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  • Democratic senator says 'there's got to be consequences' for Saudi Arabia after OPEC+ announces oil production cuts

    10/09/2022 7:05:44 PM PDT · by lowbridge · 115 replies
    CNN ^ | October 9, 2022 | Andrew Millman and Devan Cole
    A Democratic member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee said Sunday that "there's got to be consequences" after Saudi Arabia and a cartel of major oil producers moved to slash oil production last week in a move the White House said was "shortsighted" and hurtful to low and middle-income countries. "There's got to be consequences for that. Whether it's lifting the cartel's immunity or whether it's rethinking our troop presence there, our security relationship, I just think it's time to admit that the Saudis are not looking out for us," Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State...
  • Outgoing chief archivist at center of ERA fight and Trump documents controversy

    02/20/2022 6:14:37 PM PST · by Beowulf9 · 11 replies ^ | Feb 11, 2022 | Devan Cole
    Washington (CNN)Recent controversies over the certification of the Equal Rights Amendment and improper record-keeping of Trump-era documents have pushed the nation's chief archivist, whose typical pro forma responsibilities render him unknown to all but the most knowledgeable Washingtonians, into the middle of several high-profile political dramas.
  • CNN Denies Biological Reality of Sex at Birth

    03/31/2021 1:25:44 PM PDT · by Ahithophel · 51 replies
    National Review ^ | March 31, 2021 | Alexandra Descantis
    On the menu today: A CNN news writer asserts that we can’t know a child’s “gender identity” at birth In an article reporting on Kristi Noem’s decision to veto the “Fairness in Girls’ Sports” bill, CNN breaking-news reporter Devan Cole claimed yesterday that there’s no way to determine a child’s “gender identity” at birth. “It’s not possible to know a person’s gender identity at birth, and there is no consensus criteria for assigning sex at birth,” Cole asserted, in a statement better fit for an unhinged opinion article than a news article by a breaking-news reporter. In fact, as most...
  • Pompeo abruptly cancels trip to Germany

    05/07/2019 7:46:57 AM PDT · by PghBaldy · 96 replies
    CNN ^ | May 7 | Devan Cole and Nicole Gaouette
    Washington (CNN)Secretary of State Mike Pompeo abruptly canceled a scheduled trip to Germany, where he was planning to meet with Chancellor Angela Merkel "due to pressing issues," the State Department said early Tuesday. No specific reason was given for the cancellation. The press pool traveling with Pompeo has not been told where they are going next, and have been warned they may not be able to report from the country they are going to until after their departure.
  • Progressive House Democrats rebuke DCCC 'blacklist' of companies working with primary challengers

    03/31/2019 6:49:09 PM PDT · by Libloather · 9 replies
    CNN ^ | 3/31/19 | Devan Cole
    (CNN) — Three progressive House Democrats who won their seats by challenging Democratic incumbents are rebuking a new rule by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee that prohibits the organization from conducting business with "political vendors" that support primary challengers to incumbents, calling the rule a "blacklist" that weakens the party. Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts and Ro Khanna of California have called out the DCCC for the new rule, which is included on a form for vendors looking to partner with the organization. "The core mission of the DCCC is electing House Democrats, which includes...