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Posts by monday

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  • Barack Obama and Bruce Springsteen launch podcast together on Spotify

    02/23/2021 1:01:58 PM PST · 25 of 26
    monday to JonPreston
    Deleting Spotify 3 2 1 gone
  • To fight ‘cancel culture,’ California state senator would make political affiliation a protected class

    02/22/2021 10:05:05 AM PST · 9 of 12
    monday to Little Ray
    “”I can't really express how bad an idea that is.””

    I agree. The last year has taught us that justice is no longer blind, but takes into account the race and politics of both the victim and the victimizer.

    This law would force churches to hire Satanists and abortionists, while continuing to allow socialist corporations to fire whoever the cancel mobs decide to attack next.

  • What’s Up with Fox News?

    02/14/2021 3:51:02 PM PST · 132 of 136
    monday to Kaslin
    If Fox wants their viewership back all they need to do is fire Cavuto, Wallace, Bream, Brazile and whoever was in charge of Fox election night coverage. Simple.

    Williams is an idiot. He makes the rest of the Five look brilliant by comparison. He can stay as far as I am concerned.

  • Losses on short positions in U.S. firms top $70 billion - Ortex data

    01/29/2021 10:46:37 AM PST · 27 of 31
    monday to Mr. K
    “The thing is those losses would've occurred either way.

    By selling a stock short you anticipate that you can buy it at a cheaper price.

    So these big firms would have screwed the little guys for 70 billion.. Instead the little guys figured out the scam and screwed them”

    To be clear. When you short a stock you are paying a fee to essentially rent someone else’s stock so that any gain or loss in a stock is taken by you, not the owner. If the stock goes down you make money because you can buy the same stock later at a reduced price in order to redeem the stock that you “rented” If it goes up however then the “Shorter” loses money because he has to pay more for the same amount of stock he rented.

    So no, those losses would not have occurred either way. If you own a stock that cost you $10 and it goes to $1 you lose $9. If you buy an option on a stock for $10 and it goes to $1000 you lose $990.

    Also “Little guy's” do not generally sell stock options, which is what the shorters were buying.

    The people or funds who made a lot of money were the ones who had large positions in the stock when it was cheap and the foresight to sell options on their positions.

    The little guy's investing are buying into a bubble. The ones who sell before the bubble bursts will do ok, but the ones who hold onto their stocks too long will lose.

  • Losses on short positions in U.S. firms top $70 billion - Ortex data

    01/29/2021 10:07:35 AM PST · 24 of 31
    monday to Fai Mao

    “What these small guys effectively did was to cause a run on the rich guy’s bank.”

    Hedge Funds are not “rich guy’s” They manage money for many rich guys. To cover their losses they sell other stocks in their portfolio. It isn’t a run on anyone’s bank. Their funds price goes down to reflect their losses and the rich guy’s who invested in them take a loss on paper. That is all.

  • States brace for nationwide protests, COVID-19 & MLK Jr. Day updates

    01/18/2021 6:53:26 AM PST · 10 of 16
    monday to Eleutheria5

    It’s pretty clear the Dem FBI/CIA are planning a false flag event for the inauguration. This will be done to discredit Trump supporters. If you are there you will be blamed.

  • New coronavirus case confirmed in U.S. ....

    02/26/2020 3:00:43 PM PST · 75 of 100
    monday to sanjuanbob
    “””What would we each have done differently even if that’s the case?”””

    Stock up on food in case there is a quarantine.

  • Blockbuster news from China about COVID-19

    02/26/2020 1:45:04 PM PST · 36 of 41
    monday to cuban leaf
    Good for you! My family are likewise prepared in the Ozarks. People seem to think this is no big deal, like the flu, even with major quarantines happening around the world. Perhaps with an early spring it won't be a big deal. Guess I should be like you and not worry about about people who aren't worried about themselves.
  • Blockbuster news from China about COVID-19

    02/26/2020 11:09:06 AM PST · 34 of 41
    monday to cuban leaf
    “””I try not to worry about things I can’t do anything about.

    What’s for lunch?”

    You can do something about it, at least for yourself. Go out and buy lunch enough to last for about a month in case a Chinese or South Korean or Italian quarantine comes to your neighborhood.

  • Blockbuster news from China about COVID-19

    02/26/2020 11:05:18 AM PST · 33 of 41
    monday to trebb
    “””I’ve seen the 0.7% outside Wuhan/China number several places - which puts it into a Flu range..which is especially ‘rosy” because it’s a strain that nobody has really been encountering.”””

    Flu mortality is approx. 1 in 2000 or .05%. Covid-19 at .7% is 14 in 2000. 14 times higher than “flu range”. This is why in areas hit hard, like Wuhan, the mortality rate goes up to 2%-4%. Hospitals and medical supplies are overwhelmed.

  • Are you happy now, Trump supporters?

