical and biological weapons, saying he has more information about terrorist operations. Yazid Sufaat, a U.S.-trained biochemist and former Malaysian army captain, was arrested in late 2001 as he returned home from Afghanistan, where officials say he was working on a biological and chemical weapons program for al-Qaeda that was ended by the U.S.-led war. Since then, he has been held without trial under Malaysia's Internal Security Act on accusations of being a member of Jemaah...
  • US Treasury names suspected al Qaeda fund-raisers

    08/03/2006 12:57:36 PM PDT · by WmShirerAdmirer · 6 replies · 840+ views
    Yahoo News/Reuters ^ | August 3, 2006 | Reuters Staff
    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Treasury Department on Thursday named the Philippine and Indonesian branches of the International Islamic Relief Organization as fund-raisers for al Qaeda and other terror groups. It also designated one of the Saudi-based organization's high-ranking officials, Abd Al Hamid Sulaiman Al-Mujil, as a fund-raiser for al Qaeda. The action means that no American can have any dealings with the two branches of the organization or with Al-Mujil and that any assets they have in the United States will be frozen. "Al-Mujil has a long record of supporting Islamic militant groups, and he has maintained a cell...
  • CIA report reveals U.S. knew Saudi-backed charities tied to terrorism in 1996

    07/31/2004 4:43:16 PM PDT · by Sabertooth · 51 replies · 1,458+ views
    The candidate Bush meets with Muslim leaders in Austin, Texas. Abdurahman Alamoudi (right of Bush) heads the sister organization of terror connected IIRO. A CIA report from 1996, obtained by investigators for the lawyer suing a number of Islamic charities on behalf of victims of the 9/11 attacks, reveals that the U.S. government knew that over one-third of the Islamic charities operating throughout the world were aiding known terrorist groups. Many of the charities detailed in the report are Saudi-sponsored and official Saudi government charities are implicated in supporting terrorism. These charities include the International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO)...
  • Saudi Accountability? (It's high time to make Saudi Arabia pay for its doubletalk.)

    11/14/2005 5:07:45 AM PST · by SJackson · 11 replies · 616+ views
    FrontPage ^ | November 14, 2005 | Rachel Ehrenfeld
    Responding to last week’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Saudi Arabia’s role in the war on terror, entitled “Saudi Arabia: Friend or Foe in the War on Terror?”, Riyadh’s ambassador to the U.S., Prince Turki al-Faisal, charged the committee members with ignorance. "Judging by the statements made at the hearing, it appears that the members of the Committee are not fully aware of the significant steps Saudi Arabia has taken in the war on terrorism and extremism.” Worse, according to the prince, U.S. senators “chose to ignore the realities for the sake of political expediency.” Did they really? The U.S....
  • Ottawa pulls Saudi group's charity status. Muslim World League being sued by 9/11 families

    12/01/2003 10:24:50 PM PST · by tubavil · 5 replies · 1,182+ views
    National Post ^ | 12/1/2003 | Stewart Bell
    Ottawa pulls Saudi group's charity status Tax violation: Muslim World League being sued by 9/11 families Stewart Bell National Post Monday, December 01, 2003 TORONTO - Federal regulators have revoked the charity status of the Canadian branch of a Saudi organization that has faced longstanding allegations of ties to terrorism. A notice in the government publication Canada Gazette said the Muslim World League (MWL) is one of several charities that "have not met the filing requirements of the Income Tax Act." The revocation came into effect on Nov. 15, but the organization, dedicated to promoting Islam, was still calling itself...
  • Are Saudis exporting more than aid?

    02/07/2005 6:41:55 AM PST · by Land_of_Lincoln_John · 3 replies · 325+ views
    Chicago Sun-Times ^ | February 7, 2005 | BRIAN MURPHY AND MIKE CASEY
    BANDA ACEH, Indonesia -- A powerful Saudi charity under scrutiny for alleged terrorist financing is expanding operations in tsunami-ravaged areas of Indonesia, importing a hard-line religious message that the West fears could spread extremist Islam in the world's most populous Muslim nation. The presence of the International Islamic Relief Organization could complicate relief efforts in Indonesia, which is desperate for help but also under pressure to contain Islamic militants. Attacks have included nightclub bombings in 2002 that killed 202 people. It also offers a high-profile test of Saudi promises to closely monitor its major aid societies. Many have faced probes...
  • Saffuri's Ties to Terror Suspects

    02/24/2004 6:41:38 PM PST · by DTA · 8 replies · 507+ views
    Insight Magazine ^ | 2004-02-23 | Kenneth R. Timmerman
    Insight on the News - National Issue: 03/02/04 Special Report Saffuri's Ties to Terror Suspects By Kenneth R. Timmerman The rise of Khaled Saffuri to political prominence within the U.S. Muslim community has all the ingredients of a Horatio Alger success story. Brought up as a stateless exile in Kuwait, Saffuri came to America as a student in 1982, went to college in San Diego, and soon gravitated into the world of Muslim activism. A talented fund-raiser and behind-the-scenes power broker, Saffuri built bridges to politicians in both parties by generously contributing to their election campaigns, from California libertarian Rep....
  • Saffuri's Ties to Terror Suspects

