Keyword: conciliarchurch
[Catholic Caucus] Priest urges Catholics to reject Pope Francis’ ‘synodal’ program that seeks to ‘destroy’ the ChurchAnyone who wants to hold on to the faith of the Catholic Church must inevitably reject the Pope’s pet project’ of ‘synodality,’ a program intended to ‘destroy’ the Church in the long term, Father Joachim Heimerl writes.The Vatican launched an online survey at the end of July. Almost 9,000 participants were asked about their attitude towards “synodality,” and around 90 percent voted negatively. As a result, the synod secretariat responsible ended the survey prematurely and took the results offline. Apart from the Vatican, comparable...
[Catholic Caucus] Swiss Bishop: "Latin Mass Has Deep Prayers, Expresses Christ's Centrality Better"Monsignor Marian Eleganti, former Auxiliary Bishop of Chur in Switzerland, gave an interview on August 14 to, the media portal of the Swiss bishops. Key points.- "I am very critical of the synod process. I see the danger that certain, already established agendas will determine it and control it from the beginning. This is not true listening."- "I believe that in such processes, the editors who formulate the final documents are the decisive factor - not necessarily the Holy Spirit."- "Today, the so-called 'reality of life' is...
[Catholic Caucus] Potholes on the road to Synod 2024 The ecclesiastical propaganda machine created for last October’s Synod on Synodality for a Synodal Church is still grinding away, and it’s getting both tiresome and worrisome.As for tiresome: Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, SJ, the General Rapporteur of Synods 2023 and 2024, informed us in a June 14 “news” release from the Vatican’s Synod office that “the Holy People of God has been set in motion for mission thanks to the synodal experience.” Well, no, Your Eminence, that’s not quite right.God’s holy people were set in motion for mission by the Lord Jesus...
[Catholic Caucus] Young Catholics aren’t ‘schismatic’ for preferring the Latin Mass to sappy Novus Ordo MassesRome - 7 September 2017 - Celebration of the Holy Mass vetus ordo, Mass in Latin, in the days of the pilgrimage Summorum Pontificum decennial(LifeSiteNews) — In Part 1 of this two part series, I discussed how young Catholics today view the Second Vatican Council. In Part 2, we shall examine how these young people experience the “fruits” of the Council and the “spirit” of Vatican II. Why is it that so many are fond of the Traditional Latin Mass? Why do so many consult...
[Catholic Caucus] Retired Vatican archivist takes dim view of postconciliar eraCWN Editor's Note: In an interview granted to an Italian newspaper following his recent retirement as prefect of the Vatican Apostolic Archives, Bishop Sergio Pagano offered a dim assessment of the life of the Church following the Second Vatican Council (1962-65). “Sadly, after the Second Vatican Council there was a general disarray: too many expectations,” he said. “Disorder was created in discipline, in seminaries and in pontifical universities. In doctrine there was an ever deeper crisis.” “And in this climate of uncertainty, a glaring confusion prevailed,” he continued. “I see...
Young Believers Are Fueling a Renaissance of Catholic Culture The Sisters of Charity of New York announced last year that it will not accept any new members. The announcement was more of a formality than anything else, as no one has joined the order in more than twenty years. Founded by St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in 1817 and recognized as the Sisters of Charity of New York in 1846, the order had more than 1,300 sisters in the 1960s. Today, only 154 sisters remain, and their median age is eighty-five years old. The Sisters of Charity of New York isn’t...
ITE MISSA EST: How modernizing the Church gave rise to ChristophobiaThere can be no dispute that the mission of the Church is to glorify God, to seek the Salvation of souls, to serve the poor, and to Evangelize – to spread the good news of the Gospel to all corners of the World: to build the Kingdom of Christ on earth. But among the chief duties of the Catholic Church is to hold the powerful in society to their duty to the welfare of the citizenry, to protect those human rights which derive from Divine Law, and to demand that...
From Pius XII to Paul VI to Cardinal Roche: The Difference One Word Can Make - Article by Paolo PasqualucciThe current Catholic hierarchy, starting with the Pope, often refers to the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) as the basis for the “reforms” it continues to carry out in the constitution of the Church (with synodality), in doctrine (with the ecumenical Declaration of Abu Dhabi), in Christian morality (with unprecedented concessions - liturgical and otherwise - to irregular couples of all kinds) and to justify its constant fight against the ancient rite of the Mass, also known as the “traditional Mass”, whose...
How Can You Canonize Without Bonafide Miracles?Honoring the SaintsA saint is a person who held the true Faith, exercised heroic virtue in accordance with their state in life, and lived a life of holiness in union with God on earth. The Church honors such a person by “raising them to the altar.” The culmination of an ecclesial process of acknowledging a person’s sanctity is “canonization.” This means they are declared to be in Heaven and the Church presents the individual as one we are called to imitate. The Church does not canonize every soul in Heaven (even if known) but...
Italian diocese urges Catholics to join Muslims for prayers and meals in RamadanAn Italian diocese is instructing its priests to participate in Islamic rituals, citing Pope Francis’ directives on interreligious dialogue.The Diocese of Bergamo issued a communiqué on Monday urging priests to seek out opportunities for interreligious dialogue during the “holy month” of Ramadan by invite the faithful to join in praying with Muslims and joining in the Iftar ritual meal.The letter from the northern Italian diocese asks the faithful to pray for “a continuous realisation of all the dimensions that make up humanity desired by the Creator” and for...
