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Posts by RICK77

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  • Catholic School Sued over "English Only" Policy

    12/24/2008 2:47:36 AM PST · 29 of 29
    RICK77 to T.L.Sink

    And who do you think FUNDS these large Hispanic Lobby/s? Yup you guessed it - Good Old “El Gringo” - Nothing but Liberal Whites & Jews! Pathetic!

  • Workers' 'English Only' Ire (Por favor - English only!)

    07/06/2007 5:46:14 PM PDT · 35 of 35
    RICK77 to TexasKamaAina

    Exactly... this has been going on for too damn long.

    We have created a Servent Class...

  • Workers' 'English Only' Ire (Por favor - English only!)

    07/06/2007 5:43:31 PM PDT · 34 of 35
    RICK77 to isthisnickcool

    ** country’s official language can be found in it’s courts and on it’s money. In the United States of America that language is english.**

    I Say Amen to that!!

  • Will Britain one day be Muslim?

    05/05/2007 9:40:41 AM PDT · 49 of 82
    RICK77 to citizencon

    Silly Article. True Muslims may indeed be a sizable majority in the UK and many European Countries going fwd (lets say 25 years - 50 years).

    I can tell you 1 Thing if they start allowing TURKEY and Eventually former European Colonies in North Africa in a “Greater Europe” - Well that’s the End of Europe (nice while it lasted).

    The Article is a Little Presumptous at Best. Its like saying there are 40 Million (12.5%) Hispanics (Mostly Mexican & A Sizable % are Illegals)... WILL America 1 day form part of a “Greater Mexico” - J*SUS I hope not!!!!

    IT ALL comes down to a few things, if the Muslims can get accumalate & get enough wealth/power wealth + unite then maybe Britain COULD (But I think Unlikely), become a “Semi/Full - Muslim State”.

    The same thing can be said for the USA, with its Hispanics (Mexicans/Mestizos), yes numerically they are “Inceasing in PARTS of the USA” (as are Mulsims in Europe) - However they like the Muslims, Minimal Power / Little Wealth + A Questionable amount of unity. ALSO note, virtually EVERY Hispanic/Black & Muslim Organisation or Politicial, is backed by the Liberal Establishment (may I note, which are over-whelemingly White). The same can be said to Europe with its Muslims.

    This boils down to 1 Main thing. IMMIGRATION in europe + the USA is Completely F*CKED. There is increasingly NO MEANING in immigration anymore in Europe + the USA.

    That’s the sad truth of this matter.. Both Europe and the USA are heading towards a Semi-Apartied system, of basically having a Major Underclass!!!!

  • Iran: We'll respond to Israeli attack, Iran warns Israel

    07/05/2006 4:31:48 PM PDT · 45 of 45
    RICK77 to All

    Let me start by Saying America should have dealt with Iran's (MULLAHS) a LONG TIME AGO... Probably shortly after the Hostage Crisis.

    ....MOVING FORWARD... I would kindly remind my buddy's @ FREE-REPUBLIC, **NEVER** Under-Estimate an Enemy.

    Sure Israel may have a Bad-Ass & Hi-Tech Military. BUT that does NOT mean the nation of Israel is Immune from harm and Iran CAN certainly hit Israel HARD - YES IT CAN!! Not doubt Israel will VERY LIKELY *WIN* any War/Conflict with Iran.

    HOWEVER, it will get MORE than a bloody nose in the process. Sure Israel with its 200+ NUKES, can wipe Most of Iran of the Map... But Iran too In RETALIATION (OR)
    Pre-Emptively, can launch 100s of Chemical+ Biological+ Radioactive & (Poss-Nuclear) Ladend Missles towards Israel. YES Some will be Shot down, BUT some will certainly get thru.... The Long Term effects would be parts of Israel would be un-livable for a Few Decades...

