02/06/2021 7:22:35 AM PST
· 6 of 43 LSUfan
to Onthebrink
1. M249 SAW is the Squad AUTOMATIC Weapon, not ASSAULT Weapon.
2. The most prolific user of the 1911 pistol in today’s US military is the Marine Corps, which issues it to its Force Recon and Raider units as the M45.
3. The M60 was nowhere near the best GPMG of the Cold War. The FN-MAG was far better and in fact, it replaced the M60 as the M240 in US nomenclature.
Incidentally, the receiver and action of the M240 is basically a modified version of the Browning used on the M1919.
It can’t be overemphasized how bad this development with the conformal fuel tanks on the Super Hornet is. The aircraft was supposed to have significantly longer combat radius with them while carrying a combat load. Now it will have to carry external tanks which reduce the combat load. But it’s actually worse on that. For reasons involving aerodynamics, the underwing pylons on the aircraft are canted outboard 5 degrees. That produces drag and with a combat load the Super Hornet cannot exceed Mach 1. It is now slow with a light load and a combat radius significantly inferior to the aircraft it has struggled to replace for years: the A-6 and F-14.