Keyword: fishlicence
It sounds like a small-bore infraction: Liz Cheney, a United States Senate candidate in Wyoming, bought a state fishing license last summer even though she had not lived in the state for a year, as required. But the matter has inflamed her critics in the state, who have already labeled her an interloper and taken issue with her challenge to Senator Michael B. Enzi in next year’s Republican primary. Mr. Enzi is a popular three-term incumbent who is as conservative as Ms. Cheney. “It’s a serious misstep,” said Liz Brimmer, a Republican strategist in Wyoming and former chief of staff...
- A lesbian who sought a North Carolina marriage license with her partner and was rejected under a state law banning same-sex marriage was arrested with another person Thursday after they refused to leave a government office where several gay and lesbian couples were turned away. The civil disobedience followed a day after President Barack Obama publicly endorsed same-sex marriage, and two days after North Carolina voters overwhelmingly passed a constitutional amendment that defines marriage as solely between a man and a woman. The protest came amid attempts by a gay rights group, Campaign for Southern Equality, to broaden public...
JEFFERSON COUNTY, Colo. (CBS4) – A Jefferson County man was held in jail after refusing to get a license for his dog. Now he and his wife are fighting the fine in court. 4 On Your Side Investigator Rick Sallinger wanted to know how many others don’t have licenses and face the possibility of arrest.
San Francisco - The first vision was simple and straightforward: To curtail puppy mills and kitten factories, the sale of cats and dogs should be banned in San Francisco, where the loving guardians of animal companions come to regular blows — politically — with the loving parents of children. The ban was put on hold last year after animal advocates broadened it to include anything with fur or feathers. Now it's back, with a new name and a new strategy: More is more. The Humane Pet Acquisition Proposal is on its way to the Board of Supervisors, and it hopes
First the bay city decided we American’s just shouldn’t be able to decide matters such as circumcision. We shouldn’t have to worry about decisions like that since we have a brilliant and all knowing government to think for us.Now San Francisco is taking things a step further by possibly relieving the American’s that live within its limits of the terrible right to purchase a pet goldfish. San Francisco’s Animal Control and Welfare Commission is recommending that the City ban the sale of goldfish, tropical fish and guppies in its borders, according to Matier and Ross.The recommendation to the San Francisco...
MOREHEAD CITY — A rules violation has cost the Citation its record-setting win in the 52nd Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament. Angler Andy Thomossan, who caught the record-setting 883-pound blue marlin Monday, said Sunday afternoon tournament officials had stripped the Hatteras-boat of the win, the record and the $912,825 prize money from the $1.66 million purse. “No record. No money. No fish. No nothing,” Thomossan said, adding the rules violation was that one of the crew didn't have a fishing license as required. The lack of a license by a “for-hire mate” was discovered during a lie detector test Saturday...
Her offence was to unwittingly sell a goldfish to a 14-year-old boy taking part in a trading standards 'sting'. At most, pet shop owner Joan Higgins, 66, expected a slap on the wrist for breaking new animal welfare laws which ban the sale of pets to under-16s. Instead, the great-grandmother was taken to court, fined £1,000, placed under curfew - and ordered to wear an electronic tag for two months. The punishment is normally handed out to violent thugs and repeat offenders. The prosecution of Mrs Higgins and her son Mark is estimated to have cost taxpayers £20,000 and has...
LONDON (AFP) - A British grandmother was heavily fined and electronically tagged for selling a goldfish to a child, triggering criticism Wednesday of over-zealous use of animal protection laws. Pet shop owner Joan Higgins, 66, was fined 1,000 pounds (1,500 dollars, 1,120 euros) also given a dusk-to-dawn curfew for selling an animal to a person under the age of 16, but her 47-year-old son Mark -- also ordered to do community service -- slammed the ruling as a farce. The pair were prosecuted after the local council sent a 14-year-old boy
A GREAT-grandmother has been electronically tagged, placed under curfew and fined £1,000 for selling a GOLDFISH to a 14-year-old boy. Pet shop owner Joan Higgins, 66, landed the punishment after mistakenly selling the tiny fish to a schoolboy. The pensioner failed to spot that the lad was under the age of 16 as required by law to buy a pet and fell foul of a sting by trading standards officers.
It seems in vogue these days to apologize for wrong doings. I am not really sure why Tiger Woods apologized on worldwide television to golfers, his wife, his mother, to me, to the entire world, for what appears a personal matter, but I tell you who needs to apologize publicly is Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke. He needs to apologize for his snarky, condescending attitude toward Congressman Ron Paul when Paul , 1. asked Bernanke about allegations that the Federal Reserve was involved in funneling money to Saddam Hussein, when Hussein was a favorite of the U.S., and 2....
The CPAC straw poll winner explains it all to you. This isn’t the strangest conspiracy theory he’s ever dropped on the Fed, but it’s a nice peg for David Harsanyi’s column this morning on the rEVOLution’s persistent delusion that Paul is the future of conservatism. Let’s, for a moment, forget Paul (and how I wish this could be a permanent condition, considering the congressman is neither a serious politician nor—and I can’t stress this enough—a serious thinker)… Paul isn’t a traditional conservative. His obsession with long-decided monetary policy and isolationism are not his only half-baked crusades. Paul’s newsletters of the...
At first, Horsley laughed and said, "Just because it's printed in the media, people jump to believe it." "Is it true?" Colmes asked. "Hey, Alan, if you want to accuse me of having sex when I was a fool, I did everything that crossed my mind that looked like I..." AC: "You had sex with animals?" NH: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule." AC: "I'm not so sure that that is so." NH: "You didn't grow up on a farm in Georgia, did you?" AC: "Are...
You have to hand it to Mr. Magoo. I'll give him an A for chutzpah, that's for sure. The man is nothing but a common criminal of the white collar type. I openly and publicly call the FED chief a traitor, a coward and a common white collar criminal. The system is beyond accountability and I have a bad feeling this will end in blood. "Strike for Liberty and Honor" was the battle cry of our Revolutionary War, the Irish and also Bonnie Prince Charlie's cry at Culloden. Our criminal leaders have to go to jail on treason charges and...
Hello, I'm completely insane! Want proof? Just check out my website!!! Enjoy! Randy Crow - Democrat for President 2004