    Another issue is.... Iran is a MASSIVE Country, ONE-FITH the Size of the USA, or 6xThe size of Great Britain. It can Weather a few dozen nuclear hits from Israel, HOWEVER. Israel is a TINY Country, a Mere 20,000 Sq-Km, it CANNOT weather a "Significant" Non-Conventional Attack, this has been highlight by the IDF....

    Lets try and sort this MESS out rationally (if the Mullahs know what it means, but they are not stupid)... America NOR Israel needs another WAR... Look at Iraq, its F**KING mess... US Soldier Dying Every-Day, how sad ;o(

    Completely Exhaust the Diplomatic + Economic + Political Pressure/s... Then and ONLY then should we act Militarily.


  • Report: US Proposing European Shield for Iran Missiles

    06/21/2006 1:32:23 PM PDT · 9 of 9
    RICK77 to LadyNavyVet


    Quite Frankly the Same can be Said with the USA... With our IDIOTIC "Immigration" Program/Problem... the USA will soon be a little "La Raza - State of Mexico"...

    Anyway you look @ it the USA & Western Civilization are truly F**KED!!!!!!!

    Sad but true... Its really our own fault!!!



    05/16/2004 3:24:31 AM PDT · 20 of 20
    RICK77 to All

    English is the Worlds Global Language PERIOD!!! 35% of the World Speak it, it's the National/Official language of ove 100 of the worlds 250 Nations. And over 1 billion people are learning it.

    I don't see any other language taking it over most people have come to except it as the World Global Language and are persuaing hard to learn it.... Maybe with the excepton of the French and some "Latinos".

    Lets get one clear about the Latinos in the USA. The Spanish only/mostly one's are basically America's New UNDERCLASS/POVERTY Class, in fact a recent survey by the Pew Hispanic Institute was that most US Born Latinos Speak only/mostly English and Watch the English Language Media most of the time.

    I think in the longer term America will be a bit like Bolivia or Peru from a Langauge these countries have (a Spanish Speaking Upper & Middle Class, and a Indian Speaking Lower Class/Poverty Class)....

    What this means for America is that we will have a English Speaking Upper/Middle Class and a Spanish/Spanglish Speaking Lower/Poverty Class!!! Many people also fail to realise the MASSIVE Intermarriage of Middle/Upperclass Latino's! Its OVER 50%, like th Italians / Germans / Spanish / Asians Etc.... The Middle/Upper Class Latnos are following the Melting pot root and fundanetall assimilating into Americas Middle/Upper Class Culture... But sayng that there is strong evidence to show a Sizable Chunk of Latinos will never reach the Ameican Dream and live in poverty striken Ghettoes similar to the Countries they have tried to "Escape" From.... Frankly the Good Ole' Excuse of "I have no time to learn English" is B/Sh@t. My G/Parents came to America from Germany after WW2, and spoke no English, within 3 years they worked 3 Jobs (between them) Raised 4 Kids + had the TIME to learn Fluent English WITHIN 3 Years (conversational English Within 1 year)!!!


  • More Texas Hispanics sticking to English

    10/16/2003 5:45:19 PM PDT · 98 of 98
    RICK77 to Javelina; All

    The USA 2003 Job Survey:

    0.7% of Private Jobs Require Bilingual Skills (Spanish/Eng = 0.45%) - And this is Highly Regionalized/Localized

    1.4% of Local/County/State/Federal - Level Jobs = Require Bilingual Skills.... Bottom Line Javelina is you have GOT TO LEARN ENGLISH TO GET AHEAD IN THE USA... That's its....
    > This too is Highly Regionalized/Localized.

    (ABOVE Fig's PER US-Gov Data)

    Currently Bilingual Education is a Major God Damn failure... The Only people it has failed with it 65% > 70% Drop-Out Rates are HISPANICS (Primarily Mexican/Mex-Am Kids)... So when they Drop Out and Fail Due to this FLAWED Teaching Method.... They Blame the Whiteys.

