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Posts by W.C.S.

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  • That’ll leave a mark: Glenn Beck calls Ron Paul ‘newest member of the Westboro Baptist Church’

    02/05/2013 8:14:41 PM PST · 31 of 32

    Libertarians are a natural ally of the Tea Party. Not always part of the Tea Party per se, but an ally nonetheless. It’s shooting yourself in the foot to ignore this. Both groups support limited government. Much of the incompetence or even treachery of Republicans in Congress over the past two years(case in point: the NDAA), is from neo-con “RINOs” who have hijacked the Tea Party into becoming just a populist front organization for the same old corrupt Washington, DC people that the Tea Party originally opposed.

  • That’ll leave a mark: Glenn Beck calls Ron Paul ‘newest member of the Westboro Baptist Church’

    02/05/2013 2:01:06 PM PST · 14 of 32
    W.C.S. to 2ndDivisionVet

    Westboro Baptist Church’s message is that American soldiers deserve to die, and that their deaths are the wrath of god against America. Westboro Baptist Church are utterly despicable, almost so much so that it makes me wonder sometimes if some of them aren’t left-wingers trying to make Protestant Christians look bad.

    What Ron Paul was getting at was that since America has chosen to fight wars he sees as unconstitutional, that the soldiers have brought unnecessary death upon themselves. But the way he presented it was quite rude and unpatriotic. I don’t think he was picketing funerals saying “Thank God for Dead Soldiers” though.

  • That’ll leave a mark: Glenn Beck calls Ron Paul ‘newest member of the Westboro Baptist Church’

    02/05/2013 1:40:13 PM PST · 10 of 32
    W.C.S. to gov_bean_ counter

    That’s a strawman. I don’t think Ron Paul supports Westboro Baptist.

  • That’ll leave a mark: Glenn Beck calls Ron Paul ‘newest member of the Westboro Baptist Church’

    02/05/2013 1:39:56 PM PST · 9 of 32
    W.C.S. to 2ndDivisionVet

    Disgusting behavior from both Ron Paul and Glenn Beck. The most hardline tea party leaders tearing each other to pieces with rude twitter comments.

    Meanwhile, the leftist media gleefully smiles as a couple of the last few genuine conservatives with a voice in the country behave like clowns.

    We need unity, not division. Ron Paul’s comment loses him a lot of support from the military, Glenn Beck’s comment loses him a lot of support from libertarians. This is absolutely the wrong time for this sort of infighting between pundits.

  • RNC Sham 2012

    08/31/2012 3:33:18 PM PDT · 61 of 67
    W.C.S. to Wisconsinlady

    For sure. Ron Paul and the Tea Party have a lot in common, and I support both. What happened here was the Republican party elite shoving everyone else out of the way. The split in the Republican party just widened, because of the actions of RINOs who want to stay in power.

  • RNC Sham 2012

    08/31/2012 1:51:25 PM PDT · 55 of 67
    W.C.S. to W.C.S.

    Correction, final line:

    “the normally anti-media-bias Free Republic”

  • RNC Sham 2012

    08/31/2012 1:34:05 PM PDT · 54 of 67
    W.C.S. to Darksheare

    Let me clarify. I know that there are a very small minority of Communists among Ron Paul supporters who support him because he would “change the system”. I am not one of those. I despise Communism and everything that it stands for, as do most other Ron Paul supporters.

    The Collective Checkup website and youtube channels are not openly Communist at all, as far as I can tell. They may have a left-wing slant, but they seem to mostly be reporting political issues and fiascos. Whoever made the video may have chosen a poor person to interview. Or perhaps the quote from the Code Pinko was from elsewhere, but was nevertheless relevant to the events. But a left-winger reporting on an event does not automatically invalidate the entirety of what happened.

    Noticing your other posts, you seem to have decided to make utterly unfounded personal attacks against me, claiming that I am “whining” and that I don’t know what “conservatism” is. I believe in freedom and tradition. I believe that this current economy is in terrible condition, and it is imperative that we turn this country around. I want a candidate who will stick to his principles. Unfortunately, the party elite wants a professional politician, and I am merely trying to expose how they are willing to get their way at all costs, even by unethical means.

    My conservatism is something that I have developed and honed over many years. I am a paleoconservative. I joined this site as spokesman for Youth For Western Civilization, a former student group intended to oppose cultural marxism and mass immigration. We have disbanded at this point. The left-wing establishment relentlessly demonized us, and denied us sponsorship on one of our main campuses. The hard right is continually treated as the greatest evil in existence by the left through false, utterly unfounded, and half-libelous accusations of “KKK” “Neo-Nazi”, or by using left-wing monikers such as “sexist” and “homophobe” to fling mud at our unshakeable belief in family values and our religious faith. Most moderates and neoconservatives have joined sides with them on this, alienating the true conservatives. They cast aside the traditional view of things held by the common man, replacing it with the left’s narrative that America was once fundamentally evil and must be saved through “progress.” The only big question between the neoconservatives and Obama’s supporters seems to be “how much progressive policies are necessary.”

