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Brilliant & Scary!
It gives ideas to Foreign Cell Mfg’s….
For US.
Nicely SCATHING Speech!!!
RFK Jr nicely going scorched earth to the MEDIA and DNC !!!
Trump turned it up to 11 !!!
MUCH better speech today!
Not sure. She seemed at home in my Christian church.
Not sure. She stuck around a long time and talked to anybody who wanted to talk.
My Senate sign took some knife stabs as well.
Nope not in NH.
I bought short term futures, ishares fund and was up 40% Friday, so far up 60% today.
She visited my church once. I gave her communion. She’s a good person with a very strong handshake.
Whoever is having the most babies… Will control the country upcoming. Do the Math.
Shorts & Long Pants… MUST be answered!!
Actually… Silk has a special guest joining her coming up!
There was video of Crooks with “long pants” on the ground…
WHEN did Crooks take off his long pants?? WHERE are those long pants??
WHEN did Crooks takeoff his long pants?? WHERE are those long pants??
A question should be:
If it was the same guy in the videos that had long pants on… Why is he pictured with shorts on the roof??
Didn’t he have long pants on when he was on the ground?? But he has shorts on on the roof.
Am I wrong??
Wonder who picks these songs……
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