    Like it or Not We already Have and will continue to have a Spanish Language UNDERCLASS/POVERTY-CLASS In the USA...
    Its a reality and a Fact... The Majority +50% of Your Middle-Class/Upper-Class Intermarry so Whats left are basically the Working-Poor/Poverty Class....

    Thanks.. And Take no Offence at My Response!!!
  • More Texas Hispanics sticking to English

    10/16/2003 5:27:54 PM PDT · 97 of 98
    RICK77 to lone star annie
    ***[QUOTE] Notice the Hispanics who speak English only--they are attorneys, managers and white collar while their Spanish only counterparts are roofers, ditch diggers and cut lawns.***

    You know LONE STAR, I could not have said it better myself. The Media Over-rates Spanish as a 2nd Langauge in the USA English will Always be No 1, as It has the MONEY BEHIND IT.

    Notice the Spanish-Language Media is Over-Whelmingly Immigrant focused.. (they tried Getting US-Born Hispanics by Starting up sa New Network called TELEFUTURA, but it has largely failed and they have gone back to Tel-Novelas the Immigrant Staple Diet on TV). These "La-Raza" people
    *DEEP DOWN* KNOW that their Kids (US-Born Hispancs) Assimilate into English, as the Mex-Am GUY In the Article Said ITS Inevitable... However I do believe Parts of the USA, Particularly the US-S/West WILL have a Long-Term Spanish/Spanglish Langauge UNDERCLASS/POVERTY-CLASS...

    Your Point Is also Very valid The Hispanics in My Co and all the Attorneys/Computer Techs and the Middle Class that I have come into contact with Directly/Indirectly are
    Pre-Dominantly English Speaking or English Only....

    Add to that US-Hispanics have 40% Inter Marriage, the Hispanic Middle-Class and Upper Class has a +50% Intermarriage Rate... They are assimilating (Incl. Linguistically/Culturally) BUT the Lefty-Media does not want us to know that... WHY, WHY, WHY Is this - I can't figure It Out ??????????

  • Meddle With Mr. Chavez

    07/10/2003 4:13:09 PM PDT · 19 of 19
    RICK77 to All
    WHEN ARE WE INVADING. I'm been serious, we have allowed these leftist Idiotic Leaders in Lat-Am to reign too freely, they are very ANTI-AMERICAN, and a VERY LIKELY threath to our National Security, Chavistas Venezuelan Military will Collapse after a few days of Bombing.

    Boys & Girls the SOUTHERN THREATH is VEry Very Real, we have 3 Major Commie B*stards in Lat-Am (Brazil/Venuezvela & Cuba)... Whats taking Congress and Pres. Bush So LONG.. AMERICA WAKE UP !!! In some ways the Southern Threat is Much Worse (Longer Term) than the Occasional Suicide Bomber.
  • Young Hispanics no hablan Espanol

    05/16/2003 11:02:15 AM PDT · 40 of 40
    RICK77 to StarFan; All
    ***I have yet to hear a group of Latinos ever speaking English to one another and I find this article hard to swallow as. Surely her family is the exception, not the rule.***

    I really think it depends on weather the "Latino" is
    US-Born or a foreign born Immigrant. My wife is Latino and she speaks to 95% of her LATINO friends in English, my Kids speak to her parent in English.

    My point is the Liberals have LUMPED the US-Born Hispanics with Immigrants and their Kids. US-Born HIspanics 98% Speak English, over 65% (2/3rds)Speak English as their DOMINANT Language and over 35% Speak English Only.

    I really think when looking at Hispanics Linguistically the group needs to be broken down into Immigrants (Foreign Born), US 1 Generation, and US +2nd Generation. Obviously the Vast Bulk of English Dominant/Only Hispanics will be
    US-Born, not the Immigrants from Mexico/Lat-Am.

