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Keyword: defeatists

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  • Democrats find accord on war bill

    03/26/2007 10:01:37 PM PDT · by Anti-Bubba182 · 4 replies · 307+ views
    Washington Post ^ | Mar. 23, 2007 | Jonathan Weisman
    "..To many in the anti-Iraq war movement, the liberal opposition to the bill was as maddening as it was mystifying. ?You really have two options here: One is that you can vote for a change of course here and say we?re going to find a way out of Iraq, or, two, you can vote against it and hand George Bush a victory,? said Jon Soltz, an Iraq war veteran and co-founder of the anti-Iraq war . ?It doesn?t make sense to me. George Bush got us into the war. They have challenged him on everything. Why would they give...

    05/09/2013 3:02:03 PM PDT · by shortstop · 81 replies | 05/09/13 | Bob Lonsberry
    Benghazi is not like Watergate. It’s worse. But it won’t have the same end. In Benghazi, American military specialists, hurrying to relieve other Americans under fire, were twice ordered not to. In Benghazi itself, they ignored the order and saved dozens. In Tripoli, they had to obey, and two brave former SEALS died as a result. Let me repeat. American men at arms, ready and eager to go to the aid of their countrymen, were, in two separate incidents, ordered to stand down. Two separate conscious decisions were made to let Americans die. The fundamental ethic of the American armed...
  • Who is William Arkin, and why does it matter?

    02/26/2007 5:38:10 PM PST · by Interesting Times · 37 replies · 1,133+ views
    The New Dominion ^ | Feb. 26, 2007 | Max Friedman
    As most of you have read or seen by now, a journalist and NBC/MSNBC media consultant named William “Bill” Arkin has created quite a stir by viciously insulting American soldiers in Iraq. He wrote at his Washington Post blog, “Early Warning: William M. Arkin on National and Homeland Security” column (1/30/07), that “… this NBC (Nightly News) report is just an ugly reminder of the price we pay for a mercenary - oops sorry, volunteer force that thinks it is doing the dirty work” re Iraq. The “report,” according to Arkin, featured “a number of soldiers (who) expressed frustration with...
  • The GOP Deserves to Lose

    01/24/2012 6:31:02 AM PST · by KeyLargo · 107 replies
    The Wall Street Journal ^ | Jan 24, 2012 | Bret Stephens
    THE WALL STREET JOURNAL JANUARY 24, 2012 By Bret Stephens The GOP Deserves to Lose That's what happens when you run with losers. Let's just say right now what voters will be saying in November, once Barack Obama has been re-elected: Republicans deserve to lose. It doesn't matter that Mr. Obama can't get the economy out of second gear. It doesn't matter that he cynically betrayed his core promise as a candidate to be a unifying president. It doesn't matter that he keeps blaming Bush. It doesn't matter that he thinks ATMs are weapons of employment destruction. It doesn't matter...
  • Tired of the Defeatist Attitudes Here

    03/21/2010 8:11:05 PM PDT · by NoobRep · 181 replies · 2,498+ views
    3/21/10 | self
    Seriously, I fully understand the significance of the assault on our liberties and freedoms we've just witnessed. But for the love of God, take your two seconds and get it out of your system and get ready to take back the country. It's our own damn fault we let this happen so now what are we going to do? Sit and cry like these bozos own us? They only own you if you let them. I'll say this-I don't know what all the answers are but I know it will take an incredible effort and some very brave and smart...
  • Video: Two Years Ago Today Harry Reid Declared "Iraq War is Lost".....

    04/20/2009 5:19:34 AM PDT · by JDAM2007 · 9 replies · 331+ views
  • Reid Revises And Extends His Remarks On "Lost" Iraq War

    01/04/2009 5:18:37 PM PST · by careyb · 56 replies · 3,199+ views
    Meet The Depressed ^ | 1/4/09 | David Gregory
    Watch him squirm. I almost want to like David Gregory. Almost.
  • Sorry, Senator. Let's Salvage What We Can.

