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Keyword: epiclecture

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  • Joseph Wilson EPIC Lecture 6/14/2003 Outline/Transcript

    10/09/2005 8:55:28 PM PDT · by Fedora · 140 replies · 8,364+ views
    EPIC: Education for Peace in Iraq Center ^ | 6/14/2003 | Joseph Wilson as transcribed by Fedora
    Transcriber's introduction:The following outline and transcript, created by the poster, are based on an audio recording of Joseph Wilson's evening keynote lecture to the Education for Peace in Iraq Center (EPIC) on June 14, 2003, delivered several weeks prior to Wilson's New York Times op-ed of 7/6/2003 which preceded the controversial Robert Novak article mentioning Valerie Plame's CIA background. Wilson's speech was immediately preceded by that of the other keynote speaker, Ray McGovern of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity. After their individual speeches Wilson and McGovern held a joint question-and-answer session. Other participants in the forum and their respective topics...
  • Before Novak, The Joe Wilson Speech that Made Clear His Agenda

    11/01/2005 9:03:34 AM PST · by Brian Mosely · 10 replies · 1,279+ views
    Gateway Pundit ^ | 10/31/05
    ** The June 2003 Joe Wilson Speech You Are Not Supposed to Hear! ** ONE MONTH BEFORE ROBERT NOVAK WROTE HIS COLUMN, AMBASSADOR JOSEPH WILSON LAID OUT HIS AGENDA AGAINST THE US ADMINISTRATION AND ISRAEL AT THE LEFTIST 2003 IRAQ FORUM CONFERENCE,AUDIO HERE (40:38 in duration) In this speech, Ambassador Joseph Wilson: * describes himself as the investigator sent to Niger by the government* details the African trip as only he is capable of* says the government sent him there and not the CIA (a lie)* says there was nothing to the uranium story (a lie)* describes the US as...
  • The American Spectator Requests Help

    11/05/2005 12:19:41 AM PST · by Lecie · 33 replies · 1,326+ views
    The American Spectator ^ | November 04, 2005 | J. Peter Freire
    Joe's In For It Now - Friday, November 04, 2005 @ 3:23:37 PM This story popped up today on American Thinker. Apparently, Wilson outed his wife far before Novak ever did, and the site which normally carries the program and the speech is down. Does anyone have the mp3 in which Wilson gives his speech? Please, please, please email us at if so. Posted By: J. Peter Freire The American Thinker The speech was given at EPIC, the Education for Peace in Iraq Center, a left wing organization, which has, a least for the moment, an audio file...