    Finally Intermarriage amongst Hispanics is MASSIVE. US-Born Hispanics (2nd Gen - Born to Immigrant Parents), bnearly 40% marry Whites, a further 10% marry other Ethnic Groups, therefore nearly Half of Hispanics Marry ourside the LAtino Group, by the 3rd Generation, the Clear Majority Marry Whites/Other Ethnic Groups. The Reason why the Intermarriage is so High for Latinos (particularly to White), is because in Latin American Culture, (my Wife told me) that apparently it "Improves the Raza" - Don't ask b'cos I don't get it myself.

    As a previous poster Stated Resitance to "EVENTUAL" Assimilation is futile. However saying that we are (The USA) in a great danger of creating a Long Term/Permenant SPANISH LANGUAGE UNDERCLASS (Like many Lat-Am Countries have a Native American Speaking Underclass).....
    To be honest I Strongly believe we already HAVE ONE..... Just go to Miami/LA/Cali or the Border Region and SEE FOR YOUR-SELF.

    Ahhh Diversity it's great isn't it !!!


  • Bush targets Hispanics with Web site

    01/06/2003 12:56:14 PM PST · 120 of 120
    RICK77 to All
    I think Jorge Bush is appealing to the ILLEGALS in this Country. The Only "business" they own is Crack shops (LOL).

    Their too poor/un-educated and arrogant to own/run any real businesses, the Bull-Sh*t, about Hispanic "purchasing power" is just that total and utter B/Sh*t. I have travelled around the USA extensively and they are (pre-dominantly) poor/under-educated and many immigrants (inc. their 2nd Gen US-Born Kids are) semi-illiterate, note 78% of "Hispanics" are of Mexican/Central-American Ancestary. The only "Rich/Well Off" Hispanic groups are Cubans & "some" South Americans, I wonder why they have succeeded in just 1 Generation and the Rest of the "Hispanic" population has largely failed, and entering this countries Underclass/Poverty-Class ????

  • Bush targets Hispanics with Web site

    01/05/2003 4:45:56 PM PST · 116 of 120
    RICK77 to Pelham; All
    ***Lol! And all too true. While the Empire is busy thrashing barbarians in remote central Asia, it will be toppled from within***

    > Nicely Put, we are well on the way to reaching that Goal. California has almost tanked, and its, and many of the S/western States Economies have never been in a worse State since the GREAT DEPRESSION. In addition to that we are importing a "Social-Structure" Into the USA, particularly the S/West, go to California/TX/AZ/NM and You'll what i mean. And the last thing we need is More & More Expensive and failed "Bilingual" Services.

    > As for this Website, why only Spanish, there are
    17 Million Spanish Speaking Hispanics in the USA (of the 36 Million Hispanics), the Vast majority speak English Well, its the Corrupt Self Elected Hispanic Leaders (LULAC, MALDEF, LA RAZA) that have probably "pressured" the Bush Administration in to doing this, they want the Hispanic Population to "feel good" about themselves. Why doesn't the Bush Administration do the Same for the 12 Million Chinese Ancestarty Population, who have a greater GDP & Economic Power than Hispanics, How about the 4 Million Italian speaking Americans, or the 7 Million Polish Speaking Americans. Why does Bush only provide these "Speacial" Services to Hispanic Immigrants, MOST OF WHICH SPEAK ENGLISH. As for their kids over 65% become Engish Dominant. I just don't get it !!!

    > English is the Primary Language of the USA, and the Primary International Language for Commerce, Business, Medicine, Technology Etc... and will always be, simply because it has the money behind it, particulalrly in the USA. Spanish/Spanglish & Ebonics will become the Language of Americas burgoeing and Ballooning Black/Hispanic Underclass/Poverty-Class (POOR).

    > The Ironic this is all these "Hispanic" Websites, (Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, LULAC, MALDEF, LA-RAZA) **EVEN** The Anachists MECHA, all their websites are Primarily in English.... Isn't that Ironic and Strange ???