[Catholic Caucus] Lost in a battle of interpretations: Claude Barthe on a council that did not dogmatize and a liturgy that lacks the form of lawAbbé Claude Barthe has just published a partially revised and expanded fourth edition of his book Trouvera t-Il encore la foi sur la terre (Will he still find faith on earth?), published by Via Romana. We are publishing this passage from the introduction, which concerns the new liturgical law, which in fact is no longer a law. (Paix Liturgique Letter 984)* * *This teaching [on ecumenism], which was intended to be neither black nor white,...
[Catholic Caucus] Brazilian priest accused of schism faces canonical proceedingsA Brazilian priest is facing canonical proceedings after his archdiocese said he had made schismatic statements and ignored restrictions on the use of pre-conciliar liturgical rubrics.The Archdiocese of São Paulo announced Nov. 29 that it would open a preliminary investigation into the priest’s alleged schismatic activity, and at the same time, remove Fr. Fábio Fernandes from Our Lady of Sorrows church in the Barra Funda district of the city of São Paulo, where he serves as pastor.A Nov. 23 decree signed by Cardinal Odilo Scherer, the Archbishop of São Paulo, said...
[Catholic Caucus] Pope Leo XIII and the Church’s Visibility as Satan Reveals His Throne in the Holy Place“In the Holy Place itself, where has been set up the See of the most blessed Peter and the Chair of Truth for the light of the world, they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety, with the iniquitous design that when the Pastor has been struck, the sheep may be scattered.” (Exorcism of Leo XIII against Satan and the Fallen Angels)In his They Have Uncrowned Him, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre commented on these words from Pope Leo XIII’s exorcism prayer against Satan...
[Catholic Caucus] Now That Francis Has Created Congar’s “Different Church,” Can We Stop Calling it Catholic?“Like the child who takes a perverse pleasure in destroying, it seems that Congar had no greater joy in life than that of witnessing the dilapidation of the treasure of the Church and the destruction of the unity of the Mystical Body of Christ.” (Fr. Dominique Bourmaud, One Hundred Years of Modernism) When Francis reconvenes the Synod on Synodality in Rome on October 4, 2023, the world will see how much progress he has made in completing the plans for “a different church” he announced...
Why Do All the Bad Guys, and Some Good Guys, Still Defend Vatican II?“This is magisterium: the Council is the magisterium of the Church. Either you are with the Church and therefore you follow the Council, and if you do not follow the Council or you interpret it in your own way, as you wish, you are not with the Church. We must be demanding and strict on this point. The Council should not be negotiated in order to have more of these... No, the Council is as it is.” (Francis, January 30, 2021 Address) Why is it that men...
[Catholic Caucus] The Wheels Are Coming OffProphets are a pain. They bother us incessantly with the same somber warnings of doom. We don’t like prophets because we fear they will take away all the fun and pleasure of life. If you think that sin is fun, you would be right. But, because what we see is not all there is, because time flies and eternity await, because the way of all flesh is death and corruption, this world and the flesh must be submitted to other and higher, eternal considerations. The role of the prophet is to stand before others...
[Catholic Caucus] In This Wintertime, Only The Catholic Way Will Save UsChrist’s pilgrim Church has suddenly found itself in the late innings of, perhaps, transformation and schism, and few are around anymore to help save the day. But there is a Catholic Way forward.The Baltimore Orioles are winning (and will be for a long while), and on this humid August afternoon in Maryland, it might as well be a crisp day in early spring. I am a 10-year-old boy again and I’ve thrown off my jacket and gone into the side yard to play catch with my older brother, Danny....
Archbishop Viganò: The Kingship of Christ is not limited to the Church, but extends to all nationsThe doctrine of the kingship of Christ constitutes a discrimen between the Catholic Church and the “conciliar Church;” indeed, it is the point of separation between Catholic orthodoxy and neomodernist heterodoxy, because the followers of laicism and liberal secularism cannot accept that the Lordship of Our Lord extends to the civil sphere, thereby removing it from being subject to the arbitrariness of the powerful or the will of the manipulable populace. Yet the very idea that authority has its foundation in a transcendent principle...
Archbishop Viganò Critiques Benedict XVI’s Theology, Decries “Permanent Revolution” of Vatican II PDF ButtonDE HOC MUNDOThe “Secularization” of Authorityas a Premise for Religious Freedom and Ecumenical DialogueTheorized by Vatican IIRegnum meum non est de hoc mundo.Jn 18:36I. IntroductionThe wound inflicted by the Second Vatican Council on the ecclesial body and — consequently — on the entire social body is anything but healed after sixty years, and indeed continues to become gangrenous with very serious damage before the eyes of all. The enthusiastic and self-congratulatory tones with which the Bergoglian Sanhedrin praises the Council cannot cancel the ruin it has brought...
[Catholic Caucus] Archbishop Viganò Blasts “Total Self-Referentiality of the ‘Conciliar Church'” in Response to Papal HomilyEditor’s Note: In his latest written intervention (full text below), Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò responds to Pope Francis’ homily in honor of the 60th anniversary of the opening of Vatican II, during which the Pope stated: “Let us return to the Council and move beyond ourselves, resisting the temptation to self-absorption [Italian, autoreferenzialità; Spanish, autorreferencialidad], which is a way of being worldly.”In response, Archbishop Viganò identifies and denounces “the total self-referentiality of the ‘conciliar Church,’ that is, of that subversive organization born almost imperceptibly from...