Statement by the President of CBS News, Andrew Heyward:
"We established to our satisfaction that the memos were accurate or we would not have put them on television. There was a great deal of coroborating [sic] evidence from people in a position to know. Having said that, given all the questions about them, we believe we should redouble our efforts to answer those questions, so that's what we are doing."
My old history teacher, who only lives down the street from me, flew a United Nations flag outside his house after we were attacked on 9/11. No American flag, just the UN flag. It's still there, although I think it's a new one. < \sigh >
My old history teacher, who only lives down the street from me, flew a United Nations flag outside his house after we were attacked on 9/11. No American flag, just the UN flag. It's still there, although I think it's a new one. < \sigh >
"Another person, who had been diagnosed with acute multiple personality disorder, was granted one vote per personality. In the end, the individual voted for Kerry 18 times, Nader 11 times and wrote in votes for Janeane Garafalo, John Fogerty, Don Imus and a 26-year-old part-time comp. professor at the University of Toledo. < \ sarcasm >