  • Analyst faults Davis' 5-year California plan

    12/26/2002 7:39:06 AM PST · 29 of 34
    RICK77 to Waco; All
    >>Waco QUOTED<<
    **All this is not a "problem" to the commiecrats, but is viewed as a HUGE success. Going as planned. Davis is giving Kali the Zimbab treatment, happily.**

    I'm a little slow today, what did you/he mean by:
    ""Davis is giving Kali the Zimbab treatment, happily""

    Thanks !!!
  • BBC - Humans on Mars 'by 2025'

    12/26/2002 6:13:34 AM PST · 4 of 17
    RICK77 to MinuteGal

    ...But aren't the United States becoming increasingly like the Socialist Euro-States, (AKA) just look at Cali& the Border States, they have Huge S/Security Sytems in those states, America Seems to be following Europe, what happened to Individual Success & Inginuity, when Immigrants & their Kids came and increased up the Socio-Economic Ladder, now all that seems to happen is they come (Illegal Included) and jump on the Liberal - Welfare Wagon. No wonder California has a $30 Billion deficit and Texas a $9.0 Billion deficit, those states seem to be heading for a Economic Train Reck.

    Thanks !!
  • The Dream and the Nightmare: The Sixties Legacy to the Underclass (Social Class)

    12/25/2002 10:50:14 AM PST · 7 of 14
    RICK77 to shrinkermd; Capt. Tom; All
    **QUOTE**Presently, 60 percent of the underclass is Black, 20 percent Hispanic and the other 20% mostly White. Most of the homeless are drug addicts or alcoholics: 89 per cent of the homeless in large metropolitan areas are minorities. In smaller cities, 23 percent of the homeless are minorities.**

    Don't know where you got these Stats from, but from the latest Census and Media info looks to be wrong.

    The 32 Million Americans (probably more like 40 Million) living Below the Poverty Line, Nearly 45% are Blacks, 40% Hispanics, 15% Whites & Asians. YES 40% HISPANIC, they are now Officially the Poorest Ethnic Group in the USA, sometime in the mid/late 1990s they outpaced the Blacks in taking the No 1 Spot for the "Poorest Ethnic Group in America", so as "CAPT. TOM" Stated WE ARE IMPORTING AN UNDERCLASS, even many of their US-Born kids end up in poverty. This may sound Non-PC, but like it or Not Blacks and Hispanics, will and are becoming this Nations Underclass, quite frankly the "powers" that be don't give a frigging Sh*t (READ - The Demon-Rats and increasingly Kissy-Ass*d Pres. Bush).

    This CAN "POTENTIALLY" create large scale Socio-Economic Balkanization/Fragmentation in the US. Particularly in the S/West where theres a LARGE & Pre-Dominantly POOR Hispanic, population, and also many of our Big Cities will become
    "A tale of 2 Cities" Like many 3rd World Nations (AKA-Latin America) you will get the Rich/Midd-Class (Affluent) areas and the Dirt Poor Ghettos/Barrios, this is sad but unless
    a radical and conservative effort is taken in the next
    15 years Max I believe it will be inevitable and PERMANENT.

    Once again this is a Bit Un-PC (but this would not be Free-repulic if it was) but I see Americas future as the Following from a Socio-Econoical point of view:

    > Whites, Asians, East Indians "Most Arabs" and
    Inter-Ethnic Peoples (lots of Inter-Ethnic
    marriages/unions between White, Hispanics & Asians)
    will integrate and become the super-majority" of the
    Middle/Upper and Affluent Classes in the USA.

    > The Vast Majority of Hispanics (Indio Dominant-Mestizos
    & mulattoes) & Blacks (african americans) will become
    this nations LARGELY POOR & "Underclass" Population.
    **Please Note you need to understand that with Mexicos
    Immigrants America is taking the Poorest of the Poor.
    The Average Mex-Immigrant has barely a 9th Grade
    Education, they Don't Value Education Highly, MANY of
    their kids simply do not make it, the ones who do
    Integrate and Inter-Mary at High Rate (50% approx) and
    thus loose the connection to their "Raza"

    Merry Xmas & a Great 2003 to all you Freepers.

