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Keyword: churchservice

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  • Judges Rule in Favor of Pastor Artur Pawlowski, Toss Out Charges Related to COVID Restrictions

    07/31/2022 6:11:54 PM PDT · by marshmallow · 9 replies
    LifeSite News ^ | 7/22/22 | Anthony Murdoch
    'The Pawlowskis' appeals are allowed. The finding of contempt and the sanction order are set aside. The fines that have been paid by them are to be reimbursed.'CALGARY, Alberta (LifeSiteNews) — An appeals court today nullified contempt charges against Alberta pastor Artur Pawlowski and his brother Dawid for protesting COVID health rules, ruling that a “not sufficiently clear” May 2021 ban on virus protests did not apply to them. “The Pawlowskis’ appeals are allowed. The finding of contempt and the sanction order are set aside. The fines that have been paid by them are to be reimbursed,” wrote a panel...
  • Pastor Artur Pawlowski’s son calls Alberta Premier ‘a liar’ while his father remains in jail. ( Canada )

    03/18/2022 7:15:05 PM PDT · by george76 · 8 replies
    LifeSite News. ^ | Mar 18, 2022 | Anthony Murdoch
    Jason Kenney's 'statement is completely false and, in fact, misinformation,' Nathaniel Pawlowski said in response to Kenney's justification for why Nathaniel's father has been locked up for more than a month. CALGARY, Alberta (LifeSiteNews) – The son of Canadian Christian Pastor Artur Pawlowski alleged that Alberta Premier Jason Kenney is lying about the reasons his dad is still behind bars. “The double standard and hypocrisy is clear as day. Artur is right now being presumed guilty, so we no longer have the presumption of innocence in Alberta. Thanks to Jason Kenney,” said Pawlowski’s son Nathaniel while speaking at a prayer...
  • Canadian pastor arrested at airport for holding a church service in June warns Americans: 'You're next'

    10/03/2021 8:28:50 PM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 19 replies
    Christian Post ^ | 10/02/2021 | Anugrah Kumar
    Pastor Artur Pawlowski Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski, who was recently arrested on the airport tarmac upon his return home from a trip to the U.S., has issued a warning to Americans: “You’re next.” The Canada Border Services Agency arrested the pastor last week for two outstanding warrants — one for not wearing a face mask and another for holding a church service in June. He has an upcoming court hearing on Oct. 13, where a judge will decide whether he'll be sentenced to 21 days in jail for "contempt of court" for holding worship services in violation of lockdown restrictions....
  • The Pastor who kicked out the COVID police in Canada roars into Manhattan

    06/20/2021 8:57:09 PM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 12 replies
    American Thinker ^ | 06/20/2021 | Stella Paul
    Artur Pawlowski is a Polish-born pastor who recently gained international fame when Canadian authorities came to arrest him for the crime of holding a church service on Easter. "Get out! Out! Immediately out!" Pawlowski roared at the police in a video that instantly went viral.Pastor Pawlowski is traveling through America on his Courageous Faith tour, and on June 15, he spoke to an overflowing crowd in Manhattan. "Good people don't obey the order of tyrants," he bellowed, standing in front of an American flag. "If you're not pushing evil away, you are part of the problem."As the audience listened, transfixed,...
  • Canadian pastor arrested for holding outdoor service after church was seized by authorities

    06/17/2021 8:54:37 AM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 15 replies
    Christian Post ^ | 06/17/2021 | Ryan Foley
    A Canadian pastor has been arrested after his church held an outdoor worship service at an undisclosed location after the local government ordered the church building to be closed.Tim Stephens, who serves as pastor of Fairview Baptist Church in Calgary, Alberta, was arrested Monday after refusing to abide by the order from Alberta Health Services to refrain from holding worship services that don't comply with the provincial COVID-19 rules.On Monday, Stephens shared on his Twitter account that “I just got a tip that the police may be on their way to arrest me.” I just got a tip that the...
  • Canadian church faces $183K in fines for holding outdoor worship in defiance of ongoing lockdown orders

    06/05/2021 7:48:47 PM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 10 replies
    Christian Post ^ | 06/05/2021 | Ryan Foley
    A congregation in Ontario has been slapped with a $66,000 fine for holding outdoor worship services after its church building was ordered closed by a judge, bringing the total that the church and its leaders have been fined to $183,000, according to the pastor. Henry Hildebrandt, the pastor of The Church of God in Aylmer, Ontario, announced that his church was facing fines for refusing to abide by the ongoing COVID-19 lockdown orders in a YouTube video posted Wednesday. “We were back in court on Monday. We were back in court earlier in May, and the judge had fined us...
  • Dem Rep. Doggett: Crowded Church Services ‘Leading to’ Deaths

    12/25/2020 11:21:49 AM PST · by E. Pluribus Unum · 53 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 24 Dec 2020 | Ian Hanchett
    On Thursday’s “MSNBC Live,” Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) commented on a video of a large church service tweeted by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) by saying that he applauds “those who want to share, as I do, their faith here at the Christmas time, but they are leading to the death of other people, both inside and outside their congregations.” Doggett said, “I live on a street that has two churches, two or three more are within shouting distance of my house here in east Austin. They are all closed. I thought last night — or tonight, as they have...
  • live broadcast revival service Tabernacle Baptist Church Greenville, SC

    03/31/2020 4:00:22 PM PDT · by RaceBannon · 11 replies
    Tabernacle Baptist Church ^ | 3-31-2020 | Tabernacle Baptist Church
    revival service live now Tabernacle Baptist Church Greenville, SC
  • Pastor Arrested for Holding Church Service While Abortion Clinics Keep Killing Babies

