The 25 Most Influential People On The Right According To Conservative Bloggers Right Wing News emailed more than 235 right-of-center bloggers and asked them to send us a list of whom they considered to be the most influential people on the right. Representatives from the following 54 blogs responded... Aaron's CC, David All Group, All American Blogger, Atlas Shrugs, Baldilocks, The Baseball Crank, Betsy's Page, BitsBlog, BizzyBlog, Blonde Sagacity, Bookworm Room, Cassy Fiano, Dr. Melissa Clouthier, Conservative Grapevine, Argghhhh!, Ed Driscoll, Election Projection, Cara Ellison, Eternity Road, Exurban League, Elocutio, Euphoric Reality, Fetching Jen, Five Feet Of Fury, Fraters Libertas,...