    Thanks !!!
  • A Tragedy of Two Cities Times Headlines (Los-Angeles begins to sink)

    12/01/2002 1:47:18 PM PST · 56 of 95
    RICK77 to BurbankKarl
    >>QUOTE<< Hmm. LA County would be the 8th largest state....
    In LA County, 1 of every 5 people were born outside the country. In LA City, it rises to nearly 1 of every 4.

    > Thanks for the Stats Above....

    > Also 1 in 3 of Greater LA Lives in Poverty. A further 1 in 6 live "Near Poverty" thats Nearly 50% who live at or near the Poverty line in LA.

    > The Drop-Out Rate in LA is 2 of 5 (40%). And Crime/Drugs is amongst the Nations Highest.

    > Nearly all of the Above figures are overwhelmingly Mexican and Central-American. They Have huge amounts of Poverty, Crime, Drug Probs Etc... This Bodes Ill for So-Cal.

    THANKS !!
  • A Tragedy of Two Cities Times Headlines (Los-Angeles begins to sink)

    12/01/2002 1:30:54 PM PST · 54 of 95
    RICK77 to TheSpottedOwl; janetgreen; All
    **It doesn't seem like Bush cares at all. I'm really troubled by what seems to be appeasement towards Mexico regarding the amnesty issue. I live in an area where, when you cross a certain major street, you can inhale and think you're in Tijuana. During last years soccer match ( you all know the one I'm talking about), people drove around with full size Mexican flags affixed to their car hoods.**

    > Of course Bush does not care, and your right I can't understand, why our Nation, the Richest and Most poweful in the world, is getting down and SUCKING, and dirty 3rd world cesspool ridden country like Mehico. Whats up with our leaders. Many "NOT" all seem very weak in the face of this MEXICAN invasion and to a lesser extent the Central-Am invasion. Personally the "Other" Hispanic/Latin Nationals are Okay. But the Mexicans hate and Despise America, they come here to work for sub-standard wages, leech of the welfare and s/security system and swithc Pueblo (Rural Povery) to Barrio (Urban Poverty). Many people have said Los-Anageles is already lost, for the most part I agree, however I believe the Afflunt American parts of LA should Secede from Greater LA, just like the Valley and Hollwood are going to.

    **I don't want to say that no Mexican national or his/her family will assimilate. A better way of putting it is that illegal immigrants have no need or incentive to embrace our culture. I said this on another thread maybe yesterday, change the law granting automatic citizenship to anyone born in this country. If you are here illegally, your baby is here illegally also.**

    > Yeah your right Many Mexicans and in particular their US Born Kids Do assimilate, its just that this Massive Illegal population in CA, and the Border States, are hurting the Legal ones, and their kids who try to assimilate and succeed in the Nation. In fact in the US, over 1 in 3 Mexicans-American & Hispanics speak little or No Spanish, and and are well assimilated into Americas mainstream. Per the US-Census 2000 there are 16.5-17.0 Million Spanish Speakers (over-whelmingly Immigrants), its jut that the Latino Activist Lump the other 19 Million Americans with Latin Ancestary with the immigrants, therefore they occasionally quote figures that there are 36 Million Spanish Speaker thats TOTAL Bull-Sh*t. The Assimilate Mexicans are fellow Americans, but its just our damn Liberal Media and the "Latino Activists" who lumps them in with the illegal Mexican Trash (LOL) that comes over the Border, quite frankly you can't compare the two.