    If reporting unethical behavior from the supporters of a candidate that Free Republic has always opposed up until now makes me a “Paulbot”, I really don’t know what to tell you. The reason why Paul supporters are so enthusiastic, by and large, is because they have found a candidate who they can actually get behind. They have realized the broken nature of the political system, and have found someone who goes against it and is actually willing to not just say, but do. All the anger and vitriol in this thread has been AGAINST Ron Paul. I was never “whining.” I was only defending a candidate whose portrayal by the media (the normal anti-media bias) Free Republic seems to have swallowed hook, line and sinker.

  • RNC Goodie Bag Contains Mitt’s Book Supporting Romneycare

    08/31/2012 10:59:56 AM PDT · 16 of 19
    W.C.S. to Mozilla

    GOP chose another establishment RINO candidate. I don’t really know who can get behind Romney, if he is all over the place and just says what people want to hear. The upcoming election is going to be Obama vs. Obama lite.

    He really said, in a book that he’s handing out at the RNC convention, that he would support a nationwide individual healthcare mandate? Disappointing. I guess this is why so many people are saying now that the Republican party is tearing itself apart. The Tea Party lost this one, big time. We did well in 2010, but then we petered out, and gave in to the big, corrupt party establishment.

  • RNC Sham 2012

    08/31/2012 9:12:23 AM PDT · 43 of 67
    W.C.S. to Sporke

    Gotcha. I see what you mean. It’s the Republican establishment making a huge power play. Ron Paul supporters were the first to be visibly affected by it, so of course they’re going to speak up.

    I really don’t know why you guys need to throw all these insults at Ron Paul and his supporters at the convention in this thread, or why some posters even decided to attack me, just for posting this. I don’t agree with Ron Paul on his foreign policy. Neither do most Freepers. He is against the Republican establishment, though, which you just saw in action. It troubles me that there is so much opposition to the Republican party establishment and their choice of candidate(Romney), yet when someone offers an alternative, you side with the media and marginalize him as a pot-smoker’s candidate.

    I know you may dismiss this as another delusional supporter’s ravings, but hear me out. Where I’m from, it’s fashionable in young circles, both libertarian and Republican, to support Ron Paul. Ron Paul’s libertarian platform purely involves limiting the power and actions of the Federal government. He offers to give rights back to the states, something I know has a lot of support on this site. Here is someone who opposes the neocon Republican establishment, stuff like the Patriot Act and the NDAA that infringe on constitutional rights. But I point out one unethical act from the Republican establishment, and suddenly you accuse me of being a closet Obama supporter?

    It’s ironic that after this site decided to oppose Romney for being a RINO, I mention a candidate who actually opposes Romney’s policies and who is actually honest and consistent in his voting record in Congress, and suddenly it’s all about smearing mud over someone who the media already ignores, and who has already lost. One of the original actions of the Tea Party was to throw out RINOs. Romney is a flip-flopper and a “professional politician” who has officially been pointed out as such by the Free Republic staff. Paul Ryan does not have a clean slate, either. He supports fiscal conservatism, and I support him on that, but he also voted in favor of the Patriot Act and NDAA, which I know have drawn a lot of flak from the crowd concerned about Obama declaring martial law to avoid getting removed from office. So go figure...

  • RNC Sham 2012

    08/31/2012 1:30:37 AM PDT · 13 of 67
    W.C.S. to W.C.S.

    And here’s some more, a little tidbit more you might want to see.

    It’s the rules change for the convention.

    Watch it very carefully at 1:40.

    The teleprompter had written down a scripted result of the vote for Boehner to announce. The teleprompter was pre-written for Boehner to say that the vote had been resolved in a certain manner. I don’t know if this is normal, but it seems kinda fishy.

  • RNC Sham 2012

    08/31/2012 1:30:28 AM PDT · 12 of 67
    W.C.S. to W.C.S.

    Here’s some more information.

    Apparently, the convention security technically banned “outside signs”, but only enforced that rule against Ron Paul supporters. Romney supporters got in scot free, and heckled Paul supporters during the events themselves, trying to block their signs, as seen in the video I linked to in the OP.