    03/30/2020 7:09:32 PM PDT · by Morgana · 10 replies
    OPERATION RESCUE ^ | March 30, 2020 | Liberty Counsel
    Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne, pastor of The River at Tampa Bay Church, was arrested at his home today by Hernando County Sheriff Deputies for holding a church service yesterday. The church is located in Hillsborough County, Florida. Hillsborough County has issued administrative orders addressing meetings and social distancing, which will be addressed below. Pastor Howard-Browne and his wife founded the church in 1996. He also heads Revival Ministries International. He was born in South Africa and has resided in Tampa, Florida since the mid-1990s. Liberty Counsel has agreed to represent Pastor Howard-Browne, who was taken into custody today. As the arrest...
  • Catholic Police Officer Gets Suspended for Going to Church While on Duty

    12/17/2017 7:09:48 PM PST · by marshmallow · 86 replies
    LifeSite News ^ | 12/15/17 | Doug Mainwaring
    MIDDLETOWN, Pennsylvania, December 15, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – A Pennsylvania police officer has been suspended for ten days for going to Catholic Mass on a day of obligation while on duty and in uniform. Officer Mark Hovan, a 20- year veteran of the Middletown, Pa., police department, attended Mass in uniform on August 15, the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a holy day of obligation for Catholics. “Hovan, who said he is a devout Catholic, said it was necessary at times because of shift changes for him to go to church while on duty on occasion,” reports...
  • Islamist Incident at Sacred Heart Catholic Church

    05/08/2017 8:26:06 AM PDT · by Chainmail · 29 replies
    Witnesses | May 8, 2017 | Self
    I spoke to an eyewitness to an incident that occurred at Sacred Heart Catholic Church yesterday at 12:30 during First Holy Communion ceremonies. According to this witness, a man entered the church during the middle of the Mass and shouted "Allahu Akbar" several times and ran down the center aisle and then threw a Bible on the floor. Ushers tackled the man and took him away from church.I have not been able to find any news items about this but at least two very credible ladies told me about this incident this morning.
  • Ted Cruz Does 'Princess Bride' Impression

    11/29/2015 4:03:22 PM PST · by Isara · 38 replies
    ABC News ^ | Nov 29, 2015 | Jessica Hopper
    He's quoted "Jerry Maguire," "The Usual Suspects" and "Scarface" on the campaign trail, but it's clear, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz loves "The Princess Bride" the most.At a church service today in Des Moines, Iowa, the presidential hopeful was prodded by the pastor of Christian Life Assembly of God to offer an impression from his favorite movie. It didn't take much prodding. "I will confess to knowing an awful lot of that movie," Cruz said. Cruz has previously said it's his favorite movie.He admitted to the congregation that while he loved the movie, he's "never shared on a Sunday morning" his...
  • Q&A with Billy Graham: Can I Just Watch Church Service on TV?

    10/10/2010 8:35:12 AM PDT · by WebFocus · 13 replies
    Christian Post ^ | 10/10/2010 | Billy Graham
    Q: I've always been a fairly independent person, and for that reason I've never bothered getting connected to a church. It always seemed like too much hassle. And anyway, I can watch a church service on TV if I want to. I know you probably wouldn't agree, but why? - N. McK. Ans: Let me ask you a question: If you never ate a balanced diet, what would happen to your body? You know the answer: Eventually you'd grow weak; you might even open yourself to serious illness or disease. We all need a balanced diet if we are to...
  • Indonesia: Muslim mob storms church, calls for ban

    08/20/2008 6:53:30 PM PDT · by forkinsocket · 22 replies · 198+ views
    Compass Direct News ^ | August 19, 2008 | Staff
    On Sunday (August 17) a Muslim mob stormed a church service in Cipayung, East Jakarta, forcing Christians to flee and then erecting banners in the street declaring a ban on “churches and religious services.” As about 20 church members were celebrating the nation’s Independence Day at the service, the angry assailants arrived at the Pentecostal Church of Indonesia in Pondok Rangon village, Cipayung, at 9:30 a.m. shouting “Allahu Akbar!” or “God is greater!” Some in the mob were neighbors, but the majority were not local residents, according to pastor Chris Ambessa. Church members tried to close the gate leading into...
  • Orthodox Marine from NH to be buried at Arlington

    12/04/2004 9:44:31 AM PST · by ezfindit · 16 replies · 1,403+ views ^ | 12/01/2004 | Peg Warner
    The items on the table in the church lobby told only parts of Orthodox Marine Lance Cpl. Dimitrios Gavriel's life. Two Purple Hearts commendations — one for an injury he received in Iraq on Nov. 12, the other for the wounds that would prove fatal just a week later in Fallujah, a hot spot of insurgency in the war. He will be buried tomorrow at Arlington National Cemetery. But yesterday, an estimated 1,000 people, including former teammates, current wrestlers and fraternity brothers from Brown University, filled Holy Apostles Sts. Peter and Paul Greek Orthodox Church. They crowded into its choir...
  • Church unites in sorrow for two lost - church service where 2 shuttle astronauts were members

    02/03/2003 3:15:56 AM PST · by MeekOneGOP · 6 replies · 351+ views
    The Dallas Morning News ^ | February 3, 2003 | By LINDA K. WERTHEIMER / The Dallas Morning News
    Church unites in sorrow for two lost Houston congregation sheds tears, raises voices in song 02/03/2003 By LINDA K. WERTHEIMER / The Dallas Morning News HOUSTON - The singers in the Grace Community Church chorus normally beam when they're belting out praises to the Lord. But Sunday, they clutched tissues as they tried to hold back tears. When space shuttle Columbia disintegrated over Texas skies Saturday, it hit particularly hard at Grace Community. Two of the seven astronauts killed - shuttle commander Rick Husband and payload commander Michael Anderson - were members. Col. Husband was also a longtime member...