    10/25/2008 9:26:36 PM PDT · by steve-b · 84 replies · 2,146+ views
    The Washington Pest ^ | 10/23/08 | David Frum
    There are many ways to lose a presidential election. John McCain is losing in a way that threatens to take the entire Republican Party down with him. A year ago, the Arizona senator's team made a crucial strategic decision. McCain would run on his (impressive) personal biography. On policy, he'd hew mostly to conservative orthodoxy, with a few deviations -- most notably, his support for legalization for illegal immigrants. But this strategy wasn't yielding results in the general election. So in August, McCain tried a bold new gambit: He would reach out to independents and women with an exciting and...
  • Democrats should apologize for blowing it on surge

    08/22/2008 4:23:22 AM PDT · by NCDragon · 7 replies · 126+ views ^ | August 21, 2008 | DEROY MURDOCK
    TEMECULA, Calif. -- As top Democrats address their national convention in Denver, they will propose "ending" Operation Iraqi Freedom, demand a speedy withdrawal of U.S. forces there, and insist that "Bush lied, and people died." What they will not do is apologize for their nearly universal failure in judgment regarding President Bush's spring 2007 Surge of 20,000 troops into Iraq. Widespread Democratic defeatism and lack of faith in our GIs' ability to win gouged a gap between their forecasts of doom yesterday and Iraq's far sunnier outlook today. With few exceptions, Democrats got this one dead wrong. "I am not...
  • Outmaneuvered?

    07/25/2008 10:33:45 AM PDT · by NCDragon · 8 replies · 86+ views
    News & ^ | July 25, 2008 | News&Observer Editorial Staff
    All along, the ideal approach toward winding down America's costly involvement in Iraq has been to leave as soon as possible, but no sooner -- meaning that the exit should be managed to avoid snatching defeat from the jaws of something that might resemble victory. When the war was nothing but a hideous hemorrhage of lives and treasure, with Iraqis killing each other by the thousands and U.S. troops caught in the middle, it seemed far-fetched to think that our continued presence could help turn the tide for the better. The loss of more than 4,000 American lives in what...
  • Obama Says He Would Still Oppose Iraq Surge Strategy if He Had it to Do Over Again - Video 7/22/08

    07/22/2008 6:39:15 AM PDT · by · 22 replies · 446+ views
    Blogs for John McCain ^ | July 22, 2008 | brianinmo
    Here is video of Barack Obama from Iraq,in an interview with ABC News, saying he would NOT support the "Surge Strategy" if he had it to do over again! This is the very "Surge Strategy" that has undeniably transformed Iraq. But Obama says he would still oppose it because . . . well, just because . . . (see video) Obama opposed the "Surge Strategy" when it was announced, and said it would make things worse . . . (see video) Obama continued to oppose the Surge Strategy, even after it was underway and said it was making things worse...
  • Obama, Democrats, and the Surge - They were against it before it worked

    07/19/2008 8:27:52 PM PDT · by Free ThinkerNY · 10 replies · 168+ views ^ | 7/28/2008 | Peter Wehner
    This is the week that the Democratic party ran up the white flag when it comes to the surge in Iraq. Leading the surrender was none other than Barack Obama, the Democratic party's presumptive nominee for president and among the most vocal critics of the counterinsurgency plan that has transformed the Iraq war from a potentially catastrophic loss to what may turn out to be a historically significant victory. On Monday, Obama wrote a New York Times op-ed in which he acknowledged the success of the surge. "In the 18 months since President Bush announced the surge," Obama wrote, "our...
  • The Party of Defeat, and Self-Defeat

    06/20/2008 5:21:43 AM PDT · by SJackson · 14 replies · 226+ views
    Frontpagemagazine ^ | 6-20-08 | David Horowitz
    The Party of Defeat, and Self-Defeat   By David | Friday, June 20, 2008 David Horowitz delivered the following speech at the David Horowitz Freedom Center retreat in Santa Barbara, which was held at the Four Seasons Resort May 30-June 1. -- The Editors.Evan Sayet:  It's good to see a crowd like this, as usual.  It's great that we, as conservatives, are gathering to talk about the things that are important to us and all the way across the country, the leftists are gathering to talk about what's important to them.  It's called the premiere of Sex and...
  • Great Surge, Let’s Quit

    06/16/2008 11:14:49 AM PDT · by Jbny · 17 replies · 87+ views
    Commentary Magazine ^ | June 16, 2008 | Abe Greenwald
    It’s official. There will be no more argument from the Democrats about the success of the troop surge. Their plan is to bury their error in judgment in a larger fabricated argument about American hegemony. Not only is Barack Obama acknowledging progress in Iraq–he’s now pleased with it. And he let Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshiyar Zebari know as much when the two spoke by telephone earlier today. However if you’re a Democrat, a smidgen of U.S.-praise must come with a heaping pile of “but.” Here’s Obama on his talk with Zebari:
  • Party of Defeat: How Democrats and Radicals Undermined America's War on Terror Before and After 9-11

