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Keyword: christianpersecutio

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  • Persecuted and Forgotten 2013 Report – Situation of Christians in in many countries has deteriorated

    10/19/2013 3:35:54 AM PDT · by markomalley · 8 replies
    ACN News ^ | 10/18/2013
    In many countries the situation of Christians has sharply deteriorated. This is the finding of the report Persecuted and Forgotten? which was launched at a meeting in the UK Houses of Parliament on 17th October by the UK office of the international Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN). The report examines the situation of Christians in 30 different countries, including Afghanistan, China, Laos, Pakistan, Vietnam and Zimbabwe. In particular it analyses the situation in a number of majority Islamic countries and in those states whose political systems have a pronounced authoritarian character. The reporting period covers the...
  • Violence and Threats against Sri Lankan Christians increases

    02/22/2006 10:13:45 AM PST · by freepatriot32 · 14 replies · 591+ views ^ | 2 22 06 | William Dove
    Sri Lanka has recently witnessed an increase in attacks and threats against the Christian community there. The increase has led to fears that a new wave of anti-Christian violence is about to begin, reports Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW). According to the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka (NCEASL) "there is a visible increase in the number of attacks on Christian places of worship and acts of intimidation during the past two months." A report from NCEASL claimed that the pastor of the Dutch Reformed Church in Galle was subject to a host of virulent threats on 6th February. He...
  • PC on earth for Santa: Boy Claus booted out of N.H. school dance

    12/23/2004 10:29:09 PM PST · by ConservativeStatement · 18 replies · 970+ views
    Boston Herald ^ | December 24, 2004 | Kevin Rothstein
    A 12-year-old New Hampshire boy who wanted to jolly up his junior high dance by dressing in a Santa suit instead got a lesson in political correctness when his Scroogelike principal turned the student away, fearing he might offend his classmates.
  • Spider mite upsets evolutionary theory

    08/10/2004 10:16:36 PM PDT · by SunkenCiv · 18 replies · 1,185+ views
    New Scientist ^ | 19:00 28 June 01 | Hazel Muir
    The false spider mite has been revealed as the first known animal to make do with only one set of chromosomes, challenging traditional theories of evolution... Using standard sequencing techniques, Weeks's team found the mites' chromosomes to be very different. As far as the researchers could tell, none of the mites carried two identical copies of any particular gene. They conclude that the species is exclusively haploid. Weeks thinks being exclusively haploid might give the animals an evolutionary advantage... This genetic state may be rare simply because diploidy was "frozen" early in evolution and other animals haven't had the...
  • Free Republic "Bump List" Register

    09/30/2001 4:46:44 AM PDT · by John Robinson · 191 replies · 12,118+ views
    I have created a public register of "bump lists" here on Free Republic. I define a bump list as a name listed in the "To" field used to index articles. Free Republic Bump List Register
  • Christian Tortured to Death by Islamic Seminary Students

    05/17/2004 6:30:53 AM PDT · by Mark Felton · 41 replies · 398+ views
    Barnabas Fund ^ | 5/16/04 | BF
    Muslims from an Islamic seminary in Toba Tek Singh, Punjab Province, Pakistan tortured a young Christian for five days and nights in order to force him to convert to Islam. Students from the seminary run by Maulvi Ghulam Rasool set upon 19-year old Javaid Anjum, accusing him of stealing their water pump when they found him drinking from an outside tap on 17 April 2004. Javaid replied to their accusations by freely telling them he was a Christian merely searching for a drink and that they could be assured that he would not steal anything. Upon learning that Javaid was...
  • Family of Beheaded U.S. Man Releases Statement

    05/11/2004 1:26:19 PM PDT · by freepatriot32 · 185 replies · 1,948+ views
    yahoo news ^ | 5 11 04 | reuters
    frame grab taken from web site video footage May 11, 2004, shows a man, who identified himself as Nick Berg of Philadelphia (C) seated in front of his five masked captors moments before he was executed. Al Qaeda's leader in Iraq beheaded an American civilian and vowed more killings in revenge for the abuse of Iraqi prisoners, an Islamist Web site said on Tuesday. After one of the masked men read out a statement, they pushed Berg to the floor and shouted 'God is greatest' above his screams as one of them sawed his head off with a large knife...
  • HRH Princess Linda Karageorgevich - Account of visit to Kosovo and Metohija