    02/22/2004 9:20:10 PM PST · by Prince Charles · 14 replies · 536+ views
    Insight ^ | 2-23-2004 | Kenneth R. Timmerman
    Special ReportSaffuri's Ties to Terror Suspects Posted Feb. 23, 2004 By Kenneth R. Timmerman Saffuri (above) has formed relationships with several questionable allies, including Sami al-Arian, who was arrested last year. The rise of Khaled Saffuri to political prominence within the U.S. Muslim community has all the ingredients of a Horatio Alger success story. Brought up as a stateless exile in Kuwait, Saffuri came to America as a student in 1982, went to college in San Diego, and soon gravitated into the world of Muslim activism. A talented fund-raiser and behind-the-scenes power broker, Saffuri built bridges to politicians in both...
  • U.S. Holds Conferences on New Iraq Contracts

    11/10/2003 12:02:31 PM PST · by TexKat · 138+ views
    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Anxious to appear fair in doling out nearly $20 billion in work in Iraq, the U.S.-led authority there is holding conferences in Washington and London next week for prospective contractors. Called "CPA Industry Days," the Coalition Provisional Authority's Iraq Infrastructure Reconstruction Office (IIRO) is set to draw thousands of participants at its meetings in Washington on Nov. 19 and in London two days later. "The conferences will allow both small and large industry to see where we are going and it will enhance the transparency of the contracting process," a U.S. defense official said on Monday, adding...
  • Saudi Wealth Fuels Global Jihadism

    10/28/2003 7:07:05 AM PST · by Prince Charles · 6 replies · 2,509+ views
    Insight ^ | 10-27-2003 | Kenneth R. Timmerman
    Saudi Wealth Fuels Global Jihadism Posted Oct. 27, 2003 By Kenneth R. Timmerman Generations of Muslims in the Middle East have been raised on the anti-Western, anti-Semitic theologies of Ayatollah Khomeini and in the Saudi Wahhabi system of madrassas (religious schools). This foundation set the stage for the rise of Osama bin Laden. Doaa 'Amer is a professional TV anchor who hosts Muslim Woman Magazine on IQRAA TV, a satellite channel broadcasting throughout the Arab world. As she tells it, her job is to educate the next generation of children to be "true Muslims." Readers accustomed to hearing Islam described...
  • INS Deported bin Laden Brother-in-Law Just Days After OKC Bombing

    10/06/2003 2:37:10 PM PDT · by JohnBerger · 93 replies · 1,878+ views ^ | 10/06/03 | J.M. Berger
    Just days after the Oklahoma City bombing, the INS deported Osama bin Laden's brother-in-law Mohammed Jamal Khalifa, even though the FBI had evidence that linked the Saudi businessman to the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the 1995 Bojinka plot and Oklahoma City. Not only was Khalifa deported to Jordan, where he was subsequently freed, but the U.S. government let him leave with potentially incriminating evidence and cleared his record of terrorism charges. Evidence in the FBI's possession at the time potentially implicated the Saudi businessman in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the airliner bombing plot and the Oklahoma City...
  • FBI investigates spread of radical Islam in U.S.

    10/04/2003 5:41:22 AM PDT · by Fzob · 27 replies · 1,303+ views
    AZ CENTRAL ^ | 10/03/03 | Susan Schmidt
    <p>WASHINGTON - On Aug. 20, 2001, Saleh Ibn Abdul Rahman Hussayen, a man who would soon be named a minister of the Saudi government and put in charge of its two holy mosques, arrived in the United States to meet with some of this country's most influential fundamentalist Sunni Muslim leaders.</p>
  • Probe of Muslims intensifies

    08/25/2003 1:50:55 AM PDT · by kattracks · 3 replies · 485+ views
    Washington Times ^ | 8/25/03 | Jerry Seper
    <p>A task force of federal agents has ratcheted up a two-year-old antiterrorism investigation aimed at several Virginia-based Islamic charities suspected of diverting millions of dollars to terror network al Qaeda and other militant radicals.</p> <p>Led by agents of the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the Internal Revenue Service and the FBI, the task-force probe has targeted a number of people tied to several private companies and interrelated Islamic charities operating out of business fronts in Herndon and Falls Church.</p>
  • Islamic group funded terror from Ontario: CIA (Saudi aid organization)

    08/22/2003 9:50:07 AM PDT · by knighthawk · 2 replies · 189+ views
    National Post ^ | August 22 2003 | Stewart Bell
    A U.S. intelligence report claims a Saudi humanitarian organization that operates in Canada has funded "militant training camps," shipped weapons to Afghanistan and had ties to Osama bin Laden. The International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO) is named in the 1996 document as one of 15 organizations that "employ members or otherwise facilitate the activities of terrorist groups in Bosnia." The document ties the group, which has an office in Ontario, to the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas, a man convicted in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and plots to kill the Pope and attack U.S. airliners. "The majority of Hamas...