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Keyword: communistmanifesto

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  • VIDEO: Democrats Celebrate 176th Anniversary of the Communist Manifesto

    02/23/2024 8:34:26 AM PST · by PJ-Comix · 13 replies
    Rumble ^ | February 23, 2024 | DUmmie FUnnies
    VIDEOFor years the Democrats have merely flirted with Communism. However, now they have fully embraced it. Or at least they support Communism for their enemies and those they consider to be mere serfs, working people in the USA who are citizens. For their own elite they are in favor of corporate Fascism in which the government helps only those companies that are woke and support the Democrats. Thus we now have the sad spectacle of the Democrats supporting Big Pharma, Big Social Media, and Big War. An example of the latter is to send billions to Ukraine where it is...
  • Washington to become sanctuary state for abortions, child sex changes

    04/14/2023 2:10:25 PM PDT · by grimalkin · 8 replies
    The Post Millennial ^ | Apr 12, 2023 | Ari Hoffman
    A so-called "shield law" that will turn Washington into a sanctuary state for abortions and gender-altering surgeries including for minors passed out of the state Senate on Monday and is expected to be signed into law by Democrat Governor Jay Inslee. When signed it will go into effect immediately because the bill contains an emergency clause. The legislation sponsored by far-left Democratic state Senator Marko Liias would also allow shelters or host homes to provide housing for runaway minors without being required to notify their parents if they have a "compelling reason" to keep the information a secret. Alex Chrostowski...
  • Wannabe shooter Lilly Whitworth owned ‘Communist Manifesto,’ called Trump a ‘con man’

    04/07/2023 8:17:25 AM PDT · by Behind Liberal Lines · 49 replies
    © 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved ^ | April 7, 2023 | By Olivia Land
    A Colorado teen who was arrested last month for allegedly planning to commit a mass shooting at her former middle school owned a copy of “The Communist Manifesto” — and blasted former President Donald Trump as a “con man” in her own writings, authorities said. Lilly Whitworth, 19, wrote a detailed manifesto and possessed floor plans of her intended target before she was busted on March 31 for making threats to various schools, including Timberview Middle School, which she once attended, according to an arrest affidavit obtained by news station KRDO. She also owned a copy of “The Communist Manifesto”...
  • 45 Points of the Communist Manifesto - great memes of each

    09/27/2021 2:43:07 PM PDT · by patriot torch · 19 replies
    101.blogspot ^ | November 19 2012 | Greg Swank
    You are about to read a list of 45 goals that found their way down the halls of our great Capitol back in 1963. As you read this, 39 years later, you should be shocked by the events that have played themselves out.
  • Mark Levin: Joe Biden’s ‘Communist Manifesto’ Will Destroy Every Aspect of Our Culture and Society

    10/16/2020 5:33:08 PM PDT · by E. Pluribus Unum · 3 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 16 Oct 2020 | Robert Kraychik
    Former Vice President Joe Biden’s joint political platform with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) amounts to a “communist manifesto” that will destroy America, warned Mark Levin, author of Unfreedom of the Press and radio show and television host, on Friday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow. After Biden took the Democrats’ presidential nomination, his presidential campaign joined Sanders’s team to compose a document titled the “Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Recommendations.” The leftist proclamation derides the U.S. as pathologized by “systemic racism,” makes 85 mentions of “climate” while describing “climate change” as a “global emergency,” and calls for...
  • Obama Documentary Filmmaker Quotes Communist Manifesto at Oscars: ‘Workers of the World Unite!’...

    02/10/2020 8:01:56 AM PST · by caww · 24 replies
    breitbart ^ | 2/10/2020 | JOHN BINDER
    The filmmaker for a President Barack Obama-produced documentary quoted the famous rallying cries of the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and the Soviet Union during her acceptance speech. During her acceptance speech for winning Best Documentary, Julia Reichert quoted Marx’s famous “Workers of the world unite” chant. The quote was also famously one of the official mottos of the Soviet Union before its fall. Communist regimes in the last century were responsible for the murder of more than 100 million people — including tens of millions murdered by the Soviet Union. The documentary film American Factory tells the story of...
  • Obama’s Oscar-Winning ‘American Factory’ Omits His Own Role in Ohio Factory’s Closing

