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Keyword: fakestudies

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  • Four years ago, a study said white doctors were effectively killing black babies. The study was wrong.

    09/19/2024 4:31:17 AM PDT · by MtnClimber · 33 replies
    American Thinker ^ | 18 Sep, 2024 | Andrea Widburg
    Scientists finally re-analyzed the study and found that it was riddled with errors—but that didn’t matter then because it furthered the narrative. In America, an inordinate number of so-called “scientific” studies are subject to what’s called the “replication (or reproducibility) crisis.” If someone publishes a study that feeds into leftist shibboleths, no matter how poorly done the study is (small sampling, foolish assumptions, bad math, etc.), the results are widely trumpeted and become embedded in the popular consciousness. That the study cannot be replicated (run again from scratch) or reproduced (subject to a new analysis of the study’s data)—and often...
  • Study debunks link between moderate drinking and longer life

    07/28/2024 10:04:56 AM PDT · by ConservativeMind · 84 replies
    Probably everyone has heard the conventional wisdom that a glass of wine a day is good for you. The problem is that it's based on flawed scientific research, according to a report. However, not all studies have painted such a rosy picture—and the new analysis sheds light on why. In a nutshell, studies linking moderate drinking to health benefits suffer from fundamental design flaws, said Tim Stockwell, Ph.D. The major issue: Those studies have generally focused on older adults and failed to account for people's lifetime drinking habits. So moderate drinkers were compared with "abstainer" and "occasional drinker" groups that...
  • Cooking on Gas Stoves 100 Times More Dangerous

    03/17/2024 6:07:09 AM PDT · by antidemoncrat · 150 replies
    NewsMax ^ | 3/16/2024 | Nick Koutsobinas
    Cooking on a gas stove in a tiny home is 100 times more deadly than leaving the car running in the garage, according to a new study out of Purdue University. The findings indicate that cooking could lead to the deposition of 10 billion to 1 trillion nano-particles in a person's airways and the tracheobronchial region of the lungs.
  • Renowned criminology professor who 'proved' systemic racism fired for faking data, studies retracted

    09/11/2023 7:13:15 AM PDT · by CFW · 47 replies
    Post Millennial ^ | 9/11/23 | staff
    A renowned criminology professor who "proved" that racism is systemic in America’s law enforcement and American society has been fired for faking data and his studies have now been retracted. Eric Stewart, 51, a now former criminology professor at Florida State University in Tallahassee, is now out of work due to “extreme negligence” in his research. According to Google Scholar, Stewart and his work were cited over 8,500 times by other researchers. Now, the WEB DuBois fellow at the National Institute of Justice is out of a job on account of “extreme negligence and incompetence.”
  • A Pennsylvania study suggests links between fracking and asthma, lymphoma in children

    08/16/2023 1:28:45 AM PDT · by Olog-hai · 24 replies
    Associated Press ^ | August 16, 2023 | Marc Levy
    Children who lived closer to natural gas wells in heavily drilled western Pennsylvania were more likely to develop a relatively rare form of cancer, and nearby residents of all ages had an increased chance of severe asthma reactions, researchers said in reports released Tuesday evening. The taxpayer-funded research by the University of Pittsburgh adds to a body of evidence suggesting links between the gas industry and certain health problems. In the reports, the researchers found what they called significant associations between gas industry activity and two ailments: asthma, and lymphoma in children, who are relatively rarely diagnosed with this type...
  • HPV vaccine is making cervical cancer a 'thing of the past': Jabs prevent up to 90% of cases of the disease, major study finds

    11/03/2021 6:25:55 PM PDT · by algore · 26 replies
    Cervical cancer has been virtually eradicated in young women because of the HPV vaccine's 'remarkable' success, a major study has found. Cases of the disease have plummeted by 87 per cent as a result of the NHS vaccine programme. Among women now in their twenties — the first generation to get the jab — cases have now dropped from about 50 per year to just five. Today's 'historic' findings by King's College London represent the first evidence the HPV vaccine is saving lives in the UK. The HPV vaccine prevents infection from human papillomavirus, a common group of viruses that...
  • How to fool the ‘biased academic left’

    10/15/2018 8:29:43 PM PDT · by TBP · 6 replies
    The Blaze ^ | October 15, 2018 | Glenn Beck
    On Monday’s episode of “The Glenn Beck Radio Program,” Glenn was joined by author and mathematician Dr. James A. Lindsay to discuss a series of fake “grievance studies” that he and cohorts Peter Boghossian and Helen Pluckrose penned in order to test the extent of political bias in left-wing academic circles. Lindsay, Boghossian (an assistant professor of philosophy at Portland State University), and Pluckrose (editor-in-chief of Areo Magazine) wrote an op-ed for USA Today titled, “From dog rape to white men in chains: We fooled the biased academic left with fake studies” in which they spelled out the purpose, method...
  • Homebirth Hooey and Hokum

    07/15/2010 9:23:51 AM PDT · by Jenny Hatch · 16 replies · 2+ views
    Blogging Mothers Magazine ^ | July 11th, 2010 | Jenny Hatch
    The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists are dealing with an increasingly incredulous birthing population who are rejecting their style of "knock em' out drag em' out" childbirth.  The young female birthing population is increasingly turning to new media for sources of information regarding childbirth, vaccinations, and psychiatric care, and the Medicos do NOT like having their monopoly broken up. So a new "homebirth study" in the form of a blatently politicized piece of propaganda has now been published attempting to PROVE that homebirthed babies have a three fold increase of death over hospital born children.