  • RNC Sham 2012

    08/30/2012 11:49:07 PM PDT · 1 of 67
    I know that Free Republic wasn't supporting Romney in the primary. Has anyone seen this yet?
  • Ron Paul Will Quit Republican 2012 Presidential Race

    03/28/2012 12:38:28 PM PDT · 38 of 40
    W.C.S. to bigfootbob

    I don’t see why there is so much rage against Paul and his supporters on this site. I would think that as a hard-right website, Paul would get a little more respect than this.

    Sure, there’s no way he’s getting elected. That’s a given. But I voted for him in my county’s caucus, and he actually won my county by a landslide. I don’t even agree with him on everything. But the fact is, he wants to restore America to the founder’s vision. To full Constitutionalism. And he’s honest about it. As far as we know, even Gingrich and Santorum could be RINOs acting conservative to get themselves elected. Remember how many “tea party” pandering candidates voted for the NDAA last year?

    Ron Paul may not be perfect, but nor is anyone else. But when I read comments on this website, it seems as if he is closest to what most Freepers truly want. I just don’t understand what you have against him.

  • Book Review: Suicide of a Superpower

    11/01/2011 11:42:52 AM PDT · 60 of 116
    W.C.S. to WilliamHouston

    Nice review. I agree with the premise: the Left has taken what was once a genuinely free country and corrupted it with a system of perpetual dependence on the government and decadence. Unless somehow the American people wake up to the failure of socialism and multiculturalism and act quickly, the United States will certainly go the way of Rome.

  • Justice Department Sues South Carolina

    11/01/2011 9:07:42 AM PDT · 1 of 3
    Youth for Western Civilization was incorporated in 2006 and began actively organizing in 2008. The founder was Kevin DeAnna, a graduate student at American University.

    While some events were held in the fall of 2008, Youth for Western Civilization first came to public attention in the spring of 2009 by hosting speakers such as Congressman Tom Tancredo, Bay Buchanan and Congressman Virgil Goode. Events were held at campuses around the country including: American University, Vanderbilt University, the University of North Carolina and Providence College.

    Since then, Youth for Western Civilization has stirred up debate on controversial issues like illegal immigration, multiculturalism and classical education that were thought to be driven off college campuses. YWC stands alone in challenging the dogmatic left-wing orthodoxy of American higher education.

    Youth for Western Civilization is a 501c(3) non-profit educational foundation. All contributions are tax deductible.

  • We're a Culture, Not a Costume Too: Selective outrage over Halloween costumes

    10/28/2011 7:21:12 PM PDT · 5 of 11
    W.C.S. to Da Coyote

    I hope that you did not misunderstand what this article is about: it is from a conservative viewpoint advocating making fun of the “We’re a culture, not a costume” posters.

  • Campaign against 'racist' Halloween costumes sparks debate

  • We're a Culture, Not a Costume Too: Selective outrage over Halloween costumes

    10/28/2011 6:40:39 PM PDT · 1 of 11
    Kevin DeAnna is a graduate student at American University's School of International Service. He is the founder and president of Youth for Western Civilization.
  • What to do with Romney?

    10/28/2011 10:36:40 AM PDT · 36 of 92
    W.C.S. to EMG2012

    A Romney nomination would be disastrous. It is clear, from his number of flip-flops and his policies in running Massachusetts, that he is just another establishment politician.

    There is a significant mass of voters who would choose a nominated Romney in the General Election as the lesser of two evils. Voting for a third party or write-in candidate could result in a Ross Perot-style mass divergence that would result in four more years of Obama (which would be far more disastrous than four years of Romney). The best way to avert this disaster would to be to show the truth about Romney to those likely to vote for him. Another candidate (Cain seems likely right now) should be propped up in opposition to him.

    Unfortunately, groups such as the Tea Party have not completely gotten rid of the RINO elite. As long as the RINO’s remain in control of the Republican Party, and put forward candidates like Romney, we are fighting with our hands tied behind our backs. The nation is spiraling into an abyss, and continuing to allow the left-wing elite to influence the decisions of genuine conservatives will only result in more big government policies being passed. A simple glance at the actions of the Federal government over the last two years should reveal that is too late for Republicans to compromise any more. If we are to reverse the impending collapse, we must drive the RINO’s out of the party.

  • European Civil War Inevitable

    10/27/2011 9:41:03 PM PDT · 10 of 26
    W.C.S. to yefragetuwrabrumuy

    The EU could certainly disintegrate peaceably. Many government officials still believe in a united Europe, however. Would they simply give up their power if asked? Civil unrest and ethnic strife has struck countless parts of Europe. I won’t flat-out assume that the governments will resort to war to attempt to solve the problems, but I won’t throw the idea out the window while watching the institutions of the past half-century begin their collapse. Peace has tended to be a rare occurrence in the course of the world’s history.