    02/10/2020 10:08:39 AM PST · by grundle · 13 replies
    Breitbart ^ | February 9, 2020 | Joel B. Pollak
    Former President Barack Obama played a direct role in the hardships of the workers featured in American Factory, the Oscar-winning documentary his new production company produced. But as Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH), the former mayor of nearby Dayton, Ohio, wrote last year, the movie leaves out President Obama’s own role in making life worse for the GM workers who lost their jobs. Obama’s auto bailout, he recalled, helped force the plant’s closure and made it harder for the workers to find new jobs because his administration was dealing political favors to its favored union allies — and they were in...
  • Karl Marx gets shoutout during Barack Obama-produced film’s 2020 Oscars speech

    02/10/2020 6:26:48 AM PST · by Leaning Right · 26 replies
    NY Post ^ | Feb. 9, 2020 | Tamar Lapin
    “The Communist Manifesto” got a shoutout during the 2020 Oscars. Julia Reichert, the co-director of best documentary winner “American Factory,” which was produced by former President Barack Obama’s new film company, apparently quoted from Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels’ infamous book during her acceptance speech on Sunday night. “Working people have it harder and harder these days — and we believe that things will get better when workers of the world unite,” Reichert said. The quote appeared to be a riff on the last lines of the 1848 political document, which are frequently translated from German as “Workers of the...
  • Oscars Go COMMUNIST: Winning Producer Quotes KARL MARX...And Obama Praises Her

    02/09/2020 9:07:19 PM PST · by montag813 · 60 replies
    24News ^ | 02-10-2020 | Lynn Foster
    by Lynn Foster “The Communist Manifesto” got a shoutout during the 2020 Oscars. Julia Reichert, the co-director of best documentary winner “American Factory,” which was produced by former President Barack Obama’s new film company, apparently quoted from Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels’ infamous book during her acceptance speech on Sunday night. “Working people have it harder and harder these days — and we believe that things will get better when workers of the world unite,” Reichert said. The quote was a riff on the last lines of the 1848 political document, which are frequently translated from German as “Workers of the...
  • If not taxes, then HOW?

    11/04/2019 2:17:57 PM PST · by knarf · 40 replies
    self ^ | November 4, 2019 | knarf
    I'm having difficulty formulating my failing brain.Before 1913 we operated just fine (it seems) without taxes but (and so the meme goes), now everything operates BECAUSE of taxes.
  • 'A gangster masquerading as president': American Communists plan Trump 2020 takedown

    06/23/2019 9:41:54 AM PDT · by jazusamo · 52 replies
    The Washington Times ^ | June 23, 2019 | James Varney
    CHICAGO — America’s Communist Party concluded its national convention here seemingly united around two themes: that they are a significant ally of the increasingly powerful left-wing in the Democratic Party and that there remains a viable future for the party. As to the question of whether the CPUSA emerges in control or is instead absorbed into the broader socialism movement already peppering the platforms of Democrats running for president in 2020, officials expressed confidence the red star of their party will continue burning. But in the meantime, all goals should be subsumed by one: beating the dreaded President Donald Trump,...
  • Don’t be fooled – Karl Marx was a hate-filled totalitarian whose ideas killed millions

    09/05/2018 7:08:00 PM PDT · by Coleus · 8 replies
    Life Site News ^ | 07.09.18 | Matthew Cullinan Hoffman
    The thought of Karl Marx, a German political agitator whose theory of “scientific socialism” wreaked havoc on the world for most of the 20th century, would seem to have been consigned to the ash heap of history following the fall of the Eastern Bloc communist regimes from 1989 to 1991. After decades of mass murder claiming tens of millions of victims, as well as the totalitarian oppression of hundreds of millions more, the reputation of Marxism had been destroyed almost completely, seemingly assuring its final demise.However, a resurgence of interest in Marx’s thought has been ongoing since 2008, when the...
  • Marx's theory still shines with truth: Xi [China]

    05/05/2018 1:58:52 AM PDT · by TigerLikesRooster · 42 replies
    Xinhua ^ | 2018-05-04
    Marx's theory still shines with truth: Xi Source: Xinhua| 2018-05-04 16:53:17|Editor: Lifang BEIJING, May 4 (Xinhua) -- Two centuries on, despite huge and profound changes in human society, the name of Karl Marx is still respected all over the world and his theory still shines with the brilliant light of truth, Chinese President Xi Jinping said Friday. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks at a grand gathering in Beijing to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Marx's birth. Xi said Marx is the "teacher...
  • Attack of the Dean-Leaners The Libertarian Case for the Democrats