    05/04/2004 7:58:59 AM PDT · by joan · 22 replies · 292+ views
    ERP KIM ^ | May 2004 | HRH Princess Linda Karageorgevich
    I personally toured the devastation in Kosovo and Metohija caused by the Albanian pogrom of March 17-19, 2004, between April 12-24, 2004. I was based at the Patriarchate of Pec, from which I visited the following places:Wednesday, April 14 1. Gorazdevac 2. Belo Polje 3. Decani Monastery Thursday, April 15 4. Budosavci Monastery 5. Osojane 6. Bica 7. Grabac Friday, April 16 8. Crkolez 9. Suvo Grlo 10. Banja 11. Gorioc Monastery Saturday, April 17 12. Prizren (the German KFOR base and the town) 13. Holy Archangels Monastery 14. Musnikovo 15. Velika Hoca Sunday, April 18 16. Devic Monastery 17....
  • Touching the Untouchable: India Targets Christian Converts [Breakpoint]

    05/03/2004 3:54:55 AM PDT · by Paul_B · 65 replies · 6,433+ views ^ | May 3, 2004 | Chuck Colson
    For nearly her entire life, Muniyamal Krishnan has worked around human waste. In her job as a "human scavenger," she has cleaned latrines and carried buckets of waste on her head. Obviously, she didn't choose this line of work; it was all she could get -- and for religious, not economic reasons. Krishnan is an "untouchable," the lowest caste in Hindu society. For millennia, the "untouchables" have suffered unimaginable discrimination at the hands of their fellow Hindus. As a result, millions have converted to other faiths, including Christianity. But now, Hindu nationalists, with the Indian government's blessing, want to deny...
  • Bishop Artemije visiting ruins of Prizren, March 25 2004 (Kosovo picture story)

    04/28/2004 7:07:41 AM PDT · by miltonim · 3 replies · 410+ views
    Bishop Artemije visiting ruins of Prizren, March 25During the recent visit of Bishop Artemije to Prizren he had an opportunity to go through the ruins of his residence, the cathedral of St. George, the small church of St. George (Runjevac), the Seminary and the Holy Archangels Monastery. He could not enter the Holy Virgin of Ljevish cathedral because the entrance was blocked by barbed wire by KFOR for security reasons. LJeviska church St. George Runjevac St. George Residence Residence Bishop's study Study computer entrance hall Bishop's room reception lounge St. George, 14 c Residence, north side St. George Death...
  • Burning of St. Sava's church, March 17 2004 (Kosovo)

    04/28/2004 1:41:51 AM PDT · by miltonim · 7 replies · 549+ views
    Burning of St. Sava's church, March 17Burning of St. Sava church in South Mitrovica. Kosovo Albanian mob arrives, KFOR soldiers don't manage to prevent their entrance to the churchyard. The mob breaks in the church and sets it on fire, then they turn towards the parish home and set it on fire too. KFOR soldiers, with their armored vehicles remain helpless. 01.JPG 02.JPG 03.JPG 04.JPG 05.JPG 06.JPG 07.JPG 08.JPG 09.JPG 10.JPG 11.JPG 12.JPG 13.JPG 14.JPG 15.JPG 16.JPG
  • Kosovo Albanians rampaged through Prizren destroying all Christian monuments (3/24/2004)

    04/27/2004 10:27:34 AM PDT · by miltonim · 19 replies · 1,135+ views ^ | 03/24/2004 | ERPKIM
    Submitted by admin on Wed, 24/03/2004 - 06:56. Photo stories What happens in Kosovo now?This latest mass-orchestrated campaign of ethnic cleansing against Serbs in Kosovo, which started decades ago is persuasive evidence that Kosovo Albanians have an extremist and xenophobic leadership that is incapable of respecting minorities like Serbs, Gorans, Turks, Slavic Muslims and Gypsies. Kosovo Albanians cannot expect any kind of self-governance if they do not purge their leadership of xenophobia and extremism. The West asks this of Serbs, it must also demand the same from Kosovo Albanians. If the West fails to do this, Kosovo will only get...
  • Break-in: Church Looted and Icons Stolen (Kosovo)

    04/26/2004 8:59:47 PM PDT · by miltonim · 7 replies · 442+ views ^ | 4/26/2004 | ERPKIM
    On Saturday, April 24, the Serbian Orthodox church of St. Catherine in Bresje near Kosovo Polje, located across from the burned ruins of the Serb hospital was broken into and looted. Kosovo Polje parish priest Dragisa Jerenic informed the Diocese of Raska-Prizren and Kosovo-Metohija that on Saturday the door of the church of St. Catherine was broken down and the thieves took 10 icons, some money and various church vessels. The Diocese of Raska-Prizren and Kosovo-Metohija concludes with regret that following the pogrom of March 17 and a series of sharp warnings by the international community to Kosovo Albanians to...
  • Ohio Priest Charged in Nun's 1980 Killing