    > Many Mexicans and Central-Ams will simply never succeed in the USA. They were unable to succeed in their own, countries, they Speak little or No English, have No Education, and are Semi or Illiterate, in their own language as well. I would go with the many people on this thread who stated that they will live in many generations of poverty, and they will because of their own stupidity, arrogance, and ignorance. As one "Latino" AKA MEXICAN Journalist said, many Mexicans SELL-OUT by Getting a Well Paid Job and Inter-Marrying with Non-Mexicans (AKA Mostly Whites, ever watched Mexican TV, you'd think it was in Scandanavia, there are more Blondes/Fair Haired Girls on Mex-TV than US-TV). The journalist was Ruben Naverrete (what a fool), who stated this point in the Dallas Morning Star. Anyway When was getting a GOOD JOB, and Inter-Marrying Selling out ? Selling out What, the Gang Banging, Loud Music Culture ?

    There is a lot I don't know about how a Mexican national would apply for a permanent visa, to enter legally. Is this process so difficult that they would rather jump the fence? Isn't this a job for "Homeland Security"?

    > The Legal Route has limits, thus rather than waiting another 6 months or 1 year they follow the advice of the ir Corrupt Government, and jump the fence and "Hope for Amnesty" - I personally think Amnesty won't come. They'll be several more 9-11s in the relatively near future the Government knows this.

    Thanks !!!
  • A Tragedy of Two Cities Times Headlines (Los-Angeles begins to sink)

    12/01/2002 8:51:10 AM PST · 1 of 95

    Ahhhh... The Joys of Diversity, LA & SO-CAL is going down the Toilet. It may take the whole of California and the Border States with it. Bottom line is LA and California will increasingly become like Latin America, where you get very affluent areas, and very poor areas "NOTHING IN-THE-MIDDLE". To be honest LA is already 2 CITIES, the Western, Coastal and Nortern parts of the city are ALL AMERICAN and Affluent, and the South, South Central & Eastern portions of the City is Mayor Hahn's "LA is a Mexican City" (LOL).

    What do you guys think ???

  • Freep This Poll! Spanish as 2nd official U.S. language?

    11/10/2002 5:20:54 PM PST · 44 of 45
    RICK77 to; All
    QUOTE: But at least it worked out fine ever since - for over a century as the sole multilingual or bilingual nation not to have civil strife, ****A linguistic-defined underclass, or usually both.****

    Hispanics (The 50% of Hispanics that are Spanish Speaking that is) are already an Underclass in the USA. They simply are not upwardly mobile like OTHER immigrant groups. All the "Chicanos, La Razaitas" yada on about their "Political" power, but MONEY = POWER, Which GROUP gives them their FUNDING, Yup you got it the EVIL WHITE DEVILS (Lol).
    Like it or not a sizable percentage of Hispanics are already Americas Underclass, and will continue to be for the fairly long term future. 80% of the People living in Poverty in the S/West USA, are Hispanics Mexicans/
    Mestizo). Also looks at Miami & the S/West, Large parts of it are 3rd World Hispanic Dominant Ghettos (Barrios). Most US Born Hispanics Assimlate and English Becomes their Primary language in just one generation. With the latest Census Data Under 30% of 3rd Generation Hispanics Speak No English. The Hispanics with the "Purchasing Power" are the English Dominant/Primary Ones or AKA the more Assimilated Hispanics (US-Born).

    English is in No Danger of loosing its Primacy in the USA, simply because of the fact that it has the Socio-Economic Force behind it. If the Ignorant & Arragont
    La Raza immigrants are toooo lazy to learn English it their loss they will live in poverty for the rest of their lives. However their US-Born Kids (The Majority +75%) do switch to English, but in our Current Multi-Cultu/Pot-Pourri Society that just would not be PC, to seperate hispanics into Spanish speaking and English Speaking. You will note this has "Unofficially Been done with US-Census Figures" - The Bulk of the Economic Power was with Us-Born English Dominant Hispanics, and the Spanish Speaking Hispanics
    (16 - 17 million of 36 million) are Pre-Dom Immigrant and Spanish Speaking & Poor.

    But we will have a Spanglish Speaking Underclass theres no doubt about it, it already happening !!!