    10/14/2003 5:07:32 PM PDT · by RJCogburn · 26 replies · 110+ views
    Reason ^ | October 14, 2003 | Julian Sanchez
    I think I must have been ill that day. At some point, no one can say precisely when, libertarians apparently swore a feudal oath of fealty to the Republican Party. In response to an American Prospect article on libertarian disenchantment with the Bush administration, Reason's own former editor in chief Virginia Postrel explained that "real Dean voters don't like Jeff Flake. (I do.)" On the Crossfire view of politics, this makes sense: You pick your team and root for it, come hell or high water. The Platonic Real Dean Voter can't possibly hold any affection for a member of the...
  • NY set to make state college tuition free for middle class

    04/09/2017 7:32:41 PM PDT · by BAW · 61 replies
    Wichita Eagle ^ | 4-9-2017 | Anna Gronewold and David Klepper
    New York would be the first state to make tuition at public colleges and universities free for middle-class students under a state budget set for passage in Albany. The plan crafted by Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo would apply to any New York student whose family has an annual income of $125,000 or less. To qualify the student would have to meet certain class load and grade point average restrictions, and room and board would not be covered. Cuomo said Sunday that the tuition plan, which his office has estimated to cost $163 million, is a national first.
  • Cruz signs copy of Communist Manifesto for Young Man but adds a blunt message

    04/29/2016 8:01:22 AM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 136 replies
    Hotair ^ | 04/29/2016 | John Sexton
    Someone showed up at a Ted Cruz event in Elkhart, Indiana today with a copy of the Communist Manifesto. According to a reporter for the Texas Tribune, the kid, who looked like he could be a college student, asked Cruz to sign his “economic textbook.” A young man asks Ted Cruz to sign his "economic textbook." "That… would be the Communist Manifesto," Cruz says, realizing the prank.— Patrick Svitek (@PatrickSvitek) April 28, 2016 Video of the encounter published by WSBT22 shows Cruz paused and said, “You know what, I’ll sign it as well.” The college kid replied, “Ah, you...
  • Stop being nice to leftist intimidators

    04/09/2016 6:16:20 AM PDT · by rktman · 84 replies ^ | 4/8/2016 | Patrice Lewis
    As we watch our nation becoming more and more divided, one troubling trend is accelerating with amazing speed: the increase in “-ist” accusations. If you’re white, you’re automatically a racist. If you’re a man, you’re automatically sexist. If you’re a boss, you’re automatically an oppressive capitalist. If you live in Idaho, you’re automatically a white supremacist (trust me on this). And on and on it goes. Judgmental. Hater. Intolerant. Phobic. Did I miss anything? Accusations of “-ist” became widespread because they were so effective. Ever try to engage a liberal in conversation? The moment – the moment! – you say...
  • Karl Marx's 'Communist Manifesto' Ranked Among Top Three Assigned College Texts

    01/29/2016 10:48:13 PM PST · by Art in Idaho · 36 replies
    Breitbart ^ | January 29, 2016 | Dr. Susan Berry
    Karl Marx's The Communist Manifesto is ranked among the top three most frequently assigned texts at universities and colleges, and Marx is the most assigned economist in college courses. At present, we have around 1.1 million syllabi, drawing predominantly from the past decade of teaching in the US. We think the total number of US, UK, Canadian, and Australian syllabi for the past 15 years is in the range of 80-100 million.
  • Marx Voted Top Thinker By Brits

    07/14/2005 12:10:33 PM PDT · by KingofZion · 143 replies · 1,721+ views
    The Guardian ^ | July 14, 2005 | Charlotte Higgins
    In a shock result, Karl Marx has been voted the greatest ever philosopher following a poll by Melvyn Bragg's Radio 4 show In Our Time. In the public's poll, which assessed 20 philosophers, Marx, author of the Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital, got 27.93% of the 30,000 votes. In second place came David Hume with 12.67%, followed by Ludwig Wittgenstein with 6.8%. Plato trailed in fifth place and Socrates at eighth. Andrew Chitty, who, at Sussex University, teaches the UK's only MA in Marxist philosophy, said: "This shows that philosophy should take Marxism seriously. It is possible he won because...
  • Bernie Sanders: Open Borders is a ‘Right-Wing Proposal’

    07/28/2015 6:30:04 PM PDT · by Olog-hai · 54 replies
    MRC TV ^ | July 28, 2015 | Ashley Rae Goldenberg
    In a recent interview, presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) called open borders a “right-wing proposal” and vocalized his opposition to an open borders policy. On July 16, Sanders sat down with Vox’s Ezra Klein for an interview. During the interview, Klein asked Sanders about his identification as a socialist and its implications for his policy positions. […] At one point during the conversation, Klein began to ask Sanders, “You said being a democratic socialist means a more international view. I think if you take global poverty that seriously, it leads you to conclusions that in the US are considered...