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Keyword: hippocrits

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  • I’m shocked, shocked at Trump’s naughty words

    10/08/2016 8:36:59 AM PDT · by rktman · 60 replies ^ | 10/8/2016 | Marion DS Dreyfus
    Captain Louis Renault, the reluctant toady of the Nazis occupying the French colony Morocco, brilliantly portrayed by Claude Rains in Casablanca, contributed a very useful expression to the English language when he self-righteously claimed to be “shocked, shocked” to see gambling going on here at the smoky, gin-soaked gambling lair in Morocco, just before he is handed his winnings: So the latest entry in the long saga of emasculation and wussification of American males ledgers in the 11-year-old guy-talk palaver between a media type named Billy Bush and a private-citizen entrepreneur with a blond thatch by the name of Donald...
  • Democrats Build Double-Wall Border Fence to Keep Out Unwanted Protesters(WHAT!)

    07/27/2016 7:30:14 AM PDT · by rktman · 26 replies ^ | 7/26/2016 | Bob Price
    Delegates to the Democratic National Convention are now protected from unwanted protesters by a giant double-wall border fence. The border fence was doubled to make sure people without proper documentation could not illegally enter the convention area. Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) pointed out the hypocrisy of the Democrats in building a wall around their convention when they refuse to build a wall to secure the American border with Mexico, Breitbart News’ Neil Munro reported in June. “It’s interesting that the Democratic National Committee will have a wall around their convention to keep unapproved people out while at the same time,...
  • US Anti-Gun Senator Jamilah Nasheed arrested with a loaded gun, extra clips, and drunk in Ferguson

    06/30/2016 8:15:18 AM PDT · by rktman · 70 replies ^ | 6/26/2016 | unknown
    Guess who got arrested Monday night after she refused to get up off the ground out in the middle of the road in front of the Ferguson Police Department? And not only arrested, but arrested while her breath reportedly reeked of alcohol and she just so happened to be carrying a fully loaded 9mm with extra ammo? Why none other than Anti-gun Missouri Senator Jamilah Nasheed (D-St. Louis), who has herself sponsored multiple gun control bills. “It was a symbolic arrest – sending a message to the protesters that we can protest peacefully and that we must protest peacefully and...
  • 26 Dems In House Sit-In Were Gun Owners

    06/26/2016 8:01:31 AM PDT · by rktman · 31 replies ^ | 6/24/2016 | Dan Zimmerman
    Make no mistake, the inexorable growth of government, always-more intrusive regulation and the ever-increasing horde of unaccountable bureaucrats has begun to result in blowback from the citizenry. For proof, you only need to look at the unlikely rise of a candidate like Donald Trump and the result of yesterday’s Brexit vote in the U.K. The latest example of government elites displaying a naked double standard — because remember, they know how you should live your life better than you do: the fact that the House hissy fit thrown by Dems unhappy with their inability to further restrict their constituents’ gun...
  • The Great Bernie Sanders Scam(DOH!)

    05/05/2016 7:13:17 AM PDT · by rktman · 2 replies ^ | 5/5/2016 | Daniel Greenfield
    Last month, Sanders supporters were passing around a photo of Bernie Sanders asleep in coach. Such depictions of their candidate struggling with the same inconveniences as ordinary passengers had boosted his image as a fighter for the average guy. But there was one problem. The photo wasn’t of him. It was instead some ordinary man trying to catch a few winks in the middle of a crowded plane. Bernie Sanders wasn’t in coach. He wasn’t even in business class or stretching out both legs in first class. With tens of millions of dollars in donations coming in every month, he...
  • George Clooney denounces ‘obscene’ big money in politics after hosting Hillary fundraiser(T)

    04/17/2016 7:08:25 AM PDT · by rktman · 17 replies ^ | 4/17/2016 | Thomas Lifson
    George Clooney just made himself the personification of Hollywood hypocrisy by denouncing big money in politics in quick succession after having exacerbated the “problem” he identified. Does the man have self-awareness at all? Has playing fantasy characters in the movies destroyed all hold on reality in his mind? Or is he signaling that he really supports Bernie Sanders and is only running fundraisers for Hillary out of a sense of obligation (or fear?). Was this statement, delivered on today’s Meet the Press the equivalent of US prisoners in North Korea blinking SOS in Morse Code?
  • Twitter Takes 'Moment' to All But Celebrate Left-Wing Bullying of North Carolina

    04/14/2016 7:39:12 AM PDT · by rktman · 14 replies ^ | 4/13/2016 | Ken Shepherd
    "HB2 is hurting North Carolina's commerce" blared the headline for a Twitter "Moment" this evening which all but celebrated the left-wing corporate and political bullying of the Tar Heel State for its law overriding a Charlotte "bathroom bill" ordinance. Tweets marking the left-wing boycott read like a who's who of boutique liberal media outlets from VICE to Vanity Fair to The Hollywood Reporter, and, of course, The New York Times.
  • Feinstein: ‘Guns On Display Everywhere’ Have People Buying Into ‘Kool-Aid’ of Better Pro

    12/06/2015 9:05:43 AM PST · by rktman · 45 replies
    cnsnews.rom ^ | 12/4/2015 | Eric Scheiner
    Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) says, “guns on display everywhere” have created a society “that has kind of bought into the kool-aid that the more guns there are, the better protected you are.”
  • Witness the Carbon Footprint of This Fully Armed and Operational Climate Summit

    11/30/2015 8:11:00 AM PST · by rktman · 23 replies ^ | 11/30/2015 | John Hayward
    It’s not easy to calculate the total carbon footprint of such an event, especially since so many of the attendees are extremely reluctant to discuss their personal impact on Mother Earth, but Wired took a stab at it, and came up with an estimate of fifty thousand total attendees at the Paris talks, traveling an average of 9,000 miles round-trip apiece, burning 27 million gallons of jet fuel along the way. Adding in sundry ground emissions, the total carbon footprint works out to 300,000 tons of CO2, or over 23,000 times the carbon emissions of an average American for an...
  • Riot coverage 'excessive', says French TV boss

    11/10/2005 9:11:05 AM PST · by liberallarry · 45 replies · 1,019+ views
    Guardian (England) ^ | November 10, 2005 | Claire Cozens
    One of France's leading TV news executives has admitted censoring his coverage of the riots in the country for fear of encouraging support for far-right politicians. Jean-Claude Dassier, the director general of the rolling news service TCI, said the prominence given to the rioters on international news networks had been "excessive" and could even be fanning the flames of the violence.