    06/08/2008 4:54:17 PM PDT · by ETL · 16 replies · 149+ views
    several sources | April 22, 2008 | several authors
    Party of Defeat: How Democrats and Radicals Undermined America's War on Terror Before and After 9-11 By David Horowitz and Ben Johnson | Friday, April 11, 2008 The following [link] is the introduction from the new book Party of Defeat by David Horowitz and Ben Johnson. The introduction lays out the book's thesis: that the opposition to the war in Iraq has crossed a troubling boundary. For the first time, a large number of national leaders have not merely opposed a war; that would be their inalienable right under the U.S. Constitution. Instead, they have actively sabotaged an ongoing...
  • Democrat Congressman: "We've taken public positions which... the surge...which is working"

    06/03/2008 4:07:05 AM PDT · by samtheman · 7 replies · 125+ views ^ | 06/02/2008 | Jeff Emanuel
    Rep. Paul Kanjorski (D-PA), who recently gained media attention for his videotaped admission that, due to "temptation to want to win back the Congress," Democrats "stretched the facts" regarding their ability to actually end the war in Iraq, appears to be back for a video encore. This time, the Democratic Congressman appears in a video making two distinct statements regarding the 'Surge' strategy that has been so effective in Iraq. The video is below; below that is a transcript.
  • Democrats and Our Enemies (Joe Lieberman Op-Ed)

    05/20/2008 9:31:32 PM PDT · by RWR8189 · 52 replies · 321+ views
    Wall Street Journal ^ | May 21, 2008 | Senator Joseph Lieberman
    How did the Democratic Party get here? How did the party of Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman and John F. Kennedy drift so far from the foreign policy and national security principles and policies that were at the core of its identity and its purpose? Beginning in the 1940s, the Democratic Party was forced to confront two of the most dangerous enemies our nation has ever faced: Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. In response, Democrats under Roosevelt, Truman and Kennedy forged and conducted a foreign policy that was principled, internationalist, strong and successful. This was the Democratic Party that I...
  • The Party of Defeat [Author David Horowitz: C-Span BookTV video]

    05/11/2008 2:23:49 PM PDT · by Eye On The Left · 7 replies · 213+ views
    C-Span / BookTV ^ | May 4, 2008
    "David Horowitz talked about his book Party of Defeat: How Democrats and Radicals Undermined America's War on Terror Before and After 9-11, published by Spence. In his book he criticizes members of the Democratic Party that, he says, are undermining the U.S.'s efforts in Iraq. This event was held at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C."
  • David Horowitz on CSPAN2 Book TV Now

    05/04/2008 7:44:59 AM PDT · by stan_sipple · 4 replies · 114+ views
    CSPAN-2 Book TV ^ | 5-4-2008 | David Horowitz
    Party of Defeat: How Democrats and Radicals Undermined America's War on Terror Before and After 9-11 Author: David HorowitzUpcoming Schedule Sunday, May 4, at 7:00 PM About the Program David Horowitz criticizes members of the Democratic Party that, he says, are undermining the U.S.'s efforts in Iraq. Mr. Horowitz spoke about this topic at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. About the Author David Horowitz is president of the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is the author of many books, including "Radical Son: A Generational Odyssey," "Unholy Alliance: Radical Islam and the American Left," and "Left Illusions: An Intellectual...
  • Hagel says it's time to unwind from Iraq

    05/03/2008 10:09:22 AM PDT · by stan_sipple · 34 replies · 103+ views ^ | 5-2-2008 | Don Walton
    A lesson of Vietnam that applies to Iraq is “the deeper you bog down in a morass, the more difficult it is to get out,” Sen. Chuck Hagel said Friday. “The more troops you put in, saying you need another six months or another year, a surge, five more combat brigades.” All of that runs counter to the reality that “we’re going to have to unwind,” Hagel said. “No foreign policy, no war policy can be sustained without the support of the American people,” he said. “Most of them say (Iraq) was a mistake and we want out.” Hagel’s remarks...