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  • MSNBC Space Cadets Defend Obama NASA Budget to Legendary NBC Reporter Jay Barbree

    04/17/2010 10:19:48 AM PDT · by nhungerford · 702+ views
    David Horowitz's NewsReal Blog ^ | 4/17/10 | David Forsmark
    Cathy Areu is the quintessential feminist: hopelessly insecure — and just plain mad. Ms. Areu made headlines this week for referring to Sarah Palin as “Larry the cable guy — minus the class and intelligence.” Well, why not. She had to say something to get the spotlight. Areu is a self-described workaholic who craves attention — and, in her opinion, Sarah Palin’s getting too much. Sarah Palin, she says, is a phony. Ms. Areu, however, is the real deal. She’s attractive, an author, a speaker, a pundit, and a journalist — and the publisher of Catalina Magazine, a Latina magazine...
  • Feds Investigate Threatening Letter Sent To Obama Campaign Office

    10/14/2008 9:10:22 PM PDT · by steve-b · 292+ views
    Fox News ^ | 10/14/08
    200,000 more absentee ballot requests than the Dems! The rest of the article is somewhat negative, but anecdotal at best. My local campaign office is doing precinct walks which they didn't start in 2004 until 2 weeks before the election.
  • HuffPost Mocks Catholics For Attending 'Church' of 'Hitler Youth'

    03/24/2008 8:54:00 AM PDT · by Pyro7480 · 549+ views ^ | 3/24/2008 | Tim Graham
  • Ohio Officials Clear Vote Tampering Charge

    12/21/2004 5:20:45 AM PST · by Deetes · 784+ views
    FOX AP ^ | Tuesday, December 21, 2004 | Deetes
    LOGAN, Ohio  — Election officials watched Monday as a technician repeated a repair he had made to a vote tallying computer, then announced they had found no evidence of any sort of tampering, despite a congressman's request for an FBI (search) probe.