    04/24/2004 1:18:10 PM PDT · by freepatriot32 · 25 replies · 1,000+ views news ^ | 4 24 04 | aolnews
    TOLEDO, Ohio (April 24) - A Roman Catholic priest charged in the 1980 strangling and stabbing of a nun whose body was found in a hospital chapel had always been a suspect in the killing. Police never could gather enough evidence, though, until they reopened the case about five months ago. On Friday, police arrested the Rev. Gerald Robinson, who performed the funeral for the 71-year-old nun. Police Chief Mike Navarre would only say that "new technology" led them back to Robinson, 66, who was charged with murder. Navarre would not talk about evidence or a motive. Robinson and Sister...
  • Somali Militant Group: “Somali Christians Must Be Slaughtered”

    04/22/2004 8:33:44 AM PDT · by Brother Warsameh · 10 replies · 330+ views
    21 April 2004 Somali Militant Group: “Somali Christians Must Be Slaughtered” The Mogadishu based Somali fundamentalist group, Kulanka Culimada, accused Christian aid workers in Somalia of spreading Christianity in the coastal city of Merca, 100 km (60 miles) south of Mogadishu. Reuters reported on April 21 that the militant group said if the Christianization in Somalia does not stop, “the Somalia people have a right to jihad…the politically influential group based in the capital Mogadishu said in a statement issued on Tuesday.”1 Reuters said of Merca “The town has a history of violence involving aid workers. In February 2002, Verena...
  • Will you wake up to Islamic prayer call?

    04/15/2004 4:50:39 AM PDT · by ovrtaxt · 136 replies · 596+ views ^ | April 15, 2004 |
    A holy war of sorts is heating up in a Detroit suburb, where members of the local Muslim community want loudspeakers on mosques to announce the Islamic call to prayer five times each day. But the idea is running into opposition from other residents of Hamtramck, Mich., many of whom are Christian, who think the prayer calls as early as 6 a.m. and as late as 10 p.m. would be disruptive. "When you call to prayer, you are proselytizing, and as a citizen of the United States I don't want to hear it," Bob Golen, 68, told the Detroit Free...
  • Hundreds of Vietnamese Christians killed at Easter

    04/14/2004 8:59:53 AM PDT · by joesnuffy · 24 replies · 244+ views
    Ekklesia ^ | 13/4/04 | Ekklesia
    Hundreds of Vietnamese Christians killed at Easter -13/4/04 An estimated 400 Christians have been killed during peaceful and prayerful demonstrations by Christians in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. On Saturday 10 April up to 400,000 Vietnamese Christians, from the Degar people, gathered in several Vietnamese cities to demonstrate against the government’s refusal to allow them to follow the Christian faith freely. The demonstrators in the cities, which included the Central Highland city of Buonmathuot, were attacked by soldiers, police and other Vietnamese civilians. The Christians were shot at, beaten with electric batons and bombarded with rocks and stones. Hundreds were...
  • Muhammad-inspired persecution of Christians, Jews and all non-Muslims continues...

    12/03/2003 10:53:19 PM PST · by miltonim · 569 replies · 13,886+ views
    The purpose of this thread is to post links to articles on FreeRepublic on the topic of Muhammad-inspired persecution of Christians, Jews and all other non-Muslims For example: Muslim Rioters Destroy 13 Churches Nigeria November 21, 2003 Posted on 11/30/2003 1:49 PM EST by miltonim
  • Professor Removed for Saying He's Catholic

    02/05/2004 12:26:08 PM PST · by nickcarraway · 51 replies · 298+ views ^ | Thursday, Feb. 5
    Lakeland Community College near Cleveland, Ohio, has removed a professor of moral philosophy from his classes as punishment for refusing to hide his religious identity from students. The college threatened Dr. James Tuttle, who espouses traditional Catholic beliefs, with dismissal because he made statements on his syllabi and in class that disclosed his religious faith and how that shaped his personal philosophy. "Asking a philosophy professor to divorce his deepest philosophic views from his teaching is both outrageous and absurd," said Greg Lukianoff, director of legal and public advocacy for the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE). "To say...
  • Gays Celebrate Recent Victories: "It was a very gay year" & "Dems go gay"

    01/03/2004 2:45:53 PM PST · by nwrep · 34 replies · 238+ views
    Washington Blade ^ | January 2, 2004 | KEVIN NAFF and KEN SAIN
    Gay news wasn’t just made in the courts in 2003. Apart from the U.S. Supreme Court decision overturning sodomy laws and rulings on same-sex marriage in Massachusetts and Canada that brought hard fought victories for gay rights proponents, there was big news out of Hollywood, New Hampshire and on the presidential campaign trail. Five gay guys turned television on its head as “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” became TV’s most talked about show. Rev. V. Gene Robinson was consecrated in New Hampshire as the first openly gay bishop in the Episcopal Church, and Democratic presidential candidates campaigned hard for...