    10/14/2019 8:37:43 AM PDT · 98 of 163
    monday to crz

    “As I understand..the Syrian Kurds are PKK. “

    Exactly. There are no “good guys” in that war.

  • "We're Better Than That" - Nice Guys Don't Finish Nice.

    11/08/2012 5:52:49 PM PST · 21 of 26
    monday to dagogo redux

    I tend to agree with you emotionally, but remember, we are not like them. We are fundamentally different from them. We believe in self reliance and freedom. They believe in welfare and enslavement. They can behave like criminals because they believe that the ends, the enslavement of the people, is justified by any means necessary. Bribery, lies, dirty tricks, even force. They do this because once people are enslaved, those are the very skills necessary for keeping them enslaved.

    We can’t act like them because you can’t force, or bribe people to be free. You can only convince them that it is a superior way of life.

    PS People expect Democrats to lie and cheat because they are at heart criminals who want to enslave others. They don’t expect it from the champions of freedom. If we act like Democrats how can we claim to be any better than them.

  • "We're Better Than That" - Nice Guys Don't Finish Nice.

    11/08/2012 5:51:07 PM PST · 20 of 26
    monday to dagogo redux

    I tend to agree with you emotionally, but remember, we are not like them. We are fundamentally different from them. We believe in self reliance and freedom. They believe in welfare and enslavement. They can behave like criminals because they believe that the ends, the enslavement of the people, is justified by any means necessary. Bribery, lies, dirty tricks, even force. They do this because once people are enslaved, those are the very skills necessary for keeping them enslaved.

    We can’t act like them because you can’t force, or bribe people to be free. You can only convince them that it is a superior way of life.

    PS People expect Democrats to lie and cheat because they are at heart criminals who want to enslave others. They don’t expect it from the champions of freedom. If we act like Democrats how can we claim to be any better than them.

  • VANITY..Romney was so weak Ron Paul could have won the Presidency.

    11/08/2012 4:56:16 PM PST · 41 of 68
    monday to madison10
    "I WOULD have stayed home if Ron Paul had been the candidate. The guy is a looney tune."

    So you would have preferred Obama.... That's why Romney lost. Too many Republicans preferred Obama over him as well, so they didn't vote. Romney wasn't my first choice but I would have voted for Ronald McDonald over Obama. To me, any conservative who didn't vote against Obama, the Islamic communist, is the one who's loony tunes.

  • Saw "Obama's America, 2016"

    09/19/2012 7:29:03 AM PDT · 5 of 29
    monday to Vinylly

    I saw it at 7:00 PM on a Sat. The theater was fairly large and was just about full.

  • Top U.S. Military Officer Calls Pastor Over Film

    09/12/2012 12:59:24 PM PDT · 147 of 370
    monday to Alter Kaker
    "Welcome to FR! Now go pound sand. "

    Seriously? You defend US Generals calling to intimidate private citizens, then when someone calls you on it you say that? For shame.

  • Advice Regarding Akin (honey vs vinegar)

    08/22/2012 1:17:23 PM PDT · 47 of 49
    monday to brytlea
    "Actually if an understanding of science and biology is a prerequisite for holding a position in Congress I think most of them should be turned out."

    They should. There are, sadly, more morons in congress than should be possible, but come on. Akin doesn't even know how babies are made. You have to admit, that is pretty dumb.

  • Advice Regarding Akin (honey vs vinegar)

    08/22/2012 12:00:07 PM PDT · 44 of 49
    monday to brytlea
    "It would seem that these days politics is not about persuasion but about bullying. More and more we don’t say, “I disagree” with someone. We call them an idiot or a moron. Maybe the point is to turn as many voters as possible off so that the extremes can own the stage. I don’t know."

    In discussing political positions one can have disagreements and still maintain a civil discourse. Akin's blunder wasn't one of policy however, it was one of biology where the facts are clear. Women cannot somehow prevent themselves from getting pregnant if they are raped. Legitimately raped or otherwise.

    Since Akin believes they can, he is obviously an idiot or moron. It's true one can be civil in pointing it out, but the point must be made. He is not remotely qualified to represent anyone in congress.

  • Welcome to Oregon, the State of Teenage Sterilization!

    08/22/2012 11:33:37 AM PDT · 20 of 40
    monday to stormer
    As a cheerleader for all Oregon's idiotic, socialist policies you must closely resemble one of those bizarre hippies from that show Portlandia.....

    Sad for you.

  • Top US General Blasts Ex-Officers for Attacking Obama

    08/22/2012 10:56:18 AM PDT · 198 of 234
    monday to Never on my watch
    "So General, why are you getting into the political fray?"

    Exactly. He is the only officer that is acting politically. The others are ex officers, allowed to do as they please. The General should be court marshaled for doing exactly what he is accusing the ex officers of doing.